extends Reference class_name Topic const TYPE_CASUAL = 0 const TYPE_DAILY = 1 const TYPE_URGENT = 2 const TOPIC_NODE = preload("res://user_interface/topic_panel/topic_node.tscn") var associated_node: Control var content: String var type: int = TYPE_CASUAL func change_type(new_type: int): type = new_type associated_node.type = new_type associated_node._adjust_appearance_to_user() Data.topics.dirty_flag = true func delete(): Data.topics.loaded_topics.erase(self) associated_node.parent.queue_free() Data.topics.dirty_flag = true # Used by the TopicFeed, to spawn topic nodes. func create_node() -> Control: var topic_node = TOPIC_NODE.instance() var editable = topic_node.get_node("TopicEditable") associated_node = editable editable.associated_topic = weakref(self) editable.type = type return topic_node