This commit is contained in:
shu 2019-12-06 01:17:28 +01:00
parent c05e4b4081
commit dd2bf86d1c
2 changed files with 74 additions and 0 deletions

2019/day5/day5.hs Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Vector as V
import Data.Char
import System.Exit
main = do
content <- readFile "input"
let input = fromList $ L.concatMap ( read . splitOn ",") (lines content)
exec_step (input,0)
day5 :: Vector Int -> Vector Int
day5 x = V.take 20 x
type Tape = Vector Int
type TapeSection = Vector Int
type Pointer = Int
type TuringMachine = (Tape, Pointer)
opl x
| n`L.elem`"1278"=4
| n`L.elem`"56"=3
| n`L.elem`"34"=2
| otherwise=1
where n = L.last $ show x
parsemodes :: String -> [Bool]
parsemodes m = L.replicate (3 - L.length l) False L.++ l
where l = (toEnum . digitToInt) m
paramch :: [Bool] -> TapeSection -> Tape -> TapeSection
paramch m opvec t = imap f (V.tail opvec)
where f i a = if (L.reverse m) !! i then a else t ! a
getopmodes opvec = (op_dedup,parsed_modes)
where (op,modes) = L.splitAt 2 $ L.reverse $ show $ opvec ! 0
parsed_modes = parsemodes $ L.reverse modes
op_dedup = if L.last op == '0' then [L.head op] else op
step opvec (t,p) = do
let (op,m) = getopmodes opvec
input <- if op=="3"
then do
line <- getLine
return (read line)
else return(0)
let params = paramch m opvec t
newtm <- case op of
"1" -> return ((t // [((V.last opvec), (params ! 0) + (params ! 1))]),p)
"2" -> return ((t // [((V.last opvec), (params ! 0) * (params ! 1))]),p)
"3" -> return ((t // [((V.last opvec), input)]),p)
"4" -> do a <- print (V.last $ params)
return (t,p)
"5" -> return (t, if (params ! 0)/=0 then (params ! 1) else p)
"6" -> return (t, if (params ! 0)==0 then (params ! 1) else p)
"7" -> return ((t // [((V.last opvec), if (params ! 0)<(params ! 1)
then 1 else 0)]),p)
"8" -> return ((t // [((V.last opvec), if (params ! 0)==(params ! 1)
then 1 else 0)]),p)
"99" -> exitSuccess
return newtm
exec_step (t,p) = do
let command_length = opl $ t ! p
let opvec = slice p command_length t
newtm <- step opvec (t,p+command_length)
exec_step newtm

2019/day5/input Normal file

@ -0,0 +1 @@