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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace JuicyGraphics.Mathematics {
using Exceptions;
[ImmutableObject(true), Serializable]
public struct vec2
: IComparable, IComparable<vec2>, IEquatable<vec2>, IFormattable {
private readonly double _x;
private readonly double _y;
public vec2(double x, double y) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
public vec2(double[] xy) {
if (xy.Length == 2) {
_x = xy[0];
_y = xy[1];
else {
throw new ArgumentException(TWO_COMPONENTS);
public vec2(vec2 v1) {
_x = v1.x;
_y = v1.y;
public double x {
get {
return _x;
public double y {
get {
return _y;
public vec2 xx {
get {
return new vec2(_x, _x);
public vec2 xy {
get {
return this;
public vec2 yx {
get {
return new vec2(_y, _x);
public vec2 yy {
get {
return new vec2(_y, _y);
public vec2 normal {
get {
return normalize();
public double magnitude {
get {
return Math.Sqrt(sumComponentSqrs());
public double[] array {
get {
return new[] { x, y };
public double this[int index] {
get {
switch (index) {
case 0:
return _x;
case 1:
return _y;
throw new ArgumentException(TWO_COMPONENTS, "index");
public static vec2 operator +(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return new vec2(
v1.x + v2.x,
v1.y + v2.y);
public static vec2 operator -(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return new vec2(
v1.x - v2.x,
v1.y - v2.y);
public static vec2 operator *(vec2 v1, double s2) {
new vec2(
v1.x * s2,
v1.y * s2);
public static vec2 operator *(double s1, vec2 v2) {
return v2 * s1;
public static vec2 operator /(vec2 v1, double s2) {
return new vec2(
v1.x / s2,
v1.y / s2);
public static vec2 operator -(vec2 v1) {
return new vec2(
public static vec2 operator +(vec2 v1) {
return new vec2(
public static bool operator <(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1.sumComponentSqrs() < v2.sumComponentSqrs();
public static bool operator >(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1.sumComponentSqrs() > v2.sumComponentSqrs();
public static bool operator <=(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1.sumComponentSqrs() <= v2.sumComponentSqrs();
public static bool operator >=(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1.sumComponentSqrs() >= v2.sumComponentSqrs();
public static bool operator ==(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
v1.x == v2.x &&
v1.y == v2.y;
public static bool operator !=(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return !(v1 == v2);
public static vec2 scale(vec2 vector, double magnitude) {
if (magnitude < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("magnitude", magnitude, NEGATIVE_magnitude);
if (vector == new vec2(0, 0)) {
throw new ArgumentException(ORIGIN_VECTOR_magnitude, "vector");
return vector * (magnitude / vector.magnitude);
public vec2 scale(double magnitude) {
return vec2.scale(this, magnitude);
public static double dotProduct(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
v1.x * v2.x +
v1.y * v2.y;
public double dotProduct(vec2 other) {
return dotProduct(this, other);
public static vec2 normalize(vec2 v1) {
if (double.IsInfinity(v1.magnitude)) {
v1 = normalizeSpecialCasesOrOrigional(v1);
if (v1.isNaN()) {
throw new normalizeVectorException(NORMALIZE_Inf);
if (v1.magnitude == 0) {
throw new normalizeVectorException(NORMALIZE_0);
if (v1.isNaN()) {
throw new normalizeVectorException(NORMALIZE_NaN);
return normalizeOrNaN(v1);
public static vec2 normalizeOrDefault(vec2 v1) {
v1 = normalizeSpecialCasesOrOrigional(v1);
if (v1.magnitude == 0) {
return origin;
if (v1.isNaN()) {
return NaN;
return normalizeOrNaN(v1);
public vec2 normalize() {
return normalize(this);
public vec2 normalizeOrDefault() {
return normalizeOrDefault(this);
private static vec2 normalizeOrNaN(vec2 v1) {
double inverse = 1 / v1.magnitude;
return new vec2(
v1.x * inverse,
v1.y * inverse);
private static vec2 normalizeSpecialCasesOrOrigional(vec2 v1) {
if (double.IsInfinity(v1.magnitude)) {
var x = v1.x == 0 ? 0 : v1.x == -0 ? -0 : double.IsPositiveInfinity(v1.x) ? 1 : double.IsNegativeInfinity(v1.x) ? -1 : double.NaN;
var y = v1.y == 0 ? 0 : v1.y == -0 ? -0 : double.IsPositiveInfinity(v1.y) ? 1 : double.IsNegativeInfinity(v1.y) ? -1 : double.NaN;
return new vec2(x, y);
return v1;
public static vec2 interpolate(vec2 v1, vec2 v2, double control, bool allowExtrapolation) {
if (!allowExtrapolation && (control > 1 || control < 0)) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
return new vec2(
v1.x * (1 - control) + v2.x * control,
v1.y * (1 - control) + v2.y * control);
public static vec2 interpolate(vec2 v1, vec2 v2, double control) {
return interpolate(v1, v2, control, false);
public vec2 interpolate(vec2 other, double control) {
return interpolate(this, other, control);
public vec2 interpolate(vec2 other, double control, bool allowExtrapolation) {
return interpolate(this, other, control);
public static double distance(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return Math.Sqrt(
(v1.x - v2.x) * (v1.x - v2.x) +
(v1.y - v2.y) * (v1.y - v2.y));
public double distance(vec2 other) {
return distance(this, other);
public static double angle(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
if (v1 == v2) {
return 0;
Math.Min(1.0f, normalizeOrDefault(v1).dotProduct(normalizeOrDefault(v2))));
public double angle(vec2 other) {
return angle(this, other);
public static vec2 max(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1 >= v2 ? v1 : v2;
public vec2 max(vec2 other) {
return max(this, other);
public static vec2 min(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1 <= v2 ? v1 : v2;
public vec2 min(vec2 other) {
return min(this, other);
public static vec2 rotate(vec2 v1, double rad) {
double x = (v1.x * Math.Cos(rad)) - (v1.y * Math.Sin(rad));
double y = (v1.x * Math.Sin(rad)) + (v1.y * Math.Cos(rad));
return new vec2(x, y);
public vec2 rotate(double rad) {
return rotate(this, rad);
public static vec2 rotate(vec2 v1, double xOff, double yOff, double rad) {
double x = (v1.x * Math.Cos(rad)) - (v1.y * Math.Sin(rad)) + (xOff * (1 - Math.Cos(rad)) + yOff * Math.Sin(rad));
double y = (v1.x * Math.Sin(rad)) + (v1.y * Math.Cos(rad)) + (yOff * (1 - Math.Cos(rad)) - xOff * Math.Sin(rad));
return new vec2(x, y);
public vec2 rotate(double xOff, double yOff, double rad) {
return rotate(this, xOff, yOff, rad);
public static vec2 projection(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return new vec2(v2 * (v1.dotProduct(v2) / Math.Pow(v2.magnitude, 2)));
public vec2 projection(vec2 direction) {
return projection(this, direction);
public static vec2 rejection(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
return v1 - v1.projection(v2);
public vec2 rejection(vec2 direction) {
return rejection(this, direction);
public vec2 reflection(vec2 reflector) {
this = vec2.reflection(this, reflector);
return this;
public static vec2 reflection(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) {
if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(v1.angle(v2)) - Math.PI / 2) < Double.Epsilon) {
return -v1;
vec2 retval = new vec2(2 * v1.projection(v2) - v1);
return retval.scale(v1.magnitude);
public static Double abs(vec2 v1) {
return v1.magnitude;
public double abs() {
return magnitude;
public static double sumComponents(vec2 v1) {
return v1.x + v1.y;
public double sumComponents() {
return sumComponents(this);
public static double sumComponentSqrs(vec2 v1) {
vec2 v2 = sqrComponents(v1);
return v2.sumComponents();
public double sumComponentSqrs() {
return sumComponentSqrs(this);
public static vec2 powComponents(vec2 v1, double power) {
return new vec2(
Math.Pow(v1.x, power),
Math.Pow(v1.y, power));
public vec2 powComponents(double power) {
return powComponents(this, power);
public static vec2 sqrtComponents(vec2 v1) {
return new vec2(
public vec2 sqrtComponents() {
return sqrtComponents(this);
public static vec2 sqrComponents(vec2 v1) {
return new vec2(
v1.x * v1.x,
v1.y * v1.y);
public vec2 sqrComponents() {
return sqrComponents(this);
public static vec2 round(vec2 v1) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(v1.x), Math.Round(v1.y));
public static vec2 round(vec2 v1, int digits) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(v1.x, digits), Math.Round(v1.y, digits));
public static vec2 round(vec2 v1, MidpointRounding mode) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(v1.x, mode), Math.Round(v1.y, mode));
public static vec2 round(vec2 v1, int digits, MidpointRounding mode) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(v1.x, digits, mode), Math.Round(v1.y, digits, mode));
public vec2 round() {
return new vec2(Math.Round(x), Math.Round(y));
public vec2 round(int digits) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(x, digits), Math.Round(y, digits));
public vec2 round(MidpointRounding mode) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(x, mode), Math.Round(y, mode));
public vec2 round(int digits, MidpointRounding mode) {
return new vec2(Math.Round(x, digits, mode), Math.Round(y, digits, mode));
public override string ToString() {
return ToString(null, null);
public string ToVerbString() {
string output = null;
if (isUnitVector()) {
output += UNIT_VECTOR;
else {
output += string.Format("( x={0}, y={1} )", x, y);
output += magnitude + magnitude;
return output;
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) {
if (format == null || format == "") {
return string.Format("({0}, {1})", x, y);
char firstChar = format[0];
string remainder = null;
if (format.Length > 1) {
remainder = format.Substring(1);
switch (firstChar) {
case 'x': return x.ToString(remainder, formatProvider);
case 'y': return y.ToString(remainder, formatProvider);
return String.Format(
"({0}, {1})",
x.ToString(format, formatProvider),
y.ToString(format, formatProvider));
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = x.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ y.GetHashCode();
return hashCode;
public override bool Equals(object other) {
if (other is vec2) {
return other.Equals(this);
else {
return false;
public bool Equals(object other, double tolerance) {
if (other is vec2) {
return Equals((vec2)other, tolerance);
return false;
public bool Equals(vec2 other) {
x.Equals(other.x) &&
public bool Equals(vec2 other, double tolerance) {
x.almostEqualsWithAbsTolerance(other.x, tolerance) &&
y.almostEqualsWithAbsTolerance(other.y, tolerance);
public int CompareTo(vec2 other) {
if (this < other) {
return -1;
if (this > other) {
return 1;
return 0;
public int CompareTo(object other) {
if (other is vec2) {
return CompareTo((vec2)other);
throw new ArgumentException(
NON_VECTOR_COMPARISON + "\n" + ARGUMENT_TYPE + other.GetType().ToString(),
public int CompareTo(vec2 other, double tolerance) {
var bothInfinite = double.IsInfinity(sumComponentSqrs()) && double.IsInfinity(other.sumComponentSqrs());
if (Equals(other, tolerance) || bothInfinite) {
return 0;
if (this < other) {
return -1;
return 1;
public int CompareTo(object other, double tolerance) {
if (other is vec2) {
return CompareTo((vec2)other, tolerance);
throw new ArgumentException(
NON_VECTOR_COMPARISON + "\n" + ARGUMENT_TYPE + other.GetType().ToString(),
public static bool isUnitVector(vec2 v1, double tolerance) {
return v1.magnitude.almostEqualsWithAbsTolerance(1, tolerance);
public static bool isUnitVector(vec2 v1) {
return v1.magnitude == 1;
public bool isUnitVector() {
return isUnitVector(this);
public bool isUnitVector(double tolerance) {
return isUnitVector(this, tolerance);
public static bool isNaN(vec2 v1) {
return double.IsNaN(v1.x) || double.IsNaN(v1.y);
public bool isNaN() {
return isNaN(this);
public static readonly vec2 origin = new vec2(0, 0);
public static readonly vec2 right = new vec2(1, 0);
public static readonly vec2 left = new vec2(-1, 0);
public static readonly vec2 down = new vec2(0, 1);
public static readonly vec2 up = new vec2(0, -1);
private const string NORMALIZE_NaN = "Cannot normalize a vector when it's magnitude is NaN";
private const string NORMALIZE_0 = "Cannot normalize a vector when it's magnitude is zero";
private const string NORMALIZE_Inf = "Cannot normalize a vector when it's magnitude is infinite except under special conditions";
private const string TWO_COMPONENTS = "Array must contain exactly two components (x, y)";
private const string INTERPOLATION_RANGE = "Control parameter must be a value between 0 & 1";
private const string NON_VECTOR_COMPARISON = "Cannot compare a vec2 to a non-vec2";
private const string ARGUMENT_TYPE = "The argument provided is a type of ";
private const string ARGUMENT_VALUE = "The argument provided has a value of ";
private const string ARGUMENT_LENGTH = "The argument provided has a length of ";
private const string NEGATIVE_magnitude = "The magnitude of a vec2 must be a positive value, (i.e. greater than 0)";
private const string ORIGIN_VECTOR_magnitude = "Cannot change the magnitude of vec2(0, 0)";
private const string UNIT_VECTOR = "Unit vector composing of ";
private const string POSITIONAL_VECTOR = "Positional vector composing of ";
private const string MAGNITUDE = " of magnitude ";
public static readonly vec2 minValue = new vec2(Double.MinValue, Double.MinValue);
public static readonly vec2 maxValue = new vec2(Double.MaxValue, Double.MaxValue);
public static readonly vec2 epsilon = new vec2(Double.Epsilon, Double.Epsilon);
public static readonly vec2 zero = origin;
public static readonly vec2 NaN = new vec2(double.NaN, double.NaN);