This commit is contained in:
Karl Spickermann 2021-12-26 18:18:15 +01:00
parent ac1f606d4a
commit 1c62498dd1
2 changed files with 402 additions and 0 deletions

src/day24/day24.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
args := os.Args[1:]
input, err := helper.GetInput(args[0])
if err != nil {
commandsSplitAtInput := [][]string{}
for _, command := range input {
if helper.ContainsCharacter(command, "inp") {
commandsSplitAtInput = append(commandsSplitAtInput, []string{})
commandsSplitAtInput[len(commandsSplitAtInput)-1] = append(commandsSplitAtInput[len(commandsSplitAtInput)-1], command)
vars := [][3]int{}
for _, commmands := range commandsSplitAtInput {
var1, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(commmands[5], " ")[2])
var2, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(commmands[15], " ")[2])
var3, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(commmands[4], " ")[2])
vars = append(vars, [3]int{var1, var2, var3})
possibleNumbers := make(map[string]int)
possibleNumbers[""] = 0
for i := 0; i < 14; i++ {
possibleNumbers = getAllPossibleNumbers(possibleNumbers, vars)
possibleNumbersInt := []int{}
for possibleNumberString, z := range possibleNumbers {
if z == 0 {
possibleNumberInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(possibleNumberString)
possibleNumbersInt = append(possibleNumbersInt, possibleNumberInt)
//possibleNumbers := make(map[string]int)
//possibleNumbers[""] = 10
//testNumber := []int{9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
//fmt.Println(checkNumber(testNumber, vars, 0, 0))
//alu := make(map[rune]int)
//alu['w'] = 0
//alu['x'] = 0
//alu['y'] = 0
//alu['z'] = 0
//for i, digit := range testNumber {
// step(&alu, commandsSplitAtInput[i], digit)
func getAllPossibleNumbers(possibleNumbers map[string]int, vars [][3]int) map[string]int {
newPossibleNumbers := make(map[string]int)
for possibleNumber, z := range possibleNumbers {
tmpNewPossibleNumber := getPossibleNumbers(vars, z, possibleNumber)
for k, v := range tmpNewPossibleNumber {
newPossibleNumbers[k] = v
return newPossibleNumbers
func getPossibleNumbers(vars [][3]int, z int, pastDigits string) map[string]int {
digitsWithZ := make(map[string]int)
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
resultZ := checkNumber([]int{i}, vars, z, len(pastDigits))
if resultZ != -1 {
digitsWithZ[pastDigits+strconv.Itoa(i)] = resultZ
return digitsWithZ
func checkNumber(number []int, vars [][3]int, z int, amountPastDigits int) int {
currentVars := amountPastDigits
for _, digit := range number {
if vars[currentVars][0] < 0 && (z%26)+vars[currentVars][0] != digit {
return -1
z, _ = stepSimplified(z, digit, vars[currentVars])
if z < 0 {
return -1
return z
func stepSimplified(z, w int, vars [3]int) (int, int) {
newZ := z / vars[2]
if (z%26)+vars[0] == w {
z = newZ
} else {
z = (26 * newZ) + vars[1] + w
return z, w
func step(alu *map[rune]int, commands []string, inputVal int) {
for _, command := range commands {
splitCommand := strings.Split(command, " ")
switch splitCommand[0] {
case "inp":
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = inputVal
case "mul":
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = (*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] * getRightValue(alu, splitCommand[2])
case "add":
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = (*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] + getRightValue(alu, splitCommand[2])
case "div":
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = (*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] / getRightValue(alu, splitCommand[2])
case "mod":
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = (*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] % getRightValue(alu, splitCommand[2])
case "eql":
if (*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] == getRightValue(alu, splitCommand[2]) {
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = 1
} else {
(*alu)[rune(splitCommand[1][0])] = 0
func getRightValue(alu *map[rune]int, commandRight string) int {
intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(commandRight)
if err != nil {
return (*alu)[rune(commandRight[0])]
} else {
return intValue

src/day24/day24Input.txt Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 15
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 15
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 12
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 5
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 13
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 6
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 7
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 15
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 9
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -7
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 6
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 14
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 15
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 3
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 15
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 1
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -7
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 3
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -8
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 4
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -7
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 6
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -5
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 7
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -10
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 1
mul y x
add z y