use super::Mode; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::from_reader; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{self, BufReader, Write}; use tui::backend::Backend; use tui::Terminal; pub struct Tracc { // We use owned strings here because they’re easier to manipulate when editing. pub todos: Vec, pub selected: Option, pub mode: Mode, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Clone)] pub struct Todo { text: String, done: bool, } impl Todo { pub fn new(text: &str) -> Self { Todo { text: text.to_owned(), done: false, } } } const JSON_PATH: &str = "tracc.json"; fn read_todos() -> Option> { File::open(JSON_PATH) .ok() .map(|f| BufReader::new(f)) .and_then(|r| from_reader(r).ok()) } impl Tracc { pub fn open_or_create() -> Self { Self { todos: read_todos().unwrap_or(vec![Todo::new("This is a list entry")]), selected: Some(0), mode: Mode::Normal, } } pub fn printable_todos(&self) -> Vec { self.todos .iter() .map(|todo| format!("[{}] {}", if todo.done { 'x' } else { ' ' }, todo.text)) .collect() } pub fn selection_down(&mut self) { self.selected =|i| (i + 1).min(self.todos.len() - 1)); } pub fn selection_up(&mut self) { self.selected =|i| i.saturating_sub(1)); } pub fn insert(&mut self, todo: Todo) { if let Some(position) = self.selected { if position == self.todos.len().saturating_sub(1) { self.todos.push(todo); self.selected = Some(self.todos.len() - 1); } else { self.todos.insert(position + 1, todo); self.selected = Some(position + 1); } } self.mode = Mode::Normal; } pub fn remove_current(&mut self) -> Option { if self.todos.is_empty() { return None; } if let Some(n) = self.selected { self.selected = Some(n.min(self.todos.len() - 1)); return Some(self.todos.remove(n)); } None } pub fn toggle_current(&mut self) { self.current().done = !self.current().done; } fn current(&mut self) -> &mut Todo { &mut self.todos[self.selected.unwrap()] } pub fn set_mode( &mut self, mode: Mode, term: &mut Terminal, ) -> Result<(), io::Error> { match mode { Mode::Insert => term.show_cursor()?, Mode::Normal => { if self.current().text.is_empty() { self.remove_current(); self.selected.as_mut().map(|n| *n = n.saturating_sub(1)); } term.hide_cursor()? } }; self.mode = mode; Ok(()) } pub fn append_to_current(&mut self, chr: char) { self.todos[self.selected.unwrap()].text.push(chr); } pub fn current_pop(&mut self) { self.todos[self.selected.unwrap()].text.pop(); } pub fn persist(self) { let string = serde_json::to_string(&self.todos).unwrap(); std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(JSON_PATH) .ok() .or_else(|| panic!("Can’t save todos to JSON. Dumping raw data:\n{}", string)) .map(|mut f| f.write(string.as_bytes())); } }