make timesheet work

This commit is contained in:
kageru 2020-04-13 23:56:25 +02:00
parent 559413e4a9
commit b52311e840
Signed by untrusted user: kageru
GPG Key ID: 8282A2BEA4ADA3D2
5 changed files with 227 additions and 123 deletions

View File

@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ tui = "0.8.0"
termion = "1.5"
serde_json = "1"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
time = { version = "0.2", features = ["serde"] }
time = { version = "0.2.9", features = ["serde"] }
itertools = "0.9"

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ use std::io;
use termion::raw::IntoRawMode;
use tui::backend::TermionBackend;
use tui::Terminal;
mod timesheet;
mod todolist;
mod tracc;
mod timesheet;
use tracc::Tracc;
fn main() -> Result<(), io::Error> {

View File

@ -1,104 +1,150 @@
use super::tracc::ListView;
use itertools::Itertools;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::from_reader;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use time::Time;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
pub struct TimeSheet {
pub times: Vec<TimePoint>,
pub selected: usize,
pub register: Option<TimePoint>,
pub editing_time: bool,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TimePoint {
text: String,
time: Time,
time: OffsetDateTime,
impl TimePoint {
pub fn new(text: &str) -> Self {
Self {
text: String::from(text),
time: Time::now(),
time: OffsetDateTime::now_local(),
impl fmt::Display for TimePoint {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[{}] {}", self.time.format("%H:%M"), self.text)
"[{}] {}",
fn read_times(path: &str) -> Option<Vec<TimePoint>> {
.map(|f| BufReader::new(f))
.and_then(|r| from_reader(r).ok())
impl TimeSheet {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn open_or_create(path: &str) -> Self {
Self {
times: vec![
TimePoint::new("A test value"),
TimePoint::new("A second test value"),
times: read_times(path).unwrap_or(vec![TimePoint::new("Did something")]),
selected: 0,
register: None,
editing_time: false,
pub fn printable(&self) -> Vec<String> {
fn current(&self) -> &TimePoint {
pub fn time_by_tasks(&self) -> String {
let mut time_by_task = std::collections::HashMap::new();
let durations = self
.map(|ts| {
let prev = &ts[0];
let next = &ts[1];
let diff = next.time - prev.time;
(prev.text.clone(), diff)
//|mut map, (text, duration)| {
// *map.entry(text).or_insert(time::Duration::zero()) += duration;
// map
for (text, duration) in durations {
*time_by_task.entry(text).or_insert(time::Duration::zero()) += duration;
let mut times: Vec<_> = time_by_task
.map(|(text, duration)| format!("{}: {}", text, format_duration(&duration)))
times.join("; ")
pub fn sum_as_str(&self) -> String {
let total = self
.fold(time::Duration::zero(), |total, ts| {
let last = ts[0].time;
let next = ts[1].time;
total + (next - last)
impl TimeSheet {
pub fn selection_down(&mut self) {
self.selected = (self.selected + 1).min(self.todos.len().saturating_sub(1));
fn format_duration(d: &time::Duration) -> String {
format!("{}:{:02}", d.whole_hours(), d.whole_minutes().max(1) % 60)
impl ListView<TimePoint> for TimeSheet {
fn selection_pointer(&mut self) -> &mut usize {
&mut self.selected
pub fn selection_up(&mut self) {
self.selected = self.selected.saturating_sub(1);
fn list(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<TimePoint> {
&mut self.times
pub fn insert(&mut self, todo: Todo) {
if self.selected == self.todos.len().saturating_sub(1) {
self.selected = self.todos.len() - 1;
} else {
self.todos.insert(self.selected + 1, todo);
self.selected += 1;
fn register(&mut self) -> &mut Option<TimePoint> {
&mut self.register
pub fn remove_current(&mut self) -> Option<Todo> {
if self.todos.is_empty() {
return None;
let index = self.selected;
self.selected = index.min(self.todos.len().saturating_sub(2));
return Some(self.todos.remove(index));
pub fn toggle_current(&mut self) {
self.todos[self.selected].done = !self.todos[self.selected].done;
fn current(&self) -> &Todo {
pub fn normal_mode(&mut self) {
fn normal_mode(&mut self) {
if self.current().text.is_empty() {
self.selected = self.selected.saturating_sub(1);
self.times.sort_by_key(|t| t.time);
pub fn append_to_current(&mut self, chr: char) {
fn toggle_current(&mut self) {
self.editing_time = !self.editing_time;
pub fn current_pop(&mut self) {
fn append_to_current(&mut self, chr: char) {
fn backspace(&mut self) {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
use crate::tracc::ListView;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::from_reader;
use std::fs::File;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufReader;
use crate::tracc::ListView;
pub struct TodoList {
pub todos: Vec<Todo>,
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ impl Todo {
impl fmt::Display for Todo {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[{}] {}", if self.done { 'x' } else { ' ' }, self.text)
write!(f, "[{}] {}", if self.done { 'x' } else { ' ' }, self.text)
@ -42,49 +42,29 @@ fn read_todos(path: &str) -> Option<Vec<Todo>> {
impl TodoList {
pub fn open_or_create(path: &str) -> Self {
TodoList {
Self {
todos: read_todos(path).unwrap_or(vec![Todo::new("This is a list entry")]),
selected: 0,
register: None,
pub fn toggle_current(&mut self) {
self.todos[self.selected].done = !self.todos[self.selected].done;
fn current(&self) -> &Todo {
impl ListView<Todo> for TodoList {
fn selection_down(&mut self) {
self.selected = (self.selected + 1).min(self.todos.len().saturating_sub(1));
fn selection_pointer(&mut self) -> &mut usize {
&mut self.selected
fn selection_up(&mut self) {
self.selected = self.selected.saturating_sub(1);
fn list(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Todo> {
&mut self.todos
fn insert<P>(&mut self, todo: Todo, position: P) where P: Into<Option<usize>> {
let pos = position.into().unwrap_or(self.selected);
if pos == self.todos.len().saturating_sub(1) {
self.selected = self.todos.len() - 1;
} else {
self.todos.insert(pos + 1, todo);
self.selected = pos + 1;
fn remove_current(&mut self) {
if self.todos.is_empty() {
let index = self.selected;
self.selected = index.min(self.todos.len().saturating_sub(2));
self.register = self.todos.remove(index).into();
fn register(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Todo> {
&mut self.register
fn normal_mode(&mut self) {
@ -102,14 +82,7 @@ impl ListView<Todo> for TodoList {
fn printable(&self) -> Vec<String> {
fn paste(&mut self) {
if self.register.is_some() {
// Is there a better way?
self.insert(self.register.as_ref().unwrap().clone(), None);
fn toggle_current(&mut self) {
self.todos[self.selected].done = !self.todos[self.selected].done;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
use super::timesheet::{TimePoint, TimeSheet};
use super::todolist::TodoList;
use super::timesheet::TimeSheet;
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use termion::event::Key;
use termion::input::TermRead;
@ -10,7 +11,8 @@ use tui::style::{Color, Style};
use tui::widgets::*;
type Terminal = tui::Terminal<TermionBackend<termion::raw::RawTerminal<io::Stdout>>>;
const JSON_PATH: &str = "tracc.json";
const JSON_PATH_TIME: &str = "tracc_time.json";
const JSON_PATH_TODO: &str = "tracc_todo.json";
pub enum Mode {
@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ pub struct Tracc {
impl Tracc {
pub fn new(terminal: Terminal) -> Self {
Self {
todos: TodoList::open_or_create(JSON_PATH),
times: TimeSheet::new(),
todos: TodoList::open_or_create(JSON_PATH_TODO),
times: TimeSheet::open_or_create(JSON_PATH_TIME),
input_mode: Mode::Normal,
focus: Focus::Top,
@ -51,21 +53,39 @@ impl Tracc {
match self.input_mode {
Mode::Normal => match input {
Key::Char('q') => break,
Key::Char('j') => self.todos.selection_down(),
Key::Char('k') => self.todos.selection_up(),
Key::Char('j') => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.selection_down(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.selection_down(),
Key::Char('k') => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.selection_up(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.selection_up(),
Key::Char('o') => {
self.todos.insert(Default::default(), None);
match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.insert(Default::default(), None),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.insert(TimePoint::new(""), None),
Key::Char('a') | Key::Char('A') => self.set_mode(Mode::Insert)?,
Key::Char(' ') => self.todos.toggle_current(),
Key::Char(' ') => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.toggle_current(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.toggle_current(),
// dd
Key::Char('d') => {
if let Key::Char('d') = {
match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.remove_current(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.remove_current(),
Key::Char('p') => self.todos.paste(),
Key::Char('p') => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.paste(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.paste(),
Key::Char('\t') => {
self.focus = match self.focus {
Focus::Top => Focus::Bottom,
@ -76,14 +96,20 @@ impl Tracc {
Mode::Insert => match input {
Key::Char('\n') | Key::Esc => self.set_mode(Mode::Normal)?,
Key::Backspace => self.todos.backspace(),
Key::Char(x) => self.todos.append_to_current(x),
Key::Backspace => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.backspace(),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.backspace(),
Key::Char(x) => match self.focus {
Focus::Top => self.todos.append_to_current(x),
Focus::Bottom => self.times.append_to_current(x),
_ => (),
persist_todos(&self.todos, JSON_PATH);
persist_state(&self.todos, &self.times);
@ -92,6 +118,7 @@ impl Tracc {
Mode::Insert => self.terminal.show_cursor()?,
Mode::Normal => {
@ -121,6 +148,8 @@ impl Tracc {
let top_focus = Some(self.todos.selected).filter(|_| self.focus == Focus::Top);
let printable_times = self.times.printable();
let bottom_focus = Some(self.times.selected).filter(|_| self.focus == Focus::Bottom);
let total_time = self.times.sum_as_str();
let times = self.times.time_by_tasks();
self.terminal.draw(|mut frame| {
let size = frame.size();
@ -137,36 +166,91 @@ impl Tracc {
selectable_list(" t r a c c ", &printable_todos, top_focus)
.render(&mut frame, chunks[0]);
selectable_list(" 🕑 ", &printable_times, bottom_focus)
.render(&mut frame, chunks[1]);
Paragraph::new([Text::raw("Sum for today: 1:12")].iter())
.render(&mut frame, chunks[2]);
selectable_list(" 🕑 ", &printable_times, bottom_focus).render(&mut frame, chunks[1]);
"Sum for today: {}\n{}",
total_time, times
.render(&mut frame, chunks[2]);
fn persist_todos(todos: &TodoList, path: &str) {
let string = serde_json::to_string(&todos.todos).unwrap();
.or_else(|| panic!("Can’t save todos to JSON. Dumping raw data:\n{}", string))
.map(|mut f| f.write(string.as_bytes()));
fn persist_state(todos: &TodoList, times: &TimeSheet) {
fn write(path: &str, content: String) {
.or_else(|| panic!("Can’t save state to JSON. Dumping raw data:\n{}", content))
.map(|mut f| f.write(content.as_bytes()));
let todos = serde_json::to_string(&todos.todos).unwrap();
write(JSON_PATH_TODO, todos);
let times = serde_json::to_string(&times.times).unwrap();
write(JSON_PATH_TIME, times);
pub trait ListView<T: std::fmt::Display> {
fn printable(&self) -> Vec<String>;
fn selection_up(&mut self);
fn selection_down(&mut self);
fn insert<P>(&mut self, todo: T, position: P) where P: Into<Option<usize>>;
fn paste(&mut self);
fn remove_current(&mut self);
pub trait ListView<T: fmt::Display + Clone> {
// get properties of implementations
fn selection_pointer(&mut self) -> &mut usize;
fn list(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<T>;
fn register(&mut self) -> &mut Option<T>;
// specific input handling
fn backspace(&mut self);
fn append_to_current(&mut self, chr: char);
fn normal_mode(&mut self);
fn toggle_current(&mut self);
// selection manipulation
fn selection_up(&mut self) {
*self.selection_pointer() = self.selection_pointer().saturating_sub(1);
fn selection_down(&mut self) {
*self.selection_pointer() =
(*self.selection_pointer() + 1).min(self.list().len().saturating_sub(1));
// adding/removing elements
fn insert(&mut self, item: T, position: Option<usize>) {
let pos = position.unwrap_or(*self.selection_pointer());
if pos == self.list().len().saturating_sub(1) {
*self.selection_pointer() = self.list().len() - 1;
} else {
self.list().insert(pos + 1, item);
*self.selection_pointer() = pos + 1;
fn remove_current(&mut self) {
if self.list().is_empty() {
let index = *self.selection_pointer();
*self.selection_pointer() = index.min(self.list().len().saturating_sub(2));
*self.register() = self.list().remove(index).into();
fn paste(&mut self) {
let register = self.register().clone();
match register {
Some(item) => self.insert(item, None),
None => (),
// printing
fn printable(&mut self) -> Vec<String> {