Day 7: Some day 9 backports cuz I felt like it

This commit is contained in:
shu 2019-12-09 20:34:43 +01:00
parent 90a65ce187
commit 5175f95da0

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@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Vector as V
import Data.Char
import Control.DeepSeq as DeepSeq
data OutAction = Continue | Output | Halt deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
data Mode = Position | Immediate | Relative deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
type Tape = Vector Int
type TapeSection = Vector Int
type TuringMachine = (Tape,Int)
@ -52,22 +54,20 @@ getOpModes opvec = (op_dedup,parsed_modes)
op_dedup = if L.last op == '0' then [L.head op] else op
step :: TapeSection -> (TuringMachine, [Int], [Int]) -> (TuringMachine, OutAction, [Int], [Int])
step opvec ((t,p),input,val) = case op of
"1" -> (tm_binop (+),Continue,input,val)
"2" -> (tm_binop (*),Continue,input,val)
"3" -> (new_tm t (L.head input),Continue,L.tail input,val)
"4" -> ((t,p),Output,input,V.last params:val)
"5" -> ((t, if params ! 0/=0 then params ! 1 else p),Continue,input,val)
"6" -> ((t, if params ! 0==0 then params ! 1 else p),Continue,input,val)
"7" -> (new_tm t (if (params ! 0)<(params ! 1)
then 1 else 0),Continue,input,val)
"8" -> (new_tm t (if (params ! 0)==(params ! 1)
then 1 else 0),Continue,input,val)
"99" -> ((t,p),Halt,input,val)
step opvec ((t,p),input,output) = case op of
"1" -> (tm_binop (+),Continue,input,output)
"2" -> (tm_binop (*),Continue,input,output)
"3" -> (new_tm t $ L.head input,Continue,L.tail input,output)
"4" -> ((t,p),Output,input,V.last params:output)
"5" -> ((t, if params ! 0/=0 then params ! 1 else p),Continue,input,output)
"6" -> ((t, if params ! 0==0 then params ! 1 else p),Continue,input,output)
"7" -> (tm_binop (\x y->if x<y then 1 else 0),Continue,input,output)
"8" -> (tm_binop (\x y->if x==y then 1 else 0),Continue,input,output)
"99" -> ((t,p),Halt,input,output)
where (op,m) = getOpModes opvec
params = paramChange m opvec t
tm_binop x = new_tm t ((params ! 0) `x` (params ! 1))
new_tm t x = (t // [(V.last opvec, x)],p)
new_tm t x = DeepSeq.force (t // [(V.last opvec, x)],p)
execSteps :: (TuringMachine, [Int], [Int], OutAction) -> (TuringMachine, [Int], [Int], OutAction)
execSteps ((t,p),input,output,halt) =