Day20 Part2 WIP (2)

This commit is contained in:
Karl Spickermann 2020-12-20 21:52:13 +01:00
parent ce5d071d3c
commit e49ef85eba
2 changed files with 88 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -324,26 +324,26 @@
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View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package main
import (
@ -46,45 +47,75 @@ func main() {
product *= key
var picture = make(map[[2]int]int)
picture = getPictureStep(1951,tilesWithNeighbours,[]int{},picture,[2]int{0,0})
picture = getPictureStep(1951,tilesWithNeighbours,[]int{},picture)
func getPicture(corners map[int]tile, allTiles map[int]tile) map[[2]int]int {
var picture = make(map[[2]int]int)
//len := math.Sqrt(float64(len(allTiles)))
fmt.Printf("HI %v \n", getSomeTile(corners))
currentTileId := 1951
currentTile := corners[currentTileId]
picture[[2]int{0,0}] = currentTileId
return picture
func getPictureStep(currentTile int,allTiles map[int]tile,visitedTiles []int, picture map[[2]int]int,position [2]int) map[[2]int]int{
for len(visitedTiles) < len(allTiles){
func getPictureStep(currentTile int,allTiles map[int]tile,visitedTiles []int, picture map[[2]int]int) map[[2]int]int{
lenght := int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(allTiles))))
position := [2]int{0,lenght}
for allTiles[currentTile].neighbourID[1] != 0 || allTiles[currentTile].neighbourID[2] != 0{
allTiles[currentTile] = rotate(allTiles[currentTile])
for len(visitedTiles) < 2{
picture[position] = currentTile
visitedTiles = append(visitedTiles,currentTile)
nextTile := 0
for i, val := range allTiles[currentTile].neighbourID {
if val != 0 && !contains(val,visitedTiles){
nextTile = val
switch i {
case 0: position = [2]int{position[0],position[1]+1}
case 1: position = [2]int{position[0]+1,position[1]}
case 2: position = [2]int{position[0],position[1]-1}
case 3: position = [2]int{position[0]-1,position[1]}
currentTile = nextTile
nextPosition, _ := getNextPosition(position,lenght,picture)
//nextTileId, _ := getNextTile(allTiles[currentTile].edges[edge],allTiles,currentTile)
position = nextPosition
return picture
func getNextPosition(position [2]int, length int, picture map[[2]int]int) ([2]int, int) {
if (position[1]+1) < length && picture[[2]int{position[0],position[1]+1}] == 0 {
return [2]int{position[0],position[1]+1}, 0
if (position[0]-1) > 0 && picture[[2]int{position[0]-1,position[1]}] == 0 {
return [2]int{position[0]-1,position[1]}, 3
if (position[1]-1) > 0 && picture[[2]int{position[0],position[1]-1}] == 0 {
return [2]int{position[0],position[1]-1}, 2
if (position[0]+1) < 0 && picture[[2]int{position[0]+1,position[1]}] == 0 {
return [2]int{position[0]+1,position[1]}, 1
return position, -1
func getNextTile(edge string, allTiles map[int]tile, currentTile int) (int, tile){
var newTile tile
for id, tile := range allTiles{
if id != currentTile {
if stringContains(edge, tile.edges[:]) {
return id, tile
newTile = flip(tile, 0)
if stringContains(edge, newTile.edges[:]) {
return id, tile
newTile = flip(tile, 1)
if stringContains(edge, newTile.edges[:]) {
return id, tile
return 0,tile{}
func contains(elem int, array []int) bool{
for _, val := range array{
if val == elem{
@ -94,6 +125,15 @@ func contains(elem int, array []int) bool{
return false
func stringContains(elem string, array []string) bool{
for _, val := range array{
if val == elem{
return true
return false
func getSomeTile(m map[int]tile) int {
for k := range m {
return k
@ -124,6 +164,7 @@ func rotate(tile tile) tile{
for i,row := range newPicture {
tile.picture[i] = string(row[:])
tile = setEdges(tile)
return tile
@ -132,7 +173,7 @@ func rotate(tile tile) tile{
func flip(tile tile, direction int) tile{
var newPicture []string
if direction == 0{
for i := len(tile.picture); i >= 0; i--{
for i := len(tile.picture)-1; i >= 0; i--{
newPicture = append(newPicture,tile.picture[i])
@ -141,7 +182,10 @@ func flip(tile tile, direction int) tile{
newPicture = append(newPicture,reverse(val))
newEdges := getAllPossibleEdgesForFlippedTile(tile,direction)
for i:= 0; i < len(tile.edges); i++{
tile.edges[i] = newEdges[i]
tile.picture = newPicture
return tile
@ -166,7 +210,20 @@ func getTile(input string) (int, tile) {
r, _ := regexp.Compile("[0-9]{4}")
number, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FindString(tilesRow[0]))
return number, tile{[4]int{},edges, tilesRow[1:]}
tile := tile{[4]int{},edges, tilesRow[1:]}
return number, setEdges(tile)
func setEdges(tile tile)tile{
var newEdges [4]string
newEdges[0] = tile.picture[0]
newEdges[2] = tile.picture[len(tile.picture)-1]
for _, val := range tile.picture {
newEdges[3] = newEdges[3]+val[0:1]
newEdges[1] = newEdges[1]+val[len(val)-1:]
tile.edges = newEdges
return tile
func getAllPossibleEdgesForTile(tile tile, direction int) []string{