Gattix 74fe38337f print helper: fix & hindent
didn’t take into consideration that some elements might be duplicates
2022-12-16 03:11:25 +01:00

22 lines
501 B

module Snippets where
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Linear.V2
p :: Int -> [Int] -> String
p n (x:xs) =
if n == x
then '#' : p (n + 1) xs
else '.' : p (n + 1) (x : xs)
p _ [] = []
print2D :: Int -> [V2 Int] -> [String]
print2D n coords
| n == pred minY = []
| otherwise = p minX line : print2D (n - 1) coords
line = nub $ sort $ map (^. _x) (filter (\(V2 _ a) -> a == n) coords)
minY = minimum $ map (^. _y) coords
minX = minimum $ map (^. _x) coords