using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using SharpGL.RenderContextProviders; using SharpGL.Version; namespace SharpGL { /// /// The OpenGL class wraps Suns OpenGL 3D library. /// public partial class OpenGL { #region The OpenGL constant definitions. // OpenGL Version Identifier public const uint GL_VERSION_1_1 = 1; // AccumOp public const uint GL_ACCUM = 0x0100; public const uint GL_LOAD = 0x0101; public const uint GL_RETURN = 0x0102; public const uint GL_MULT = 0x0103; public const uint GL_ADD = 0x0104; // Alpha functions public const uint GL_NEVER = 0x0200; public const uint GL_LESS = 0x0201; public const uint GL_EQUAL = 0x0202; public const uint GL_LEQUAL = 0x0203; public const uint GL_GREATER = 0x0204; public const uint GL_NOTEQUAL = 0x0205; public const uint GL_GEQUAL = 0x0206; public const uint GL_ALWAYS = 0x0207; // AttribMask public const uint GL_CURRENT_BIT = 0x00000001; public const uint GL_POINT_BIT = 0x00000002; public const uint GL_LINE_BIT = 0x00000004; public const uint GL_POLYGON_BIT = 0x00000008; public const uint GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT = 0x00000010; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT = 0x00000020; public const uint GL_LIGHTING_BIT = 0x00000040; public const uint GL_FOG_BIT = 0x00000080; public const uint GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000100; public const uint GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000200; public const uint GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000400; public const uint GL_VIEWPORT_BIT = 0x00000800; public const uint GL_TRANSFORM_BIT = 0x00001000; public const uint GL_ENABLE_BIT = 0x00002000; public const uint GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000; public const uint GL_HINT_BIT = 0x00008000; public const uint GL_EVAL_BIT = 0x00010000; public const uint GL_LIST_BIT = 0x00020000; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BIT = 0x00040000; public const uint GL_SCISSOR_BIT = 0x00080000; public const uint GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS = 0x000fffff; // BeginMode /// /// Treats each vertex as a single point. Vertex n defines point n. N points are drawn. /// public const uint GL_POINTS = 0x0000; /// /// Treats each pair of vertices as an independent line segment. Vertices 2n - 1 and 2n define line n. N/2 lines are drawn. /// public const uint GL_LINES = 0x0001; /// /// Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last, then back to the first. Vertices n and n + 1 define line n. The last line, however, is defined by vertices N and 1. N lines are drawn. /// public const uint GL_LINE_LOOP = 0x0002; /// /// Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last. Vertices n and n+1 define line n. N - 1 lines are drawn. /// public const uint GL_LINE_STRIP = 0x0003; /// /// Treats each triplet of vertices as an independent triangle. Vertices 3n - 2, 3n - 1, and 3n define triangle n. N/3 triangles are drawn. /// public const uint GL_TRIANGLES = 0x0004; /// /// Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for each vertex presented after the first two vertices. For odd n, vertices n, n + 1, and n + 2 define triangle n. For even n, vertices n + 1, n, and n + 2 define triangle n. N - 2 triangles are drawn. /// public const uint GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005; /// /// Draws a connected group of triangles. one triangle is defined for each vertex presented after the first two vertices. Vertices 1, n + 1, n + 2 define triangle n. N - 2 triangles are drawn. /// public const uint GL_TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0006; /// /// Treats each group of four vertices as an independent quadrilateral. Vertices 4n - 3, 4n - 2, 4n - 1, and 4n define quadrilateral n. N/4 quadrilaterals are drawn. /// public const uint GL_QUADS = 0x0007; /// /// Draws a connected group of quadrilaterals. One quadrilateral is defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair. Vertices 2n - 1, 2n, 2n + 2, and 2n + 1 define quadrilateral n. N/2 - 1 quadrilaterals are drawn. Note that the order in which vertices are used to construct a quadrilateral from strip data is different from that used with independent data. /// public const uint GL_QUAD_STRIP = 0x0008; /// /// Draws a single, convex polygon. Vertices 1 through N define this polygon. /// public const uint GL_POLYGON = 0x0009; // BlendingFactorDest public const uint GL_ZERO = 0; public const uint GL_ONE = 1; public const uint GL_SRC_COLOR = 0x0300; public const uint GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 0x0301; public const uint GL_SRC_ALPHA = 0x0302; public const uint GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x0303; public const uint GL_DST_ALPHA = 0x0304; public const uint GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x0305; // BlendingFactorSrc public const uint GL_DST_COLOR = 0x0306; public const uint GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 0x0307; public const uint GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 0x0308; // Boolean public const uint GL_TRUE = 1; public const uint GL_FALSE = 0; // ClipPlaneName public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE0 = 0x3000; public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE1 = 0x3001; public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE2 = 0x3002; public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE3 = 0x3003; public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE4 = 0x3004; public const uint GL_CLIP_PLANE5 = 0x3005; // DataType public const uint GL_BYTE = 0x1400; public const uint GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401; public const uint GL_SHORT = 0x1402; public const uint GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x1403; public const uint GL_INT = 0x1404; public const uint GL_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405; public const uint GL_FLOAT = 0x1406; public const uint GL_2_BYTES = 0x1407; public const uint GL_3_BYTES = 0x1408; public const uint GL_4_BYTES = 0x1409; public const uint GL_DOUBLE = 0x140A; // DrawBufferMode public const uint GL_NONE = 0; public const uint GL_FRONT_LEFT = 0x0400; public const uint GL_FRONT_RIGHT = 0x0401; public const uint GL_BACK_LEFT = 0x0402; public const uint GL_BACK_RIGHT = 0x0403; public const uint GL_FRONT = 0x0404; public const uint GL_BACK = 0x0405; public const uint GL_LEFT = 0x0406; public const uint GL_RIGHT = 0x0407; public const uint GL_FRONT_AND_BACK = 0x0408; public const uint GL_AUX0 = 0x0409; public const uint GL_AUX1 = 0x040A; public const uint GL_AUX2 = 0x040B; public const uint GL_AUX3 = 0x040C; // ErrorCode public const uint GL_NO_ERROR = 0; public const uint GL_INVALID_ENUM = 0x0500; public const uint GL_INVALID_VALUE = 0x0501; public const uint GL_INVALID_OPERATION = 0x0502; public const uint GL_STACK_OVERFLOW = 0x0503; public const uint GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW = 0x0504; public const uint GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0505; // FeedBackMode public const uint GL_2D = 0x0600; public const uint GL_3D = 0x0601; public const uint GL_4D_COLOR = 0x0602; public const uint GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE = 0x0603; public const uint GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE = 0x0604; // FeedBackToken public const uint GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN = 0x0700; public const uint GL_POINT_TOKEN = 0x0701; public const uint GL_LINE_TOKEN = 0x0702; public const uint GL_POLYGON_TOKEN = 0x0703; public const uint GL_BITMAP_TOKEN = 0x0704; public const uint GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN = 0x0705; public const uint GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN = 0x0706; public const uint GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN = 0x0707; // FogMode public const uint GL_EXP = 0x0800; public const uint GL_EXP2 = 0x0801; // FrontFaceDirection public const uint GL_CW = 0x0900; public const uint GL_CCW = 0x0901; // GetMapTarget public const uint GL_COEFF = 0x0A00; public const uint GL_ORDER = 0x0A01; public const uint GL_DOMAIN = 0x0A02; // GetTarget public const uint GL_CURRENT_COLOR = 0x0B00; public const uint GL_CURRENT_INDEX = 0x0B01; public const uint GL_CURRENT_NORMAL = 0x0B02; public const uint GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS = 0x0B03; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR = 0x0B04; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX = 0x0B05; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS = 0x0B06; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION = 0x0B07; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID = 0x0B08; public const uint GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE = 0x0B09; public const uint GL_POINT_SMOOTH = 0x0B10; public const uint GL_POINT_SIZE = 0x0B11; public const uint GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 0x0B12; public const uint GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY = 0x0B13; public const uint GL_LINE_SMOOTH = 0x0B20; public const uint GL_LINE_WIDTH = 0x0B21; public const uint GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = 0x0B22; public const uint GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY = 0x0B23; public const uint GL_LINE_STIPPLE = 0x0B24; public const uint GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN = 0x0B25; public const uint GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT = 0x0B26; public const uint GL_LIST_MODE = 0x0B30; public const uint GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING = 0x0B31; public const uint GL_LIST_BASE = 0x0B32; public const uint GL_LIST_INDEX = 0x0B33; public const uint GL_POLYGON_MODE = 0x0B40; public const uint GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH = 0x0B41; public const uint GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE = 0x0B42; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG = 0x0B43; public const uint GL_CULL_FACE = 0x0B44; public const uint GL_CULL_FACE_MODE = 0x0B45; public const uint GL_FRONT_FACE = 0x0B46; public const uint GL_LIGHTING = 0x0B50; public const uint GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER = 0x0B51; public const uint GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE = 0x0B52; public const uint GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT = 0x0B53; public const uint GL_SHADE_MODEL = 0x0B54; public const uint GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE = 0x0B55; public const uint GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER = 0x0B56; public const uint GL_COLOR_MATERIAL = 0x0B57; public const uint GL_FOG = 0x0B60; public const uint GL_FOG_INDEX = 0x0B61; public const uint GL_FOG_DENSITY = 0x0B62; public const uint GL_FOG_START = 0x0B63; public const uint GL_FOG_END = 0x0B64; public const uint GL_FOG_MODE = 0x0B65; public const uint GL_FOG_COLOR = 0x0B66; public const uint GL_DEPTH_RANGE = 0x0B70; public const uint GL_DEPTH_TEST = 0x0B71; public const uint GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK = 0x0B72; public const uint GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B73; public const uint GL_DEPTH_FUNC = 0x0B74; public const uint GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B80; public const uint GL_STENCIL_TEST = 0x0B90; public const uint GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B91; public const uint GL_STENCIL_FUNC = 0x0B92; public const uint GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK = 0x0B93; public const uint GL_STENCIL_FAIL = 0x0B94; public const uint GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL = 0x0B95; public const uint GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS = 0x0B96; public const uint GL_STENCIL_REF = 0x0B97; public const uint GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK = 0x0B98; public const uint GL_MATRIX_MODE = 0x0BA0; public const uint GL_NORMALIZE = 0x0BA1; public const uint GL_VIEWPORT = 0x0BA2; public const uint GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0BA3; public const uint GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0BA4; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0BA5; public const uint GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX = 0x0BA6; public const uint GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX = 0x0BA7; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX = 0x0BA8; public const uint GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0BB0; public const uint GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0BB1; public const uint GL_ALPHA_TEST = 0x0BC0; public const uint GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC = 0x0BC1; public const uint GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF = 0x0BC2; public const uint GL_DITHER = 0x0BD0; public const uint GL_BLEND_DST = 0x0BE0; public const uint GL_BLEND_SRC = 0x0BE1; public const uint GL_BLEND = 0x0BE2; public const uint GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE = 0x0BF0; public const uint GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP = 0x0BF1; public const uint GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP = 0x0BF2; public const uint GL_AUX_BUFFERS = 0x0C00; public const uint GL_DRAW_BUFFER = 0x0C01; public const uint GL_READ_BUFFER = 0x0C02; public const uint GL_SCISSOR_BOX = 0x0C10; public const uint GL_SCISSOR_TEST = 0x0C11; public const uint GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0C20; public const uint GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK = 0x0C21; public const uint GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0C22; public const uint GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK = 0x0C23; public const uint GL_INDEX_MODE = 0x0C30; public const uint GL_RGBA_MODE = 0x0C31; public const uint GL_DOUBLEBUFFER = 0x0C32; public const uint GL_STEREO = 0x0C33; public const uint GL_RENDER_MODE = 0x0C40; public const uint GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT = 0x0C50; public const uint GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C51; public const uint GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C52; public const uint GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C53; public const uint GL_FOG_HINT = 0x0C54; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S = 0x0C60; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T = 0x0C61; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R = 0x0C62; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q = 0x0C63; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I = 0x0C70; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S = 0x0C71; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R = 0x0C72; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G = 0x0C73; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B = 0x0C74; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A = 0x0C75; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R = 0x0C76; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G = 0x0C77; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B = 0x0C78; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A = 0x0C79; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE = 0x0CB0; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE = 0x0CB1; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE = 0x0CB2; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE = 0x0CB3; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE = 0x0CB4; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE = 0x0CB5; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE = 0x0CB6; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE = 0x0CB7; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE = 0x0CB8; public const uint GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE = 0x0CB9; public const uint GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES = 0x0CF0; public const uint GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST = 0x0CF1; public const uint GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH = 0x0CF2; public const uint GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS = 0x0CF3; public const uint GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS = 0x0CF4; public const uint GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT = 0x0CF5; public const uint GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES = 0x0D00; public const uint GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST = 0x0D01; public const uint GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH = 0x0D02; public const uint GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS = 0x0D03; public const uint GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS = 0x0D04; public const uint GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT = 0x0D05; public const uint GL_MAP_COLOR = 0x0D10; public const uint GL_MAP_STENCIL = 0x0D11; public const uint GL_INDEX_SHIFT = 0x0D12; public const uint GL_INDEX_OFFSET = 0x0D13; public const uint GL_RED_SCALE = 0x0D14; public const uint GL_RED_BIAS = 0x0D15; public const uint GL_ZOOM_X = 0x0D16; public const uint GL_ZOOM_Y = 0x0D17; public const uint GL_GREEN_SCALE = 0x0D18; public const uint GL_GREEN_BIAS = 0x0D19; public const uint GL_BLUE_SCALE = 0x0D1A; public const uint GL_BLUE_BIAS = 0x0D1B; public const uint GL_ALPHA_SCALE = 0x0D1C; public const uint GL_ALPHA_BIAS = 0x0D1D; public const uint GL_DEPTH_SCALE = 0x0D1E; public const uint GL_DEPTH_BIAS = 0x0D1F; public const uint GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER = 0x0D30; public const uint GL_MAX_LIGHTS = 0x0D31; public const uint GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 0x0D32; public const uint GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 0x0D33; public const uint GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE = 0x0D34; public const uint GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D35; public const uint GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D36; public const uint GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D37; public const uint GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D38; public const uint GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D39; public const uint GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 0x0D3A; public const uint GL_MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D3B; public const uint GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS = 0x0D50; public const uint GL_INDEX_BITS = 0x0D51; public const uint GL_RED_BITS = 0x0D52; public const uint GL_GREEN_BITS = 0x0D53; public const uint GL_BLUE_BITS = 0x0D54; public const uint GL_ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D55; public const uint GL_DEPTH_BITS = 0x0D56; public const uint GL_STENCIL_BITS = 0x0D57; public const uint GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS = 0x0D58; public const uint GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS = 0x0D59; public const uint GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS = 0x0D5A; public const uint GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D5B; public const uint GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D70; public const uint GL_AUTO_NORMAL = 0x0D80; public const uint GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 = 0x0D90; public const uint GL_MAP1_INDEX = 0x0D91; public const uint GL_MAP1_NORMAL = 0x0D92; public const uint GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 = 0x0D93; public const uint GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 = 0x0D94; public const uint GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 = 0x0D95; public const uint GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 = 0x0D96; public const uint GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 = 0x0D97; public const uint GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 = 0x0D98; public const uint GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 = 0x0DB0; public const uint GL_MAP2_INDEX = 0x0DB1; public const uint GL_MAP2_NORMAL = 0x0DB2; public const uint GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 = 0x0DB3; public const uint GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 = 0x0DB4; public const uint GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 = 0x0DB5; public const uint GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 = 0x0DB6; public const uint GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 = 0x0DB7; public const uint GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 = 0x0DB8; public const uint GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN = 0x0DD0; public const uint GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS = 0x0DD1; public const uint GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN = 0x0DD2; public const uint GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS = 0x0DD3; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_1D = 0x0DE0; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1; public const uint GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER = 0x0DF0; public const uint GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x0DF1; public const uint GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE = 0x0DF2; public const uint GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER = 0x0DF3; public const uint GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x0DF4; // GetTextureParameter public const uint GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 0x1000; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 0x1001; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 0x1003; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR = 0x1004; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BORDER = 0x1005; // HintMode public const uint GL_DONT_CARE = 0x1100; public const uint GL_FASTEST = 0x1101; public const uint GL_NICEST = 0x1102; // LightName public const uint GL_LIGHT0 = 0x4000; public const uint GL_LIGHT1 = 0x4001; public const uint GL_LIGHT2 = 0x4002; public const uint GL_LIGHT3 = 0x4003; public const uint GL_LIGHT4 = 0x4004; public const uint GL_LIGHT5 = 0x4005; public const uint GL_LIGHT6 = 0x4006; public const uint GL_LIGHT7 = 0x4007; // LightParameter public const uint GL_AMBIENT = 0x1200; public const uint GL_DIFFUSE = 0x1201; public const uint GL_SPECULAR = 0x1202; public const uint GL_POSITION = 0x1203; public const uint GL_SPOT_DIRECTION = 0x1204; public const uint GL_SPOT_EXPONENT = 0x1205; public const uint GL_SPOT_CUTOFF = 0x1206; public const uint GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION = 0x1207; public const uint GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION = 0x1208; public const uint GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION = 0x1209; // ListMode public const uint GL_COMPILE = 0x1300; public const uint GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE = 0x1301; // LogicOp public const uint GL_CLEAR = 0x1500; public const uint GL_AND = 0x1501; public const uint GL_AND_REVERSE = 0x1502; public const uint GL_COPY = 0x1503; public const uint GL_AND_INVERTED = 0x1504; public const uint GL_NOOP = 0x1505; public const uint GL_XOR = 0x1506; public const uint GL_OR = 0x1507; public const uint GL_NOR = 0x1508; public const uint GL_EQUIV = 0x1509; public const uint GL_INVERT = 0x150A; public const uint GL_OR_REVERSE = 0x150B; public const uint GL_COPY_INVERTED = 0x150C; public const uint GL_OR_INVERTED = 0x150D; public const uint GL_NAND = 0x150E; public const uint GL_SET = 0x150F; // MaterialParameter public const uint GL_EMISSION = 0x1600; public const uint GL_SHININESS = 0x1601; public const uint GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE = 0x1602; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEXES = 0x1603; // MatrixMode public const uint GL_MODELVIEW = 0x1700; public const uint GL_PROJECTION = 0x1701; public const uint GL_TEXTURE = 0x1702; // PixelCopyType public const uint GL_COLOR = 0x1800; public const uint GL_DEPTH = 0x1801; public const uint GL_STENCIL = 0x1802; // PixelFormat public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX = 0x1900; public const uint GL_STENCIL_INDEX = 0x1901; public const uint GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902; public const uint GL_RED = 0x1903; public const uint GL_GREEN = 0x1904; public const uint GL_BLUE = 0x1905; public const uint GL_ALPHA = 0x1906; public const uint GL_RGB = 0x1907; public const uint GL_RGBA = 0x1908; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE = 0x1909; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x190A; // PixelType public const uint GL_BITMAP = 0x1A00; // PolygonMode public const uint GL_POINT = 0x1B00; public const uint GL_LINE = 0x1B01; public const uint GL_FILL = 0x1B02; // RenderingMode public const uint GL_RENDER = 0x1C00; public const uint GL_FEEDBACK = 0x1C01; public const uint GL_SELECT = 0x1C02; // ShadingModel public const uint GL_FLAT = 0x1D00; public const uint GL_SMOOTH = 0x1D01; // StencilOp public const uint GL_KEEP = 0x1E00; public const uint GL_REPLACE = 0x1E01; public const uint GL_INCR = 0x1E02; public const uint GL_DECR = 0x1E03; // StringName public const uint GL_VENDOR = 0x1F00; public const uint GL_RENDERER = 0x1F01; public const uint GL_VERSION = 0x1F02; public const uint GL_EXTENSIONS = 0x1F03; // TextureCoordName public const uint GL_S = 0x2000; public const uint GL_T = 0x2001; public const uint GL_R = 0x2002; public const uint GL_Q = 0x2003; // TextureEnvMode public const uint GL_MODULATE = 0x2100; public const uint GL_DECAL = 0x2101; // TextureEnvParameter public const uint GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE = 0x2200; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR = 0x2201; // TextureEnvTarget public const uint GL_TEXTURE_ENV = 0x2300; // TextureGenMode public const uint GL_EYE_LINEAR = 0x2400; public const uint GL_OBJECT_LINEAR = 0x2401; public const uint GL_SPHERE_MAP = 0x2402; // TextureGenParameter public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE = 0x2500; public const uint GL_OBJECT_PLANE = 0x2501; public const uint GL_EYE_PLANE = 0x2502; // TextureMagFilter public const uint GL_NEAREST = 0x2600; public const uint GL_LINEAR = 0x2601; // TextureMinFilter public const uint GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 0x2700; public const uint GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 0x2701; public const uint GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2702; public const uint GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2703; // TextureParameterName public const uint GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER = 0x2800; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = 0x2801; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 0x2802; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 0x2803; // TextureWrapMode public const uint GL_CLAMP = 0x2900; public const uint GL_REPEAT = 0x2901; // ClientAttribMask public const uint GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT = 0x00000001; public const uint GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT = 0x00000002; public const uint GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS = 0xffffffff; // Polygon Offset public const uint GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR = 0x8038; public const uint GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS = 0x2A00; public const uint GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT = 0x2A01; public const uint GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE = 0x2A02; public const uint GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = 0x8037; // Texture public const uint GL_ALPHA4 = 0x803B; public const uint GL_ALPHA8 = 0x803C; public const uint GL_ALPHA12 = 0x803D; public const uint GL_ALPHA16 = 0x803E; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE4 = 0x803F; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE8 = 0x8040; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE12 = 0x8041; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE16 = 0x8042; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 = 0x8043; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 = 0x8044; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 = 0x8045; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 = 0x8046; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 = 0x8047; public const uint GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 = 0x8048; public const uint GL_INTENSITY = 0x8049; public const uint GL_INTENSITY4 = 0x804A; public const uint GL_INTENSITY8 = 0x804B; public const uint GL_INTENSITY12 = 0x804C; public const uint GL_INTENSITY16 = 0x804D; public const uint GL_R3_G3_B2 = 0x2A10; public const uint GL_RGB4 = 0x804F; public const uint GL_RGB5 = 0x8050; public const uint GL_RGB8 = 0x8051; public const uint GL_RGB10 = 0x8052; public const uint GL_RGB12 = 0x8053; public const uint GL_RGB16 = 0x8054; public const uint GL_RGBA2 = 0x8055; public const uint GL_RGBA4 = 0x8056; public const uint GL_RGB5_A1 = 0x8057; public const uint GL_RGBA8 = 0x8058; public const uint GL_RGB10_A2 = 0x8059; public const uint GL_RGBA12 = 0x805A; public const uint GL_RGBA16 = 0x805B; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE = 0x805C; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE = 0x805D; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE = 0x805E; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE = 0x805F; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE = 0x8060; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE = 0x8061; public const uint GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D = 0x8063; public const uint GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D = 0x8064; // Texture object public const uint GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY = 0x8066; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT = 0x8067; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D = 0x8068; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D = 0x8069; // Vertex array public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY = 0x8074; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY = 0x8075; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY = 0x8076; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY = 0x8077; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY = 0x8078; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY = 0x8079; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x807A; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x807B; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x807C; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x807E; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x807F; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x8081; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8082; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x8083; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8085; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x8086; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x8088; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8089; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x808A; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x808C; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x808E; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x808F; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8090; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8091; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8092; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8093; public const uint GL_V2F = 0x2A20; public const uint GL_V3F = 0x2A21; public const uint GL_C4UB_V2F = 0x2A22; public const uint GL_C4UB_V3F = 0x2A23; public const uint GL_C3F_V3F = 0x2A24; public const uint GL_N3F_V3F = 0x2A25; public const uint GL_C4F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A26; public const uint GL_T2F_V3F = 0x2A27; public const uint GL_T4F_V4F = 0x2A28; public const uint GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F = 0x2A29; public const uint GL_T2F_C3F_V3F = 0x2A2A; public const uint GL_T2F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A2B; public const uint GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A2C; public const uint GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F = 0x2A2D; // Extensions public const uint GL_EXT_vertex_array = 1; public const uint GL_EXT_bgra = 1; public const uint GL_EXT_paletted_texture = 1; public const uint GL_WIN_swap_hint = 1; public const uint GL_WIN_draw_range_elements = 1; // EXT_vertex_array public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8074; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8075; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8076; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8077; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8078; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8079; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT = 0x807A; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x807B; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x807C; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x807D; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x807E; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x807F; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8080; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT = 0x8081; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x8082; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x8083; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8084; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x8085; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x8086; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8087; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT = 0x8088; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x8089; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x808A; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x808B; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x808C; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x808D; public const uint GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x808E; public const uint GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x808F; public const uint GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8090; public const uint GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8091; public const uint GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8092; public const uint GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8093; public const uint GL_DOUBLE_EXT =1;/*DOUBLE*/ // EXT_paletted_texture public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_EXT = 0x80D8; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_EXT = 0x80D9; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DA; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DB; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DC; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DD; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DE; public const uint GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT = 0x80DF; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT = 0x80E2; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT = 0x80E3; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT = 0x80E4; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT = 0x80E5; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT = 0x80E6; public const uint GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT = 0x80E7; // WIN_draw_range_elements public const uint GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES_WIN = 0x80E8; public const uint GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES_WIN = 0x80E9; // WIN_phong_shading public const uint GL_PHONG_WIN = 0x80EA; public const uint GL_PHONG_HINT_WIN = 0x80EB; // WIN_specular_fog public uint FOG_SPECULAR_TEXTURE_WIN = 0x80EC; #endregion #region The GLU DLL Constant Definitions. // Version public const uint GLU_VERSION_1_1 = 1; public const uint GLU_VERSION_1_2 = 1; // Errors: (return value 0 = no error) public const uint GLU_INVALID_ENUM = 100900; public const uint GLU_INVALID_VALUE = 100901; public const uint GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 100902; public const uint GLU_INCOMPATIBLE_GL_VERSION = 100903; // StringName public const uint GLU_VERSION = 100800; public const uint GLU_EXTENSIONS = 100801; // Boolean public const uint GLU_TRUE = 1; public const uint GLU_FALSE = 0; // Quadric constants // QuadricNormal public const uint GLU_SMOOTH = 100000; public const uint GLU_FLAT = 100001; public const uint GLU_NONE = 100002; // QuadricDrawStyle public const uint GLU_POINT = 100010; public const uint GLU_LINE = 100011; public const uint GLU_FILL = 100012; public const uint GLU_SILHOUETTE = 100013; // QuadricOrientation public const uint GLU_OUTSIDE = 100020; public const uint GLU_INSIDE = 100021; // Tesselation constants public const double GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD = 1.0e150; // TessProperty public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE =100140; public const uint GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY =100141; public const uint GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE =100142; // TessWinding public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD =100130; public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO =100131; public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE =100132; public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE =100133; public const uint GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO =100134; // TessCallback public const uint GLU_TESS_BEGIN =100100; public const uint GLU_TESS_VERTEX =100101; public const uint GLU_TESS_END =100102; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR =100103; public const uint GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG =100104; public const uint GLU_TESS_COMBINE =100105; public const uint GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA =100106; public const uint GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA =100107; public const uint GLU_TESS_END_DATA =100108; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA =100109; public const uint GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA =100110; public const uint GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA =100111; // TessError public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR1 =100151; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR2 =100152; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR3 =100153; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR4 =100154; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR5 =100155; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR6 =100156; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR7 =100157; public const uint GLU_TESS_ERROR8 =100158; public const uint GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_POLYGON =100151; public const uint GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_CONTOUR =100152; public const uint GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_POLYGON =100153; public const uint GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_CONTOUR =100154; public const uint GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE =100155; public const uint GLU_TESS_NEED_COMBINE_CALLBACK =100156; // NURBS constants // NurbsProperty public const uint GLU_AUTO_LOAD_MATRIX =100200; public const uint GLU_CULLING =100201; public const uint GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE =100203; public const uint GLU_DISPLAY_MODE =100204; public const uint GLU_PARAMETRIC_TOLERANCE =100202; public const uint GLU_SAMPLING_METHOD =100205; public const uint GLU_U_STEP =100206; public const uint GLU_V_STEP =100207; // NurbsSampling public const uint GLU_PATH_LENGTH =100215; public const uint GLU_PARAMETRIC_ERROR =100216; public const uint GLU_DOMAIN_DISTANCE =100217; // NurbsTrim public const uint GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 =100210; public const uint GLU_MAP1_TRIM_3 =100211; // NurbsDisplay // GLU_FILL 100012 public const uint GLU_OUTLINE_POLYGON =100240; public const uint GLU_OUTLINE_PATCH =100241; // NurbsCallback // GLU_ERROR 100103 // NurbsErrors public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR1 =100251; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR2 =100252; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR3 =100253; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR4 =100254; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR5 =100255; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR6 =100256; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR7 =100257; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR8 =100258; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR9 =100259; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR10 =100260; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR11 =100261; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR12 =100262; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR13 =100263; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR14 =100264; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR15 =100265; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR16 =100266; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR17 =100267; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR18 =100268; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR19 =100269; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR20 =100270; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR21 =100271; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR22 =100272; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR23 =100273; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR24 =100274; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR25 =100275; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR26 =100276; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR27 =100277; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR28 =100278; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR29 =100279; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR30 =100280; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR31 =100281; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR32 =100282; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR33 =100283; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR34 =100284; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR35 =100285; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR36 =100286; public const uint GLU_NURBS_ERROR37 =100287; #endregion #region The OpenGL DLL Functions (Exactly the same naming). public const string LIBRARY_OPENGL = "opengl32.dll"; [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glAccum(uint op, float value); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glAlphaFunc (uint func, float ref_notkeword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern byte glAreTexturesResident (int n, uint []textures, byte []residences); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glArrayElement (int i); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glBegin (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glBindTexture (uint target, uint texture); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glBitmap (int width, int height, float xorig, float yorig, float xmove, float ymove, byte []bitmap); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glBlendFunc (uint sfactor, uint dfactor); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCallList (uint list); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCallLists (int n, uint type, IntPtr lists); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCallLists (int n, uint type, uint[] lists); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCallLists (int n, uint type, byte[] lists); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClear (uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClearAccum (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClearColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClearDepth (double depth); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClearIndex (float c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClearStencil (int s); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glClipPlane (uint plane, double []equation); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3b (byte red, byte green, byte blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3bv ( byte []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3d (double red, double green, double blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3f (float red, float green, float blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3i (int red, int green, int blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3s (short red, short green, short blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3ub (byte red, byte green, byte blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3ubv ( byte []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3ui (uint red, uint green, uint blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3uiv ( uint []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3us (ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor3usv ( ushort []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4b (byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4bv ( byte []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4d (double red, double green, double blue, double alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4f (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4i (int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4s (short red, short green, short blue, short alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4ub (byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4ubv ( byte []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4ui (uint red, uint green, uint blue, uint alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4uiv ( uint []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4us (ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue, ushort alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColor4usv ( ushort []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColorMask (byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColorMaterial (uint face, uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glColorPointer (int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCopyPixels (int x, int y, int width, int height, uint type); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCopyTexImage1D (uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int border); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCopyTexImage2D (uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCopyTexSubImage1D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int x, int y, int width); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glCullFace (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDeleteLists (uint list, int range); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDeleteTextures (int n, uint []textures); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDepthFunc (uint func); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDepthMask (byte flag); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDepthRange (double zNear, double zFar); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDisable (uint cap); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDisableClientState (uint array); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawArrays (uint mode, int first, int count); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawBuffer (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawElements(uint mode, int count, uint type, IntPtr indices); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawElements(uint mode, int count, uint type, uint[] indices); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, float[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, uint[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, ushort[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEdgeFlag (byte flag); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEdgeFlagPointer (int stride, int[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEdgeFlagv ( byte []flag); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEnable (uint cap); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEnableClientState (uint array); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEnd (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEndList (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord1d (double u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord1dv ( double []u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord1f (float u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord1fv ( float []u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord2d (double u, double v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord2dv ( double []u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord2f (float u, float v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalCoord2fv ( float []u); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalMesh1 (uint mode, int i1, int i2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalMesh2 (uint mode, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalPoint1 (int i); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glEvalPoint2 (int i, int j); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFeedbackBuffer (int size, uint type, float []buffer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFinish (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFlush (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFogf (uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFogfv (uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFogi (uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFogiv (uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFrontFace (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glFrustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern uint glGenLists (int range); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGenTextures (int n, uint []textures); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetBooleanv (uint pname, byte []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetClipPlane (uint plane, double []equation); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetDoublev (uint pname, double []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern uint glGetError (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetFloatv (uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetIntegerv (uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetLightfv (uint light, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetLightiv (uint light, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetMapdv (uint target, uint query, double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetMapfv (uint target, uint query, float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetMapiv (uint target, uint query, int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetMaterialfv (uint face, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetMaterialiv (uint face, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetPixelMapfv (uint map, float []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetPixelMapuiv (uint map, uint []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetPixelMapusv (uint map, ushort []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetPointerv (uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetPolygonStipple (byte []mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private unsafe static extern sbyte* glGetString (uint name); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexEnvfv (uint target, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexEnviv (uint target, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexGendv (uint coord, uint pname, double []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexGenfv (uint coord, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexGeniv (uint coord, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexImage (uint target, int level, uint format, uint type, int []pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexLevelParameterfv (uint target, int level, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexLevelParameteriv (uint target, int level, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexParameterfv (uint target, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glGetTexParameteriv (uint target, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glHint (uint target, uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexMask (uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexPointer (uint type, int stride, int[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexd (double c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexdv ( double []c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexf (float c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexfv ( float []c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexi (int c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexiv ( int []c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexs (short c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexsv ( short []c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexub (byte c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glIndexubv ( byte []c); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glInitNames (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glInterleavedArrays (uint format, int stride, int[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern byte glIsEnabled (uint cap); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern byte glIsList (uint list); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern byte glIsTexture (uint texture); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightModelf (uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightModelfv (uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightModeli (uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightModeliv (uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightf (uint light, uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightfv (uint light, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLighti (uint light, uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLightiv (uint light, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLineStipple (int factor, ushort pattern); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLineWidth (float width); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glListBase (uint base_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLoadIdentity (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLoadMatrixd ( double []m); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLoadMatrixf ( float []m); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLoadName (uint name); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glLogicOp (uint opcode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMap1d (uint target, double u1, double u2, int stride, int order, double []points); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMap1f (uint target, float u1, float u2, int stride, int order, float []points); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMap2d (uint target, double u1, double u2, int ustride, int uorder, double v1, double v2, int vstride, int vorder, double []points); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMap2f (uint target, float u1, float u2, int ustride, int uorder, float v1, float v2, int vstride, int vorder, float []points); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMapGrid1d (int un, double u1, double u2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMapGrid1f (int un, float u1, float u2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMapGrid2d (int un, double u1, double u2, int vn, double v1, double v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMapGrid2f (int un, float u1, float u2, int vn, float v1, float v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMaterialf (uint face, uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMaterialfv (uint face, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMateriali (uint face, uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMaterialiv (uint face, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMatrixMode (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMultMatrixd ( double []m); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glMultMatrixf ( float []m); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNewList (uint list, uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3b (byte nx, byte ny, byte nz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3bv ( byte []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3d (double nx, double ny, double nz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3f (float nx, float ny, float nz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3i (int nx, int ny, int nz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3s (short nx, short ny, short nz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormal3sv(short[] v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormalPointer(uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glNormalPointer (uint type, int stride, float[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glOrtho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPassThrough (float token); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelMapfv (uint map, int mapsize, float []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelMapuiv (uint map, int mapsize, uint []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelMapusv (uint map, int mapsize, ushort []values); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelStoref (uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelStorei (uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelTransferf (uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelTransferi (uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPixelZoom (float xfactor, float yfactor); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPointSize (float size); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPolygonMode (uint face, uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPolygonOffset (float factor, float units); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPolygonStipple ( byte []mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPopAttrib (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPopClientAttrib (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPopMatrix (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPopName (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPrioritizeTextures (int n, uint []textures, float []priorities); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPushAttrib (uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPushClientAttrib (uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPushMatrix (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glPushName (uint name); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2d (double x, double y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2f (float x, float y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2i (int x, int y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2s (short x, short y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos2sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3d (double x, double y, double z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3f (float x, float y, float z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3i (int x, int y, int z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3s (short x, short y, short z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos3sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4d (double x, double y, double z, double w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4f (float x, float y, float z, float w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4i (int x, int y, int z, int w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4s (short x, short y, short z, short w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRasterPos4sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glReadBuffer (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectd (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectdv ( double []v1, double []v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectf (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectfv ( float []v1, float []v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRecti (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectiv ( int []v1, int []v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRects (short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRectsv ( short []v1, short []v2); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern int glRenderMode (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRotated (double angle, double x, double y, double z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glRotatef (float angle, float x, float y, float z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glScaled (double x, double y, double z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glScalef (float x, float y, float z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glScissor (int x, int y, int width, int height); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glSelectBuffer (int size, uint []buffer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glShadeModel (uint mode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glStencilFunc (uint func, int ref_notkeword, uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glStencilMask (uint mask); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glStencilOp (uint fail, uint zfail, uint zpass); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1d (double s); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1f (float s); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1i (int s); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1s (short s); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord1sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2d (double s, double t); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2f (float s, float t); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2i (int s, int t); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2s (short s, short t); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord2sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3d (double s, double t, double r); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3f (float s, float t, float r); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3i (int s, int t, int r); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3s (short s, short t, short r); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord3sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4d (double s, double t, double r, double q); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4f (float s, float t, float r, float q); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4i (int s, int t, int r, int q); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4s (short s, short t, short r, short q); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoord4sv(short[] v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoordPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexCoordPointer (int size, uint type, int stride, float[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexEnvf (uint target, uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexEnvfv (uint target, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexEnvi (uint target, uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexEnviv (uint target, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGend (uint coord, uint pname, double param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGendv (uint coord, uint pname, double []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGenf (uint coord, uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGenfv (uint coord, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGeni (uint coord, uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexGeniv (uint coord, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexImage1D (uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexImage2D (uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexImage2D (uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexParameterf (uint target, uint pname, float param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexParameterfv (uint target, uint pname, float []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexParameteri (uint target, uint pname, int param); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexParameteriv (uint target, uint pname, int []params_notkeyword); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexSubImage1D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int width, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTexSubImage2D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTranslated (double x, double y, double z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glTranslatef (float x, float y, float z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2d (double x, double y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2f (float x, float y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2i (int x, int y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2s (short x, short y); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex2sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3d (double x, double y, double z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3f (float x, float y, float z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3i (int x, int y, int z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3s (short x, short y, short z); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex3sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4d (double x, double y, double z, double w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4dv ( double []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4f (float x, float y, float z, float w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4fv ( float []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4i (int x, int y, int z, int w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4iv ( int []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4s (short x, short y, short z, short w); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertex4sv ( short []v); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, short[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, int[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, float[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, double[] pointer); [DllImport(LIBRARY_OPENGL, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void glViewport (int x, int y, int width, int height); #endregion #region The GLU DLL Functions (Exactly the same naming). internal const string LIBRARY_GLU = "Glu32.dll"; [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static unsafe extern sbyte* gluErrorString(uint errCode); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static unsafe extern sbyte* gluGetString(int name); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluPerspective (double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluPickMatrix ( double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluLookAt ( double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluProject (double objx, double objy, double objz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double [] winx, double []winy, double []winz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluUnProject (double winx, double winy, double winz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, ref double objx, ref double objy, ref double objz); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluScaleImage (int format, int widthin, int heightin, int typein, int []datain, int widthout, int heightout, int typeout, int[] dataout); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluBuild1DMipmaps (uint target, uint components, int width, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluBuild2DMipmaps (uint target, uint components, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern IntPtr gluNewQuadric(); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluDeleteQuadric (IntPtr state); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluQuadricNormals (IntPtr quadObject, uint normals); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluQuadricTexture (IntPtr quadObject, int textureCoords); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluQuadricOrientation (IntPtr quadObject, int orientation); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluQuadricDrawStyle (IntPtr quadObject, uint drawStyle); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluCylinder(IntPtr qobj,double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height,int slices,int stacks); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluDisk(IntPtr qobj, double innerRadius,double outerRadius,int slices, int loops); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluPartialDisk(IntPtr qobj,double innerRadius,double outerRadius, int slices, int loops, double startAngle, double sweepAngle); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluSphere(IntPtr qobj, double radius, int slices, int stacks); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern IntPtr gluNewTess(); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluDeleteTess(IntPtr tess); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessBeginPolygon(IntPtr tess, IntPtr polygonData); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessBeginContour(IntPtr tess); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessVertex(IntPtr tess,double[] coords, double[] data ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessEndContour( IntPtr tess ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessEndPolygon( IntPtr tess ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessProperty( IntPtr tess,int which, double value ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessNormal( IntPtr tess, double x,double y, double z ); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Begin callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.BeginData callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Combine callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.CombineData callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EdgeFlag callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EdgeFlagData callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.End callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EndData callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Error callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.ErrorData callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Vertex callback); // [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.VertexData callback); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluGetTessProperty( IntPtr tess,int which, double value ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern IntPtr gluNewNurbsRenderer (); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluBeginSurface (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluBeginCurve (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluEndCurve (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluEndSurface (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluBeginTrim (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluEndTrim (IntPtr nobj); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluPwlCurve (IntPtr nobj, int count, float array, int stride, uint type); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluNurbsCurve(IntPtr nobj, int nknots, float[] knot, int stride, float[] ctlarray, int order, uint type); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluNurbsSurface(IntPtr nobj, int sknot_count, float[] sknot, int tknot_count, float[] tknot, int s_stride, int t_stride, float[] ctlarray, int sorder, int torder, uint type); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluLoadSamplingMatrices (IntPtr nobj, float[] modelMatrix, float[] projMatrix, int[] viewport); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluNurbsProperty(IntPtr nobj, int property, float value); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void gluGetNurbsProperty (IntPtr nobj, int property, float value ); [DllImport(LIBRARY_GLU, SetLastError = true)] private static extern void IntPtrCallback(IntPtr nobj, int which, IntPtr Callback ); #endregion #region Wrapped OpenGL Functions /// /// Set the Accumulation Buffer operation. /// /// Operation of the buffer. /// Reference value. public void Accum(uint op, float value) { PreGLCall(); glAccum(op, value); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the Accumulation Buffer operation. /// /// Operation of the buffer. /// Reference value. public void Accum(Enumerations.AccumOperation op, float value) { PreGLCall(); glAccum((uint)op, value); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the Alpha Test function. /// /// Specifies the alpha comparison function. Symbolic constants OpenGL.NEVER, OpenGL.LESS, OpenGL.EQUAL, OpenGL.LEQUAL, OpenGL.GREATER, OpenGL.NOTEQUAL, OpenGL.GEQUAL and OpenGL.ALWAYS are accepted. The initial value is OpenGL.ALWAYS. /// Specifies the reference value that incoming alpha values are compared to. This value is clamped to the range 0 through 1, where 0 represents the lowest possible alpha value and 1 the highest possible value. The initial reference value is 0. public void AlphaFunc(uint func, float reference) { PreGLCall(); glAlphaFunc(func, reference); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the Alpha Test function. /// /// Specifies the alpha comparison function. /// Specifies the reference value that incoming alpha values are compared to. This value is clamped to the range 0 through 1, where 0 represents the lowest possible alpha value and 1 the highest possible value. The initial reference value is 0. public void AlphaFunc(Enumerations.AlphaTestFunction function, float reference) { PreGLCall(); glAlphaFunc((uint)function, reference); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Determine if textures are loaded in texture memory. /// /// Specifies the number of textures to be queried. /// Specifies an array containing the names of the textures to be queried. /// Specifies an array in which the texture residence status is returned. The residence status of a texture named by an element of textures is returned in the corresponding element of residences. /// public byte AreTexturesResident(int n, uint []textures, byte []residences) { PreGLCall(); byte returnValue = glAreTexturesResident(n, textures, residences); PostGLCall(); return returnValue; } /// /// Render a vertex using the specified vertex array element. /// /// Specifies an index into the enabled vertex data arrays. public void ArrayElement(int i) { PreGLCall(); glArrayElement(i); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Begin drawing geometry in the specified mode. /// /// The mode to draw in, e.g. OpenGL.POLYGONS. public void Begin(uint mode) { // Do PreGLCall now, and PostGLCall AFTER End() PreGLCall(); // Let's remember something important here - you CANNOT call 'glGetError' // between glBegin and glEnd. So we set the 'begun' flag - this'll // turn off error reporting until glEnd. glBegin(mode); // Set the begun flag. insideGLBegin = true; } /// /// Begin drawing geometry in the specified mode. /// /// The mode to draw in, e.g. OpenGL.POLYGONS. public void Begin(Enumerations.BeginMode mode) { // Do PreGLCall now, and PostGLCall AFTER End() PreGLCall(); // Let's remember something important here - you CANNOT call 'glGetError' // between glBegin and glEnd. So we set the 'begun' flag - this'll // turn off error reporting until glEnd. glBegin((uint)mode); // Set the begun flag. insideGLBegin = true; } /// /// This function begins drawing a NURBS curve. /// /// The NURBS object. public void BeginCurve(IntPtr nurbsObject) { PreGLCall(); gluBeginCurve(nurbsObject); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function begins drawing a NURBS surface. /// /// The NURBS object. public void BeginSurface(IntPtr nurbsObject) { PreGLCall(); gluBeginSurface(nurbsObject); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Call this function after creating a texture to finalise creation of it, /// or to make an existing texture current. /// /// The target type, e.g TEXTURE_2D. /// The OpenGL texture object. public void BindTexture(uint target, uint texture) { PreGLCall(); glBindTexture(target, texture); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a bitmap. /// /// Specify the pixel width of the bitmap image. /// Specify the pixel height of the bitmap image. /// Specify the location of the origin in the bitmap image. The origin is measured from the lower left corner of the bitmap, with right and up being the positive axes. /// Specify the location of the origin in the bitmap image. The origin is measured from the lower left corner of the bitmap, with right and up being the positive axes. /// Specify the x and y offsets to be added to the current raster position after the bitmap is drawn. /// Specify the x and y offsets to be added to the current raster position after the bitmap is drawn. /// Specifies the address of the bitmap image. public void Bitmap(int width, int height, float xorig, float yorig, float xmove, float ymove, byte []bitmap) { PreGLCall(); glBitmap(width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current blending function. /// /// Source factor. /// Destination factor. public void BlendFunc(uint sfactor, uint dfactor) { PreGLCall(); glBlendFunc(sfactor,dfactor); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current blending function. /// /// The source factor. /// The destination factor. public void BlendFunc(Enumerations.BlendingSourceFactor sourceFactor, Enumerations.BlendingDestinationFactor destinationFactor) { PreGLCall(); glBlendFunc((uint)sourceFactor, (uint)destinationFactor); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function calls a certain display list. /// /// The display list to call. public void CallList(uint list) { PreGLCall(); glCallList(list); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Execute a list of display lists. /// /// Specifies the number of display lists to be executed. /// Specifies the type of values in lists. Symbolic constants OpenGL.BYTE, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, OpenGL.INT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT, OpenGL.FLOAT, OpenGL.2_BYTES, OpenGL.3_BYTES and OpenGL.4_BYTES are accepted. /// Specifies the address of an array of name offsets in the display list. The pointer type is void because the offsets can be bytes, shorts, ints, or floats, depending on the value of type. public void CallLists (int n, uint type, IntPtr lists) { PreGLCall(); glCallLists(n, type, lists); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Execute a list of display lists. /// /// Specifies the number of display lists to be executed. /// Specifies the type of values in lists. Symbolic constants OpenGL.BYTE, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, OpenGL.INT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT, OpenGL.FLOAT, OpenGL.2_BYTES, OpenGL.3_BYTES and OpenGL.4_BYTES are accepted. /// Specifies the address of an array of name offsets in the display list. The pointer type is void because the offsets can be bytes, shorts, ints, or floats, depending on the value of type. public void CallLists(int n, Enumerations.DataType type, IntPtr lists) { PreGLCall(); glCallLists(n, (uint)type, lists); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Execute a list of display lists. Automatically uses the GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE version of the function. /// /// The number of lists. /// The lists. public void CallLists(int n, byte[] lists) { PreGLCall(); glCallLists(n, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, lists); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Execute a list of display lists. Automatically uses the GL_UNSIGNED_INT version of the function. /// /// The number of lists. /// The lists. public void CallLists(int n, uint[] lists) { PreGLCall(); glCallLists(n, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, lists); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function clears the buffers specified by mask. /// /// Which buffers to clear. public void Clear(uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glClear(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify clear values for the accumulation buffer. /// /// Specify the red, green, blue and alpha values used when the accumulation buffer is cleared. The initial values are all 0. /// Specify the red, green, blue and alpha values used when the accumulation buffer is cleared. The initial values are all 0. /// Specify the red, green, blue and alpha values used when the accumulation buffer is cleared. The initial values are all 0. /// Specify the red, green, blue and alpha values used when the accumulation buffer is cleared. The initial values are all 0. public void ClearAccum (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { PreGLCall(); glClearAccum(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the color that the drawing buffer is 'cleared' to. /// /// Red component of the color (between 0 and 1). /// Green component of the color (between 0 and 1). /// Blue component of the color (between 0 and 1)./ /// Alpha component of the color (between 0 and 1). public void ClearColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { PreGLCall(); glClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the clear value for the depth buffer. /// /// Specifies the depth value used when the depth buffer is cleared. The initial value is 1. public void ClearDepth(double depth) { PreGLCall(); glClearDepth(depth); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the clear value for the color index buffers. /// /// Specifies the index used when the color index buffers are cleared. The initial value is 0. public void ClearIndex (float c) { PreGLCall(); glClearIndex(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the clear value for the stencil buffer. /// /// Specifies the index used when the stencil buffer is cleared. The initial value is 0. public void ClearStencil (int s) { PreGLCall(); glClearStencil(s); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped. /// /// Specifies which clipping plane is being positioned. Symbolic names of the form OpenGL.CLIP_PLANEi, where i is an integer between 0 and OpenGL.MAX_CLIP_PLANES -1, are accepted. /// Specifies the address of an array of four double-precision floating-point values. These values are interpreted as a plane equation. public void ClipPlane (uint plane, double []equation) { PreGLCall(); glClipPlane(plane, equation); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped. /// /// Specifies which clipping plane is being positioned. Symbolic names of the form OpenGL.CLIP_PLANEi, where i is an integer between 0 and OpenGL.MAX_CLIP_PLANES -1, are accepted. /// Specifies the address of an array of four double-precision floating-point values. These values are interpreted as a plane equation. public void ClipPlane(Enumerations.ClipPlaneName plane, double[] equation) { PreGLCall(); glClipPlane((uint)plane, equation); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 255). /// Green color component (between 0 and 255). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 255). public void Color(byte red, byte green, byte blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3ub(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 255). /// Green color component (between 0 and 255). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 255). /// Alpha color component (between 0 and 255). public void Color(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4ub(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(double red, double green, double blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3d(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component. public void Color(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4d(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(float red, float green, float blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3f(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 float values. public void Color(float[] v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 3) glColor3fv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glColor4fv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 int values. public void Color(int[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3iv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4iv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 int values. public void Color(short[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3sv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4sv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 double values. public void Color(double[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3dv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4dv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 byte values. public void Color(byte[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3bv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4bv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 unsigned int values. public void Color(uint[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3uiv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4uiv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color to 'v'. /// /// An array of either 3 or 4 unsigned short values. public void Color(ushort[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 3) glColor3usv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glColor4usv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(int red, int green, int blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3i(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component. public void Color(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4i(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(short red, short green, short blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3s(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component. public void Color(short red, short green, short blue, short alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4s(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(uint red, uint green, uint blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3ui(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component. public void Color(uint red, uint green, uint blue, uint alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4ui(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue) { PreGLCall(); glColor3us(red, green, blue); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component. public void Color(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue, ushort alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4us(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current color. /// /// Red color component (between 0 and 1). /// Green color component (between 0 and 1). /// Blue color component (between 0 and 1). /// Alpha color component (between 0 and 1). public void Color(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current colour mask. /// /// Red component mask. /// Green component mask. /// Blue component mask. /// Alpha component mask. public void ColorMask(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha) { PreGLCall(); glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Cause a material color to track the current color. /// /// Specifies whether front, back, or both front and back material parameters should track the current color. Accepted values are OpenGL.FRONT, OpenGL.BACK, and OpenGL.FRONT_AND_BACK. The initial value is OpenGL.FRONT_AND_BACK. /// Specifies which of several material parameters track the current color. Accepted values are OpenGL.EMISSION, OpenGL.AMBIENT, OpenGL.DIFFUSE, OpenGL.SPECULAR and OpenGL.AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE. The initial value is OpenGL.AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE. public void ColorMaterial (uint face, uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glColorMaterial(face, mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Define an array of colors. /// /// Specifies the number of components per color. Must be 3 or 4. /// Specifies the data type of each color component in the array. Symbolic constants OpenGL.BYTE, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, OpenGL.INT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT, OpenGL.FLOAT and OpenGL.DOUBLE are accepted. /// Specifies the byte offset between consecutive colors. If stride is 0, (the initial value), the colors are understood to be tightly packed in the array. /// Specifies a pointer to the first component of the first color element in the array. public void ColorPointer (int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer) { PreGLCall(); glColorPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Copy pixels in the frame buffer. /// /// Specify the window coordinates of the lower left corner of the rectangular region of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the window coordinates of the lower left corner of the rectangular region of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the dimensions of the rectangular region of pixels to be copied. Both must be nonnegative. /// Specify the dimensions of the rectangular region of pixels to be copied. Both must be nonnegative. /// Specifies whether color values, depth values, or stencil values are to be copied. Symbolic constants OpenGL.COLOR, OpenGL.DEPTH, and OpenGL.STENCIL are accepted. public void CopyPixels (int x, int y, int width, int height, uint type) { PreGLCall(); glCopyPixels(x, y, width, height, type); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Copy pixels into a 1D texture image. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the internal format of the texture. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. Must be 0 or 2^n = (2 * border) for some integer n. The height of the texture image is 1. /// Specifies the width of the border. Must be either 0 or 1. public void CopyTexImage1D (uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int border) { PreGLCall(); glCopyTexImage1D(target, level, internalFormat, x, y, width, border); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Copy pixels into a 2D texture image. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_2D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the internal format of the texture. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. /// Specifies the height of the texture image. /// Specifies the width of the border. Must be either 0 or 1. public void CopyTexImage2D (uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border) { PreGLCall(); glCopyTexImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, x, y, width, height, border); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Copy a one-dimensional texture subimage. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the texel offset within the texture array. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. public void CopyTexSubImage1D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int x, int y, int width) { PreGLCall(); glCopyTexSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, x, y, width); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Copy a two-dimensional texture subimage. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_2D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the texel offset within the texture array. /// Specifies the texel offset within the texture array. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specify the window coordinates of the left corner of the row of pixels to be copied. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. /// Specifies the height of the texture image. public void CopyTexSubImage2D (uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height) { PreGLCall(); glCopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled. /// /// Specifies whether front- or back-facing facets are candidates for culling. Symbolic constants OpenGL.FRONT, OpenGL.BACK, and OpenGL.FRONT_AND_BACK are accepted. The initial value is OpenGL.BACK. public void CullFace (uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glCullFace(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function draws a sphere from the quadric object. /// /// The quadric object. /// Radius at the base. /// Radius at the top. /// Height of cylinder. /// Cylinder slices. /// Cylinder stacks. public void Cylinder(IntPtr qobj, double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height,int slices, int stacks) { PreGLCall(); gluCylinder(qobj, baseRadius, topRadius, height, slices, stacks); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function deletes a list, or a range of lists. /// /// The list to delete. /// The range of lists (often just 1). public void DeleteLists(uint list, int range) { PreGLCall(); glDeleteLists(list, range); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function deletes the underlying glu nurbs renderer. /// /// The pointer to the nurbs object. public void DeleteNurbsRenderer(IntPtr nurbsObject) { PreGLCall(); gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(nurbsObject); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function deletes a set of Texture objects. /// /// Number of textures to delete. /// The array containing the names of the textures to delete. public void DeleteTextures (int n, uint []textures) { PreGLCall(); glDeleteTextures(n, textures); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Call this function to delete an OpenGL Quadric object. /// /// public void DeleteQuadric(IntPtr quadric) { PreGLCall(); gluDeleteQuadric(quadric); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current depth buffer comparison function, the default it LESS. /// /// The comparison function to set. public void DepthFunc(uint func) { PreGLCall(); glDepthFunc(func); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current depth buffer comparison function, the default it LESS. /// /// The comparison function to set. public void DepthFunc(Enumerations.DepthFunction function) { PreGLCall(); glDepthFunc((uint)function); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the depth mask. /// /// The depth mask flag, normally 1. public void DepthMask(byte flag) { PreGLCall(); glDepthMask(flag); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates. /// /// Specifies the mapping of the near clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 0. /// Specifies the mapping of the near clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1. public void DepthRange (double zNear, double zFar) { PreGLCall(); glDepthRange(zNear, zFar); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Call this function to disable an OpenGL capability. /// /// The capability to disable. public void Disable(uint cap) { PreGLCall(); glDisable(cap); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function disables a client state array, such as a vertex array. /// /// The array to disable. public void DisableClientState (uint array) { PreGLCall(); glDisableClientState(array); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Render primitives from array data. /// /// Specifies what kind of primitives to render. Symbolic constants OpenGL.POINTS, OpenGL.LINE_STRIP, OpenGL.LINE_LOOP, OpenGL.LINES, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_STRIP, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_FAN, OpenGL.TRIANGLES, OpenGL.QUAD_STRIP, OpenGL.QUADS, and OpenGL.POLYGON are accepted. /// Specifies the starting index in the enabled arrays. /// Specifies the number of indices to be rendered. public void DrawArrays (uint mode, int first, int count) { PreGLCall(); glDrawArrays(mode, first, count); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify which color buffers are to be drawn into. /// /// Specifies up to four color buffers to be drawn into. Symbolic constants OpenGL.NONE, OpenGL.FRONT_LEFT, OpenGL.FRONT_RIGHT, OpenGL.BACK_LEFT, OpenGL.BACK_RIGHT, OpenGL.FRONT, OpenGL.BACK, OpenGL.LEFT, OpenGL.RIGHT, OpenGL.FRONT_AND_BACK, and OpenGL.AUXi, where i is between 0 and (OpenGL.AUX_BUFFERS - 1), are accepted (OpenGL.AUX_BUFFERS is not the upper limit; use glGet to query the number of available aux buffers.) The initial value is OpenGL.FRONT for single- buffered contexts, and OpenGL.BACK for double-buffered contexts. public void DrawBuffer (uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glDrawBuffer(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify which color buffers are to be drawn into. /// /// Specifies up to four color buffers to be drawn into. public void DrawBuffer(Enumerations.DrawBufferMode drawBufferMode) { PreGLCall(); glDrawBuffer((uint)drawBufferMode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Render primitives from array data. /// /// Specifies what kind of primitives to render. Symbolic constants OpenGL.POINTS, OpenGL.LINE_STRIP, OpenGL.LINE_LOOP, OpenGL.LINES, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_STRIP, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_FAN, OpenGL.TRIANGLES, OpenGL.QUAD_STRIP, OpenGL.QUADS, and OpenGL.POLYGON are accepted. /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered. /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored. public void DrawElements(uint mode, int count, uint[] indices) { PreGLCall(); glDrawElements(mode, count, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Render primitives from array data. /// /// Specifies what kind of primitives to render. Symbolic constants OpenGL.POINTS, OpenGL.LINE_STRIP, OpenGL.LINE_LOOP, OpenGL.LINES, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_STRIP, OpenGL.TRIANGLE_FAN, OpenGL.TRIANGLES, OpenGL.QUAD_STRIP, OpenGL.QUADS, and OpenGL.POLYGON are accepted. /// Specifies the number of elements to be rendered. /// Specifies the type of the values in indices. Must be one of OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, or OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT. /// Specifies a pointer to the location where the indices are stored. public void DrawElements(uint mode, int count, uint type, IntPtr indices) { PreGLCall(); glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draws a rectangle of pixel data at the current raster position. /// /// Width of pixel data. /// Height of pixel data. /// Format of pixel data. /// Pixel data buffer. public void DrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, float[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glDrawPixels(width, height, format, GL_FLOAT, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draws a rectangle of pixel data at the current raster position. /// /// Width of pixel data. /// Height of pixel data. /// Format of pixel data. /// Pixel data buffer. public void DrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glDrawPixels(width, height, format, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draws a rectangle of pixel data at the current raster position. /// /// Width of pixel data. /// Height of pixel data. /// Format of pixel data. /// Pixel data buffer. public void DrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, ushort[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glDrawPixels(width, height, format, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draws a rectangle of pixel data at the current raster position. /// /// Width of pixel data. /// Height of pixel data. /// Format of pixel data. /// Pixel data buffer. public void DrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, byte[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glDrawPixels(width, height, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draws a rectangle of pixel data at the current raster position. /// /// Width of pixel data. /// Height of pixel data. /// Format of pixel data. /// The GL data type. /// Pixel data buffer. public void DrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels) { PreGLCall(); glDrawPixels(width, height, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary. /// /// Specifies the current edge flag value, either OpenGL.TRUE or OpenGL.FALSE. The initial value is OpenGL.TRUE. public void EdgeFlag (byte flag) { PreGLCall(); glEdgeFlag(flag); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Define an array of edge flags. /// /// Specifies the byte offset between consecutive edge flags. If stride is 0 (the initial value), the edge flags are understood to be tightly packed in the array. /// Specifies a pointer to the first edge flag in the array. public void EdgeFlagPointer (int stride, int[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glEdgeFlagPointer(stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary. /// /// Specifies a pointer to an array that contains a single boolean element, which replaces the current edge flag value. public void EdgeFlag( byte []flag) { PreGLCall(); glEdgeFlagv(flag); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Call this function to enable an OpenGL capability. /// /// The capability you wish to enable. public void Enable(uint cap) { PreGLCall(); glEnable(cap); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function enables one of the client state arrays, such as a vertex array. /// /// The array to enable. public void EnableClientState(uint array) { PreGLCall(); glEnableClientState(array); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This is not an imported OpenGL function, but very useful. If 'test' is /// true, cap is enabled, otherwise, it's disable. /// /// The capability you want to enable. /// The logical comparison. public void EnableIf(uint cap, bool test) { if(test) Enable(cap); else Disable(cap); } /// /// Signals the End of drawing. /// public void End() { glEnd(); // Clear the begun flag. insideGLBegin = false; // This matches Begin()'s PreGLCall() PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function ends the drawing of a NURBS curve. /// /// The nurbs object. public void EndCurve(IntPtr nurbsObject) { PreGLCall(); gluEndCurve(nurbsObject); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Ends the current display list compilation. /// public void EndList() { PreGLCall(); glEndList(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function ends the drawing of a NURBS surface. /// /// The nurbs object. public void EndSurface(IntPtr nurbsObject) { PreGLCall(); gluEndSurface(nurbsObject); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord1(double u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord1d(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord1( double []u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord1dv(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord1(float u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord1f(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord1( float []u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord1fv(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord2(double u, double v) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord2d(u, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord2(double[] u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord2dv(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord2(float u, float v) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord2f(u, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluate from the current evaluator. /// /// Domain coordinate. public void EvalCoord2(float[] u) { PreGLCall(); glEvalCoord2fv(u); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluates a 'mesh' from the current evaluators. /// /// Drawing mode, can be POINT or LINE. /// Beginning of range. /// End of range. public void EvalMesh1(uint mode, int i1, int i2) { PreGLCall(); glEvalMesh1(mode, i1, i2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Evaluates a 'mesh' from the current evaluators. /// /// Drawing mode, fill, point or line. /// Beginning of range. /// End of range. /// Beginning of range. /// End of range. public void EvalMesh2(uint mode, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2) { PreGLCall(); glEvalMesh2(mode, i1, i2, j1, j2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh. /// /// The integer value for grid domain variable i. public void EvalPoint1(int i) { PreGLCall(); glEvalPoint1(i); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh. /// /// The integer value for grid domain variable i. /// The integer value for grid domain variable j. public void EvalPoint2(int i, int j) { PreGLCall(); glEvalPoint2(i, j); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the feedback buffer, that will receive feedback data. /// /// Size of the buffer. /// Type of data in the buffer. /// The buffer itself. public void FeedbackBuffer(int size, uint type, float []buffer) { PreGLCall(); glFeedbackBuffer(size, type, buffer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function is similar to flush, but in a sense does it more, as it /// executes all commands aon both the client and the server. /// public void Finish() { PreGLCall(); glFinish(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This forces OpenGL to execute any commands you have given it. /// public void Flush() { PreGLCall(); glFlush(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets a fog parameter. /// /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void Fog(uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glFogf(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets a fog parameter. /// /// The parameter to set. /// The values to set it to. public void Fog(uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glFogfv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets a fog parameter. /// /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void Fog(uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glFogi(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets a fog parameter. /// /// The parameter to set. /// The values to set it to. public void Fog(uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glFogiv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets what defines a front face. /// /// Winding mode, counter clockwise by default. public void FrontFace(uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glFrontFace(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates a frustrum transformation and mulitplies it to the current /// matrix (which in most cases should be the projection matrix). /// /// Left clip position. /// Right clip position. /// Bottom clip position. /// Top clip position. /// Near clip position. /// Far clip position. public void Frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar) { PreGLCall(); glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function generates 'range' number of contiguos display list indices. /// /// The number of lists to generate. /// The first list. public uint GenLists(int range) { PreGLCall(); uint list = glGenLists(range); PostGLCall(); return list; } /// /// Create a set of unique texture names. /// /// Number of names to create. /// Array to store the texture names. public void GenTextures(int n, uint []textures) { PreGLCall(); glGenTextures(n, textures); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function queries OpenGL for data, and puts it in the buffer supplied. /// /// The parameter to query. /// public void GetBooleanv (uint pname, byte[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetBooleanv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function queries OpenGL for data, and puts it in the buffer supplied. /// /// The parameter to query. /// public void GetBooleanv(Enumerations.GetTarget pname, byte[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetBooleanv((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane. /// /// Specifies a clipping plane. The number of clipping planes depends on the implementation, but at least six clipping planes are supported. They are identified by symbolic names of the form OpenGL.CLIP_PLANEi where 0 Less Than i Less Than OpenGL.MAX_CLIP_PLANES. /// Returns four double-precision values that are the coefficients of the plane equation of plane in eye coordinates. The initial value is (0, 0, 0, 0). public void GetClipPlane (uint plane, double []equation) { PreGLCall(); glGetClipPlane(plane, equation); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function queries OpenGL for data, and puts it in the buffer supplied. /// /// The parameter to query. /// The buffer to put that data into. public void GetDouble(uint pname, double []parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetDoublev(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function queries OpenGL for data, and puts it in the buffer supplied. /// /// The parameter to query. /// The buffer to put that data into. public void GetDouble(Enumerations.GetTarget pname, double[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetDoublev((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Get the current OpenGL error code. /// /// The current OpenGL error code. public uint GetError() { return glGetError(); } /// /// Get the current OpenGL error code. /// /// The current OpenGL error code. public Enumerations.ErrorCode GetErrorCode() { return (Enumerations.ErrorCode)glGetError(); } /// /// This this function to query OpenGL values. /// /// The parameter to query. /// The parameters public void GetFloat(uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetFloatv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This this function to query OpenGL values. /// /// The parameter to query. /// The parameters public void GetFloat(Enumerations.GetTarget pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetFloatv((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Use this function to query OpenGL parameter values. /// /// The Parameter to query /// An array to put the values into. public void GetInteger(uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetIntegerv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Use this function to query OpenGL parameter values. /// /// The Parameter to query /// An array to put the values into. public void GetInteger(Enumerations.GetTarget pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetIntegerv((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return light source parameter values. /// /// Specifies a light source. The number of possible lights depends on the implementation, but at least eight lights are supported. They are identified by symbolic names of the form OpenGL.LIGHTi where i ranges from 0 to the value of OpenGL.GL_MAX_LIGHTS - 1. /// Specifies a light source parameter for light. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetLight(uint light, uint pname, float []parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetLightfv(light, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return light source parameter values. /// /// Specifies a light source. The number of possible lights depends on the implementation, but at least eight lights are supported. They are identified by symbolic names of the form OpenGL.LIGHTi where i ranges from 0 to the value of OpenGL.GL_MAX_LIGHTS - 1. /// Specifies a light source parameter for light. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetLight(uint light, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetLightiv(light, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(uint target, uint query, double []v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapdv(target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(Enumerations.GetMapTarget target, uint query, double[] v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapdv((uint)target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(Enumerations.GetMapTarget target, uint query, float[] v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapfv((uint)target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(uint target, uint query, float []v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapfv(target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(Enumerations.GetMapTarget target, uint query, int[] v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapiv((uint)target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return evaluator parameters. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of a map. /// Specifies which parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMap(uint target, uint query, int []v) { PreGLCall(); glGetMapiv(target, query, v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return material parameters. /// /// Specifies which of the two materials is being queried. OpenGL.FRONT or OpenGL.BACK are accepted, representing the front and back materials, respectively. /// Specifies the material parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMaterial(uint face, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetMaterialfv(face, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return material parameters. /// /// Specifies which of the two materials is being queried. OpenGL.FRONT or OpenGL.BACK are accepted, representing the front and back materials, respectively. /// Specifies the material parameter to return. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetMaterial(uint face, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetMaterialiv(face, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the specified pixel map. /// /// Specifies the name of the pixel map to return. /// Returns the pixel map contents. public void GetPixelMap(uint map, float []values) { PreGLCall(); glGetPixelMapfv(map, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the specified pixel map. /// /// Specifies the name of the pixel map to return. /// Returns the pixel map contents. public void GetPixelMap(uint map, uint []values) { PreGLCall(); glGetPixelMapuiv(map, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the specified pixel map. /// /// Specifies the name of the pixel map to return. /// Returns the pixel map contents. public void GetPixelMap(uint map, ushort []values) { PreGLCall(); glGetPixelMapusv(map, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the address of the specified pointer. /// /// Specifies the array or buffer pointer to be returned. /// Returns the pointer value specified by parameters. public void GetPointerv (uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetPointerv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return the polygon stipple pattern. /// /// Returns the stipple pattern. The initial value is all 1's. public void GetPolygonStipple (byte []mask) { PreGLCall(); glGetPolygonStipple(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return a string describing the current GL connection. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.VENDOR, OpenGL.RENDERER, OpenGL.VERSION, or OpenGL.EXTENSIONS. /// Pointer to the specified string. public unsafe string GetString (uint name) { PreGLCall(); sbyte* pStr = glGetString(name); var str = new string(pStr); PostGLCall(); return str; } /// /// Return texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture environment parameter. Accepted values are OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, and OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetTexEnv(uint target, uint pname, float []parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexEnvfv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture environment parameter. Accepted values are OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, and OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetTexEnv(uint target, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexEnviv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void GetTexGen(uint coord, uint pname, double[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexGendv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void GetTexGen(uint coord, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexGenfv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void GetTexGen(uint coord, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexGeniv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return a texture image. /// /// Specifies which texture is to be obtained. OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D and OpenGL.TEXTURE_2D are accepted. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number of the desired image. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies a pixel format for the returned data. /// Specifies a pixel type for the returned data. /// Returns the texture image. Should be a pointer to an array of the type specified by type. public void GetTexImage (uint target, int level, uint format, uint type, int []pixels) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexImage(target, level, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the target texture. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number of the desired image. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture parameter. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetTexLevelParameter(uint target, int level, uint pname, float []parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexLevelParameterfv(target, level, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the target texture. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number of the desired image. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture parameter. /// Returns the requested data. public void GetTexLevelParameter(uint target, int level, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexLevelParameteriv(target, level, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return texture parameter values. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the target texture. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture parameter. /// Returns the texture parameters. public void GetTexParameter(uint target, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexParameterfv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Return texture parameter values. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the target texture. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture parameter. /// Returns the texture parameters. public void GetTexParameter(uint target, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glGetTexParameteriv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify implementation-specific hints. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant indicating the behavior to be controlled. /// Specifies a symbolic constant indicating the desired behavior. public void Hint (uint target, uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glHint(target, mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify implementation-specific hints. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant indicating the behavior to be controlled. /// Specifies a symbolic constant indicating the desired behavior. public void Hint(Enumerations.HintTarget target, Enumerations.HintMode mode) { PreGLCall(); glHint((uint)target, (uint)mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers. /// /// Specifies a bit mask to enable and disable the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers. Initially, the mask is all 1's. public void IndexMask (uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glIndexMask(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Define an array of color indexes. /// /// Specifies the data type of each color index in the array. Symbolic constants OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.INT, OpenGL.FLOAT, and OpenGL.DOUBLE are accepted. /// Specifies the byte offset between consecutive color indexes. If stride is 0 (the initial value), the color indexes are understood to be tightly packed in the array. /// Specifies a pointer to the first index in the array. public void IndexPointer (uint type, int stride, int[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glIndexPointer(type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(double c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexd(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(double[] c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexdv(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(float c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexf(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(float[] c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexfv(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(int c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexi(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(int[] c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexiv(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(short c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexs(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(short[] c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexsv(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(byte c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexub(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current color index. /// /// Specifies the new value for the current color index. public void Index(byte[] c) { PreGLCall(); glIndexubv(c); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function initialises the select buffer names. /// public void InitNames() { PreGLCall(); glInitNames(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays. /// /// Specifies the type of array to enable. /// Specifies the offset in bytes between each aggregate array element. /// The array. public void InterleavedArrays (uint format, int stride, int[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glInterleavedArrays(format, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Use this function to query if a certain OpenGL function is enabled or not. /// /// The capability to test. /// True if the capability is enabled, otherwise, false. public bool IsEnabled (uint cap) { PreGLCall(); byte e = glIsEnabled(cap); PostGLCall(); return e != 0; } /// /// This function determines whether a specified value is a display list. /// /// The value to test. /// TRUE if it is a list, FALSE otherwise. public byte IsList(uint list) { PreGLCall(); byte islist = glIsList(list); PostGLCall(); return islist; } /// /// Determine if a name corresponds to a texture. /// /// Specifies a value that may be the name of a texture. /// True if texture is a texture object. public byte IsTexture (uint texture) { PreGLCall(); byte returnValue = glIsTexture(texture); PostGLCall(); return returnValue; } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glLightModelf(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(Enumerations.LightModelParameter pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glLightModelf((uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightModelfv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(Enumerations.LightModelParameter pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightModelfv((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glLightModeli(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(Enumerations.LightModelParameter pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glLightModeli((uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel (uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightModeliv(pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a parameter of the lighting model. /// /// The name of the parameter. /// The parameter to set it to. public void LightModel(Enumerations.LightModelParameter pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightModeliv((uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(uint light, uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glLightf(light, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(Enumerations.LightName light, Enumerations.LightParameter pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glLightf((uint)light, (uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(uint light, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightfv(light, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(Enumerations.LightName light, Enumerations.LightParameter pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightfv((uint)light, (uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(uint light, uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glLighti(light, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The value that you want to set the parameter to. public void Light(Enumerations.LightName light, Enumerations.LightParameter pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glLighti((uint)light, (uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The parameters. public void Light(uint light, uint pname, int []parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightiv(light, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the parameter (pname) of the light 'light'. /// /// The light you wish to set parameters for. /// The parameter you want to set. /// The parameters. public void Light(Enumerations.LightName light, Enumerations.LightParameter pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glLightiv((uint)light, (uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the line stipple pattern. /// /// Specifies a multiplier for each bit in the line stipple pattern. If factor is 3, for example, each bit in the pattern is used three times before the next bit in the pattern is used. factor is clamped to the range [1, 256] and defaults to 1. /// Specifies a 16-bit integer whose bit pattern determines which fragments of a line will be drawn when the line is rasterized. Bit zero is used first; the default pattern is all 1's. public void LineStipple(int factor, ushort pattern) { PreGLCall(); glLineStipple(factor, pattern); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set's the current width of lines. /// /// New line width to set. public void LineWidth(float width) { PreGLCall(); glLineWidth(width); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the display-list base for glCallLists. /// /// Specifies an integer offset that will be added to glCallLists offsets to generate display-list names. The initial value is 0. public void ListBase (uint listbase) { PreGLCall(); glListBase(listbase); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Call this function to load the identity matrix into the current matrix stack. /// public void LoadIdentity() { PreGLCall(); glLoadIdentity(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Replace the current matrix with the specified matrix. /// /// Specifies a pointer to 16 consecutive values, which are used as the elements of a 4x4 column-major matrix. public void LoadMatrix( double []m) { PreGLCall(); glLoadMatrixd(m); PreGLCall(); } /// /// Replace the current matrix with the specified matrix. /// /// Specifies a pointer to 16 consecutive values, which are used as the elements of a 4x4 column-major matrix. public void LoadMatrixf(float[] m) { PreGLCall(); glLoadMatrixf(m); PreGLCall(); } /// /// This function replaces the name at the top of the selection names stack /// with 'name'. /// /// The name to replace it with. public void LoadName (uint name) { PreGLCall(); glLoadName(name); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a logical pixel operation for color index rendering. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant that selects a logical operation. public void LogicOp (uint opcode) { PreGLCall(); glLogicOp(opcode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a logical pixel operation for color index rendering. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant that selects a logical operation. public void LogicOp(Enumerations.LogicOp logicOp) { PreGLCall(); glLogicOp((uint)logicOp); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function transforms the projection matrix so that it looks at a certain /// point, from a certain point. /// /// Position of the eye. /// Position of the eye. /// Position of the eye. /// Point to look at. /// Point to look at. /// Point to look at. /// 'Up' Vector X Component. /// 'Up' Vector Y Component. /// 'Up' Vector Z Component. public void LookAt(double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz) { PreGLCall(); gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, centerx, centery, centerz, upx, upy, upz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Defines a 1D evaluator. /// /// What the control points represent (e.g. MAP1_VERTEX_3). /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Offset between beginning of one control point, and beginning of next. /// The degree plus one, should agree with the number of control points. /// The data for the points. public void Map1(uint target, double u1, double u2, int stride, int order, double []points) { PreGLCall(); glMap1d(target, u1, u2, stride, order, points); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Defines a 1D evaluator. /// /// What the control points represent (e.g. MAP1_VERTEX_3). /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Offset between beginning of one control point, and beginning of next. /// The degree plus one, should agree with the number of control points. /// The data for the points. public void Map1(uint target, float u1, float u2, int stride, int order, float []points) { PreGLCall(); glMap1f(target, u1, u2, stride, order, points); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Defines a 2D evaluator. /// /// What the control points represent (e.g. MAP2_VERTEX_3). /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Range of the variable 'u. /// Offset between beginning of one control point and the next. /// The degree plus one. /// Range of the variable 'v'. /// Range of the variable 'v'. /// Offset between beginning of one control point and the next. /// The degree plus one. /// The data for the points. public void Map2(uint target, double u1, double u2, int ustride, int uorder, double v1, double v2, int vstride, int vorder, double []points) { PreGLCall(); glMap2d(target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Defines a 2D evaluator. /// /// What the control points represent (e.g. MAP2_VERTEX_3). /// Range of the variable 'u'. /// Range of the variable 'u. /// Offset between beginning of one control point and the next. /// The degree plus one. /// Range of the variable 'v'. /// Range of the variable 'v'. /// Offset between beginning of one control point and the next. /// The degree plus one. /// The data for the points. public void Map2(uint target, float u1, float u2, int ustride, int uorder, float v1, float v2, int vstride, int vorder, float []points) { PreGLCall(); glMap2f(target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a grid that goes from u1 to u1 in n steps, evenly spaced. /// /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Range of variable 'u'. public void MapGrid1(int un, double u1, double u2) { PreGLCall(); glMapGrid1d(un, u1, u2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a grid that goes from u1 to u1 in n steps, evenly spaced. /// /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Range of variable 'u'. public void MapGrid1(int un, float u1, float u2) { PreGLCall(); glMapGrid1d(un, u1, u2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a grid that goes from u1 to u1 in n steps, evenly spaced, /// and the same for v. /// /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'v'. /// Range of variable 'v'. public void MapGrid2(int un, double u1, double u2, int vn, double v1, double v2) { PreGLCall(); glMapGrid2d(un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a grid that goes from u1 to u1 in n steps, evenly spaced, /// and the same for v. /// /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Range of variable 'u'. /// Number of steps. /// Range of variable 'v'. /// Range of variable 'v'. public void MapGrid2(int un, float u1, float u2, int vn, float v1, float v2) { PreGLCall(); glMapGrid2f(un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a material parameter. /// /// What faces is this parameter for (i.e front/back etc). /// What parameter you want to set. /// The value to set 'pname' to. public void Material(uint face, uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glMaterialf(face, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a material parameter. /// /// What faces is this parameter for (i.e front/back etc). /// What parameter you want to set. /// The value to set 'pname' to. public void Material(uint face, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glMaterialfv(face, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a material parameter. /// /// What faces is this parameter for (i.e front/back etc). /// What parameter you want to set. /// The value to set 'pname' to. public void Material(uint face, uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glMateriali(face, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a material parameter. /// /// What faces is this parameter for (i.e front/back etc). /// What parameter you want to set. /// The value to set 'pname' to. public void Material(uint face, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glMaterialiv(face, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current matrix mode (the matrix that matrix operations will be /// performed on). /// /// The mode, normally PROJECTION or MODELVIEW. public void MatrixMode (uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glMatrixMode(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current matrix mode (the matrix that matrix operations will be /// performed on). /// /// The mode, normally PROJECTION or MODELVIEW. public void MatrixMode(Enumerations.MatrixMode mode) { PreGLCall(); glMatrixMode((uint)mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix. /// /// Points to 16 consecutive values that are used as the elements of a 4x4 column-major matrix. public void MultMatrix( double []m) { PreGLCall(); glMultMatrixd(m); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix. /// /// Points to 16 consecutive values that are used as the elements of a 4x4 column-major matrix. public void MultMatrix( float []m) { PreGLCall(); glMultMatrixf(m); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function starts compiling a new display list. /// /// The list to compile. /// Either COMPILE or COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE. public void NewList(uint list, uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glNewList(list, mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates a new glu NURBS renderer object. /// /// A Pointer to the NURBS renderer. public IntPtr NewNurbsRenderer() { PreGLCall(); IntPtr nurbs = gluNewNurbsRenderer(); PostGLCall(); return nurbs; } /// /// This function creates a new OpenGL Quadric Object. /// /// The pointer to the Quadric Object. public IntPtr NewQuadric() { PreGLCall(); IntPtr quad = gluNewQuadric(); PostGLCall(); return quad; } /// /// Set the current normal. /// /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. public void Normal(byte nx, byte ny, byte nz) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3b(nx, ny, nz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current normal. /// /// The normal. public void Normal(byte[] v) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3bv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current normal. /// /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. public void Normal(double nx, double ny, double nz) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3d(nx, ny, nz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current normal. /// /// The normal. public void Normal(double[] v) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3dv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current normal. /// /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. public void Normal(float nx, float ny, float nz) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3f(nx, ny, nz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current normal. /// /// The normal. public void Normal(float[] v) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3fv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current normal. /// /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. public void Normal3i(int nx, int ny, int nz) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3i(nx, ny, nz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current normal. /// /// The normal. public void Normal(int[] v) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3iv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current normal. /// /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. /// Normal Coordinate. public void Normal(short nx, short ny, short nz) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3s(nx, ny, nz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current normal. /// /// The normal. public void Normal(short[] v) { PreGLCall(); glNormal3sv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set's the pointer to the normal array. /// /// The type of data. /// The space in bytes between each normal. /// The normals. public void NormalPointer(uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer) { PreGLCall(); glNormalPointer(type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set's the pointer to the normal array. /// /// The type of data. /// The space in bytes between each normal. /// The normals. public void NormalPointer(uint type, int stride, float[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glNormalPointer(type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a NURBS Curve. /// /// The NURBS object. /// The number of knots. /// The knots themselves. /// The stride, i.e. distance between vertices in the /// control points array. /// The array of control points. /// The order of the polynomial. /// The type of data to generate. public void NurbsCurve(IntPtr nurbsObject, int knotsCount, float[] knots, int stride, float[] controlPointsArray, int order, uint type) { PreGLCall(); gluNurbsCurve(nurbsObject, knotsCount, knots, stride, controlPointsArray, order, type); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets a NURBS property. /// /// The object to set the property for. /// The property to set. /// The new value of the property. public void NurbsProperty(IntPtr nurbsObject, int property, float value) { PreGLCall(); gluNurbsProperty(nurbsObject, property, value); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function defines a NURBS surface. /// /// The NURBS object. /// The sknots count. /// The s-knots. /// The number of t-knots. /// The t-knots. /// The distance between s vertices. /// The distance between t vertices. /// The control points. /// The order of the s polynomial. /// The order of the t polynomial. /// The type of data to generate. public void NurbsSurface(IntPtr nurbsObject, int sknotsCount, float[] sknots, int tknotsCount, float[] tknots, int sStride, int tStride, float[] controlPointsArray, int sOrder, int tOrder, uint type) { PreGLCall(); gluNurbsSurface(nurbsObject, sknotsCount, sknots, tknotsCount, tknots, sStride, tStride, controlPointsArray, sOrder, tOrder, type); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates an orthographic projection matrix (i.e one with no /// perspective) and multiplies it to the current matrix stack, which would /// normally be 'PROJECTION'. /// /// Left clipping plane. /// Right clipping plane. /// Bottom clipping plane. /// Top clipping plane. /// Near clipping plane. /// Far clipping plane. public void Ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar) { PreGLCall(); glOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates an orthographic project based on a screen size. /// /// Left of the screen. (Normally 0). /// Right of the screen.(Normally width). /// Bottom of the screen (normally 0). /// Top of the screen (normally height). public void Ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top) { PreGLCall(); gluOrtho2D(left, right, bottom, top); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function draws a partial disk from the quadric object. /// /// The Quadric objec.t /// Radius of the inside of the disk. /// Radius of the outside of the disk. /// The slices. /// The loops. /// Starting angle. /// Sweep angle. public void PartialDisk(IntPtr qobj,double innerRadius,double outerRadius, int slices, int loops, double startAngle, double sweepAngle) { PreGLCall(); gluPartialDisk(qobj, innerRadius, outerRadius, slices, loops, startAngle, sweepAngle); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Place a marker in the feedback buffer. /// /// Specifies a marker value to be placed in the feedback buffer following a OpenGL.PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN. public void PassThrough (float token) { PreGLCall(); glPassThrough(token); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates a perspective matrix and multiplies it to the current /// matrix stack (which in most cases should be 'PROJECTION'). /// /// Field of view angle (human eye = 60 Degrees). /// Apsect Ratio (width of screen divided by height of screen). /// Near clipping plane (normally 1). /// Far clipping plane. public void Perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar) { PreGLCall(); gluPerspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function creates a 'pick matrix' normally used for selecting objects that /// are at a certain point on the screen. /// /// X Point. /// Y Point. /// Width of point to test (4 is normal). /// Height of point to test (4 is normal). /// The current viewport. public void PickMatrix(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport) { PreGLCall(); gluPickMatrix(x, y, width, height, viewport); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set up pixel transfer maps. /// /// Specifies a symbolic map name. /// Specifies the size of the map being defined. /// Specifies an array of mapsize values. public void PixelMap(uint map, int mapsize, float[] values) { PreGLCall(); glPixelMapfv(map, mapsize, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set up pixel transfer maps. /// /// Specifies a symbolic map name. /// Specifies the size of the map being defined. /// Specifies an array of mapsize values. public void PixelMap(uint map, int mapsize, uint[] values) { PreGLCall(); glPixelMapuiv(map, mapsize, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set up pixel transfer maps. /// /// Specifies a symbolic map name. /// Specifies the size of the map being defined. /// Specifies an array of mapsize values. public void PixelMap(uint map, int mapsize, ushort[] values) { PreGLCall(); glPixelMapusv(map, mapsize, values); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel storage modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelStore(uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelStoref(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel storage modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelStore(uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelStorei(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(uint pname, bool param) { PreGLCall(); int p = param ? 1 : 0; glPixelTransferi(pname, p); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(Enumerations.PixelTransferParameterName pname, bool param) { PreGLCall(); int p = param ? 1 : 0; glPixelTransferi((uint)pname, p); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelTransferf(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(Enumerations.PixelTransferParameterName pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelTransferf((uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelTransferi(pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set pixel transfer modes. /// /// Specifies the symbolic name of the pixel transfer parameter to be set. /// Specifies the value that pname is set to. public void PixelTransfer(Enumerations.PixelTransferParameterName pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glPixelTransferi((uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify the pixel zoom factors. /// /// Specify the x and y zoom factors for pixel write operations. /// Specify the x and y zoom factors for pixel write operations. public void PixelZoom (float xfactor, float yfactor) { PreGLCall(); glPixelZoom(xfactor, yfactor); PostGLCall(); } /// /// The size of points to be rasterised. /// /// Size in pixels. public void PointSize(float size) { PreGLCall(); glPointSize(size); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This sets the current drawing mode of polygons (points, lines, filled). /// /// The faces this applies to (front, back or both). /// The mode to set to (points, lines, or filled). public void PolygonMode(uint face, uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glPolygonMode(face, mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This sets the current drawing mode of polygons (points, lines, filled). /// /// The faces this applies to (front, back or both). /// The mode to set to (points, lines, or filled). public void PolygonMode(Enumerations.FaceMode face, Enumerations.PolygonMode mode) { PreGLCall(); glPolygonMode((uint)face, (uint)mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the scale and units used to calculate depth values. /// /// Specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon. The initial value is 0. /// Is multiplied by an implementation-specific value to create a constant depth offset. The initial value is 0. public void PolygonOffset (float factor, float units) { PreGLCall(); glPolygonOffset(factor, units); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the polygon stippling pattern. /// /// Specifies a pointer to a 32x32 stipple pattern that will be unpacked from memory in the same way that glDrawPixels unpacks pixels. public void PolygonStipple ( byte []mask) { PreGLCall(); glPolygonStipple(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function restores the attribute stack to the state it was when /// PushAttrib was called. /// public void PopAttrib() { PreGLCall(); glPopAttrib(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Pop the client attribute stack. /// public void PopClientAttrib () { PreGLCall(); glPopClientAttrib(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Restore the previously saved state of the current matrix stack. /// public void PopMatrix() { PreGLCall(); glPopMatrix(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This takes the top name off the selection names stack. /// public void PopName() { PreGLCall(); glPopName(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set texture residence priority. /// /// Specifies the number of textures to be prioritized. /// Specifies an array containing the names of the textures to be prioritized. /// Specifies an array containing the texture priorities. A priority given in an element of priorities applies to the texture named by the corresponding element of textures. public void PrioritizeTextures (int n, uint []textures, float []priorities) { PreGLCall(); glPrioritizeTextures(n, textures, priorities); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function Maps the specified object coordinates into window coordinates. /// /// The object's x coord. /// The object's y coord. /// The object's z coord. /// The modelview matrix. /// The projection matrix. /// The viewport. /// The window x coord. /// The Window y coord. /// The Window z coord. public void Project(double objx, double objy, double objz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] winx, double[] winy, double[] winz) { PreGLCall(); gluProject(objx, objy, objz, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, winx, winy, winz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Save the current state of the attribute groups specified by 'mask'. /// /// The attibute groups to save. public void PushAttrib(uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glPushAttrib(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Save the current state of the attribute groups specified by 'mask'. /// /// The attibute groups to save. public void PushAttrib(Enumerations.AttributeMask mask) { PreGLCall(); glPushAttrib((uint)mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Push the client attribute stack. /// /// Specifies a mask that indicates which attributes to save. public void PushClientAttrib (uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glPushClientAttrib(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Save the current state of the current matrix stack. /// public void PushMatrix() { PreGLCall(); glPushMatrix(); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function adds a new name to the selection buffer. /// /// The name to add. public void PushName(uint name) { PreGLCall(); glPushName(name); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This set's the Generate Normals propery of the specified Quadric object. /// /// The quadric object. /// The type of normals to generate. public void QuadricNormals(IntPtr quadricObject, uint normals) { PreGLCall(); gluQuadricNormals(quadricObject, normals); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the type of texture coordinates being generated by /// the specified quadric object. /// /// The quadric object. /// The type of coordinates to generate. public void QuadricTexture(IntPtr quadricObject, int textureCoords) { PreGLCall(); gluQuadricTexture(quadricObject, textureCoords); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This sets the orientation for the quadric object. /// /// The quadric object. /// The orientation. public void QuadricOrientation(IntPtr quadricObject, int orientation) { PreGLCall(); gluQuadricOrientation(quadricObject, orientation); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This sets the current drawstyle for the Quadric Object. /// /// The quadric object. /// The draw style. public void QuadricDrawStyle (IntPtr quadObject, uint drawStyle) { PreGLCall(); gluQuadricDrawStyle(quadObject, drawStyle); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. public void RasterPos(double x, double y) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos2d(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// The coordinate. public void RasterPos(double[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glRasterPos2dv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glRasterPos3dv(v); else glRasterPos4dv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. public void RasterPos(float x, float y) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos2f(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// The coordinate. public void RasterPos(float[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glRasterPos2fv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glRasterPos3fv(v); else glRasterPos4fv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. public void RasterPos(int x, int y) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos2i(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// The coordinate. public void RasterPos(int[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glRasterPos2iv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glRasterPos3iv(v); else glRasterPos4iv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. public void RasterPos(short x, short y) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos2s(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// The coordinate. public void RasterPos(short[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glRasterPos2sv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glRasterPos3sv(v); else glRasterPos4sv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. public void RasterPos(double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos3d(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. public void RasterPos(float x, float y, float z) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos3f(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. public void RasterPos(int x, int y, int z) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos3i(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. public void RasterPos(short x, short y, short z) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos3s(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. /// W coordinate. public void RasterPos(double x, double y, double z, double w) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos4d(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. /// W coordinate. public void RasterPos(float x, float y, float z, float w) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos4f(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. /// W coordinate. public void RasterPos(int x, int y, int z, int w) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos4i(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current raster position. /// /// X coordinate. /// Y coordinate. /// Z coordinate. /// W coordinate. public void RasterPos(short x, short y, short z, short w) { PreGLCall(); glRasterPos4s(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Select a color buffer source for pixels. /// /// Specifies a color buffer. Accepted values are OpenGL.FRONT_LEFT, OpenGL.FRONT_RIGHT, OpenGL.BACK_LEFT, OpenGL.BACK_RIGHT, OpenGL.FRONT, OpenGL.BACK, OpenGL.LEFT, OpenGL.GL_RIGHT, and OpenGL.AUXi, where i is between 0 and OpenGL.AUX_BUFFERS - 1. public void ReadBuffer(uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glReadBuffer(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Reads a block of pixels from the frame buffer. /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Width of block to read. /// Height of block to read. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. The following symbolic values are accepted: OpenGL.COLOR_INDEX, OpenGL.STENCIL_INDEX, OpenGL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, OpenGL.RED, OpenGL.GREEN, OpenGL.BLUE, OpenGL.ALPHA, OpenGL.RGB, OpenGL.RGBA, OpenGL.LUMINANCE and OpenGL.LUMINANCE_ALPHA. /// Specifies the data type of the pixel data.Must be one of OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.BYTE, OpenGL.BITMAP, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT, OpenGL.INT or OpenGL.FLOAT. /// Storage for the pixel data received. public void ReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Reads a block of pixels from the frame buffer. /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Width of block to read. /// Height of block to read. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. The following symbolic values are accepted: OpenGL.COLOR_INDEX, OpenGL.STENCIL_INDEX, OpenGL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, OpenGL.RED, OpenGL.GREEN, OpenGL.BLUE, OpenGL.ALPHA, OpenGL.RGB, OpenGL.RGBA, OpenGL.LUMINANCE and OpenGL.LUMINANCE_ALPHA. /// Specifies the data type of the pixel data.Must be one of OpenGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, OpenGL.BYTE, OpenGL.BITMAP, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_SHORT, OpenGL.SHORT, OpenGL.UNSIGNED_INT, OpenGL.INT or OpenGL.FLOAT. /// Storage for the pixel data received. public void ReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels) { PreGLCall(); glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates (top-left and bottom-right). /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Bottom-Right X Value. /// Bottom-Right Y Value. public void Rect(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { PreGLCall(); glRectd(x1, y1, x2, y2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates, expressed as arrays, e.g /// Rect(new float[] {0, 0}, new float[] {10, 10}); /// /// Top-Left point. /// Bottom-Right point. public void Rect( double []v1, double []v2) { PreGLCall(); glRectdv(v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates (top-left and bottom-right). /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Bottom-Right X Value. /// Bottom-Right Y Value. public void Rect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { PreGLCall(); glRectd(x1, y1, x2, y2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates, expressed as arrays, e.g /// Rect(new float[] {0, 0}, new float[] {10, 10}); /// /// Top-Left point. /// Bottom-Right point. public void Rect(float []v1, float []v2) { PreGLCall(); glRectfv(v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates (top-left and bottom-right). /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Bottom-Right X Value. /// Bottom-Right Y Value. public void Rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { PreGLCall(); glRecti(x1, y1, x2, y2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates, expressed as arrays, e.g /// Rect(new float[] {0, 0}, new float[] {10, 10}); /// /// Top-Left point. /// Bottom-Right point. public void Rect( int []v1, int []v2) { PreGLCall(); glRectiv(v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates (top-left and bottom-right). /// /// Top-Left X value. /// Top-Left Y value. /// Bottom-Right X Value. /// Bottom-Right Y Value. public void Rect(short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2) { PreGLCall(); glRects(x1, y1, x2, y2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a rectangle from two coordinates, expressed as arrays, e.g /// Rect(new float[] {0, 0}, new float[] {10, 10}); /// /// Top-Left point. /// Bottom-Right point. public void Rect(short []v1, short []v2) { PreGLCall(); glRectsv(v1, v2); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current render mode (render, feedback or select). /// /// The Render mode (RENDER, SELECT or FEEDBACK). /// The hits that selection or feedback caused.. public int RenderMode(uint mode) { PreGLCall(); int hits = glRenderMode(mode); PostGLCall(); return hits; } /// /// This function sets the current render mode (render, feedback or select). /// /// The Render mode (RENDER, SELECT or FEEDBACK). /// The hits that selection or feedback caused.. public int RenderMode(Enumerations.RenderingMode mode) { PreGLCall(); int hits = glRenderMode((uint)mode); PostGLCall(); return hits; } /// /// This function applies a rotation transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The angle to rotate. /// Amount along x. /// Amount along y. /// Amount along z. public void Rotate(double angle, double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); glRotated(angle, x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function applies a rotation transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The angle to rotate. /// Amount along x. /// Amount along y. /// Amount along z. public void Rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z) { PreGLCall(); glRotatef(angle, x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function quickly does three rotations, one about each axis, with the /// given angles (it's not an OpenGL function, but very useful). /// /// The angle to rotate about x. /// The angle to rotate about y. /// The angle to rotate about z. public void Rotate(float anglex, float angley, float anglez) { PreGLCall(); glRotatef(anglex, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef(angley, 0, 1, 0); glRotatef(anglez, 0, 0, 1); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function applies a scale transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The amount to scale along x. /// The amount to scale along y. /// The amount to scale along z. public void Scale(double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); glScaled(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function applies a scale transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The amount to scale along x. /// The amount to scale along y. /// The amount to scale along z. public void Scale(float x, float y, float z) { PreGLCall(); glScalef(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Define the scissor box. /// /// Specify the lower left corner of the scissor box. Initially (0, 0). /// Specify the lower left corner of the scissor box. Initially (0, 0). /// Specify the width and height of the scissor box. When a GL context is first attached to a window, width and height are set to the dimensions of that window. /// Specify the width and height of the scissor box. When a GL context is first attached to a window, width and height are set to the dimensions of that window. public void Scissor (int x, int y, int width, int height) { PreGLCall(); glScissor(x, y, width, height); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current select buffer. /// /// The size of the buffer you are passing. /// The buffer itself. public void SelectBuffer(int size, uint[] buffer) { PreGLCall(); glSelectBuffer(size, buffer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Select flat or smooth shading. /// /// Specifies a symbolic value representing a shading technique. Accepted values are OpenGL.FLAT and OpenGL.SMOOTH. The default is OpenGL.SMOOTH. public void ShadeModel (uint mode) { PreGLCall(); glShadeModel(mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Select flat or smooth shading. /// /// Specifies a symbolic value representing a shading technique. Accepted values are OpenGL.FLAT and OpenGL.SMOOTH. The default is OpenGL.SMOOTH. public void ShadeModel(Enumerations.ShadeModel mode) { PreGLCall(); glShadeModel((uint)mode); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function draws a sphere from a Quadric Object. /// /// The quadric object. /// Sphere radius. /// Slices of the sphere. /// Stakcs of the sphere. public void Sphere(IntPtr qobj, double radius, int slices, int stacks) { PreGLCall(); gluSphere(qobj, radius, slices, stacks); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current stencil buffer function. /// /// The function type. /// The function reference. /// The function mask. public void StencilFunc(uint func, int reference, uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glStencilFunc(func, reference, mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current stencil buffer function. /// /// The function type. /// The function reference. /// The function mask. public void StencilFunc(Enumerations.StencilFunction func, int reference, uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glStencilFunc((uint)func, reference, mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the stencil buffer mask. /// /// The mask. public void StencilMask(uint mask) { PreGLCall(); glStencilMask(mask); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the stencil buffer operation. /// /// Fail operation. /// Depth fail component. /// Depth pass component. public void StencilOp(uint fail, uint zfail, uint zpass) { PreGLCall(); glStencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the stencil buffer operation. /// /// Fail operation. /// Depth fail component. /// Depth pass component. public void StencilOp(Enumerations.StencilOperation fail, Enumerations.StencilOperation zfail, Enumerations.StencilOperation zpass) { PreGLCall(); glStencilOp((uint)fail, (uint)zfail, (uint)zpass); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(double s) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord1d(s); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Array of 1,2,3 or 4 Texture Coordinates. public void TexCoord(double []v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 1) glTexCoord1dv(v); else if(v.Length == 2) glTexCoord2dv(v); else if(v.Length == 3) glTexCoord3dv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glTexCoord4dv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(float s) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord1f(s); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. WARNING: if you /// can call something more explicit, like TexCoord2f then call that, it's /// much faster. /// /// Array of 1,2,3 or 4 Texture Coordinates. public void TexCoord(float[] v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 1) glTexCoord1fv(v); else if(v.Length == 2) glTexCoord2fv(v); else if(v.Length == 3) glTexCoord3fv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glTexCoord4fv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(int s) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord1i(s); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Array of 1,2,3 or 4 Texture Coordinates. public void TexCoord(int[] v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 1) glTexCoord1iv(v); else if(v.Length == 2) glTexCoord2iv(v); else if(v.Length == 3) glTexCoord3iv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glTexCoord4iv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(short s) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord1s(s); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Array of 1,2,3 or 4 Texture Coordinates. public void TexCoord(short[] v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 1) glTexCoord1sv(v); else if(v.Length == 2) glTexCoord2sv(v); else if(v.Length == 3) glTexCoord3sv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glTexCoord4sv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(double s, double t) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord2d(s, t); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(float s, float t) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord2f(s, t); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(int s, int t) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord2i(s, t); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(short s, short t) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord2s(s, t); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(double s, double t, double r) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord3d(s, t, r); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(float s, float t, float r) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord3f(s, t, r); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(int s, int t, int r) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord3i(s, t, r); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(short s, short t, short r) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord3s(s, t, r); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(double s, double t, double r, double q) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord4d(s, t, r, q); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(float s, float t, float r, float q) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord4f(s, t, r, q); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(int s, int t, int r, int q) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord4i(s, t, r, q); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the current texture coordinates. /// /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. /// Texture Coordinate. public void TexCoord(short s, short t, short r, short q) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoord4s(s, t, r, q); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the texture coord array. /// /// The number of coords per set. /// The type of data. /// The number of bytes between coords. /// The coords. public void TexCoordPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoordPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the texture coord array. /// /// The number of coords per set. /// The type of data. /// The number of bytes between coords. /// The coords. public void TexCoordPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, float[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glTexCoordPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a single-valued texture environment parameter. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE. /// Specifies a single symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.MODULATE, OpenGL.DECAL, OpenGL.BLEND, or OpenGL.REPLACE. public void TexEnv(uint target, uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glTexEnvf(target, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture environment parameter. Accepted values are OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE and OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR. /// Specifies a pointer to a parameter array that contains either a single symbolic constant or an RGBA color. public void TexEnv(uint target, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexEnvfv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a single-valued texture environment parameter. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE. /// Specifies a single symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.MODULATE, OpenGL.DECAL, OpenGL.BLEND, or OpenGL.REPLACE. public void TexEnv(uint target, uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glTexEnvi(target, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set texture environment parameters. /// /// Specifies a texture environment. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV. /// Specifies the symbolic name of a texture environment parameter. Accepted values are OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE and OpenGL.TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR. /// Specifies a pointer to a parameter array that contains either a single symbolic constant or an RGBA color. public void TexEnv(uint target, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexGeniv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.GL_EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, double param) { PreGLCall(); glTexGend(coord, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function or function parameters. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, OpenGL.OBJECT_PLANE, or OpenGL.EYE_PLANE. /// Specifies a pointer to an array of texture generation parameters. If pname is OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then the array must contain a single symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. Otherwise, params holds the coefficients for the texture-coordinate generation function specified by pname. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, double[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexGendv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.GL_EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glTexGenf(coord, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function or function parameters. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, OpenGL.OBJECT_PLANE, or OpenGL.EYE_PLANE. /// Specifies a pointer to an array of texture generation parameters. If pname is OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then the array must contain a single symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. Otherwise, params holds the coefficients for the texture-coordinate generation function specified by pname. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexGenfv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE. /// Specifies a single-valued texture generation parameter, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.GL_EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glTexGeni(coord, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Control the generation of texture coordinates. /// /// Specifies a texture coordinate. Must be one of OpenGL.S, OpenGL.T, OpenGL.R, or OpenGL.Q. /// Specifies the symbolic name of the texture-coordinate generation function or function parameters. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, OpenGL.OBJECT_PLANE, or OpenGL.EYE_PLANE. /// Specifies a pointer to an array of texture generation parameters. If pname is OpenGL.TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then the array must contain a single symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.OBJECT_LINEAR, OpenGL.EYE_LINEAR, or OpenGL.SPHERE_MAP. Otherwise, params holds the coefficients for the texture-coordinate generation function specified by pname. public void TexGen(uint coord, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexGeniv(coord, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the image for the currently binded texture. /// /// The type of texture, TEXTURE_2D or PROXY_TEXTURE_2D. /// For mip-map textures, ordinary textures should be '0'. /// The format of the data you are want OpenGL to create, e.g RGB16. /// The width of the texture image (must be a power of 2, e.g 64). /// The width of the border (0 or 1). /// The format of the data you are passing, e.g. RGBA. /// The type of data you are passing, e.g GL_BYTE. /// The actual pixel data. public void TexImage1D(uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glTexImage1D(target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the image for the currently binded texture. /// /// The type of texture, TEXTURE_2D or PROXY_TEXTURE_2D. /// For mip-map textures, ordinary textures should be '0'. /// The format of the data you are want OpenGL to create, e.g RGB16. /// The width of the texture image (must be a power of 2, e.g 64). /// The height of the texture image (must be a power of 2, e.g 32). /// The width of the border (0 or 1). /// The format of the data you are passing, e.g. RGBA. /// The type of data you are passing, e.g GL_BYTE. /// The actual pixel data. public void TexImage2D(uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the image for the currently binded texture. /// /// The type of texture, TEXTURE_2D or PROXY_TEXTURE_2D. /// For mip-map textures, ordinary textures should be '0'. /// The format of the data you are want OpenGL to create, e.g RGB16. /// The width of the texture image (must be a power of 2, e.g 64). /// The height of the texture image (must be a power of 2, e.g 32). /// The width of the border (0 or 1). /// The format of the data you are passing, e.g. RGBA. /// The type of data you are passing, e.g GL_BYTE. /// The actual pixel data. public void TexImage2D(uint target, int level, uint internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels) { PreGLCall(); glTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(uint target, uint pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameterf(target, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(Enumerations.TextureTarget target, Enumerations.TextureParameter pname, float param) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameterf((uint)target, (uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(uint target, uint pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameterfv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(Enumerations.TextureTarget target, Enumerations.TextureParameter pname, float[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameterfv((uint)target, (uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(uint target, uint pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameteri(target, pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(Enumerations.TextureTarget target, Enumerations.TextureParameter pname, int param) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameteri((uint)target, (uint)pname, param); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(uint target, uint pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameteriv(target, pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the parameters for the currently binded texture object. /// /// The type of texture you are setting the parameter to, e.g. TEXTURE_2D /// The parameter to set. /// The value to set it to. public void TexParameter(Enumerations.TextureTarget target, Enumerations.TextureParameter pname, int[] parameters) { PreGLCall(); glTexParameteriv((uint)target, (uint)pname, parameters); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a two-dimensional texture subimage. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array. /// Specifies the width of the texture subimage. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. /// Specifies the data type of the pixel data. /// Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. public void TexSubImage1D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int width, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glTexSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a two-dimensional texture subimage. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. /// Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array. /// Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array. /// Specifies the width of the texture subimage. /// Specifies the height of the texture subimage. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. /// Specifies the data type of the pixel data. /// Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. public void TexSubImage2D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels) { PreGLCall(); glTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function applies a translation transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The amount to translate along the x axis. /// The amount to translate along the y axis. /// The amount to translate along the z axis. public void Translate(double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); glTranslated(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function applies a translation transformation to the current matrix. /// /// The amount to translate along the x axis. /// The amount to translate along the y axis. /// The amount to translate along the z axis. public void Translate(float x, float y, float z) { PreGLCall(); glTranslatef(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function turns a screen Coordinate into a world coordinate. /// /// Screen Coordinate. /// Screen Coordinate. /// Screen Coordinate. /// Current ModelView matrix. /// Current Projection matrix. /// Current Viewport. /// The world coordinate. /// The world coordinate. /// The world coordinate. public void UnProject(double winx, double winy, double winz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, ref double objx, ref double objy, ref double objz) { PreGLCall(); gluUnProject(winx, winy, winz, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, ref objx, ref objy, ref objz); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This is a convenience function. It calls UnProject with the current /// viewport, modelview and persective matricies, saving you from getting them. /// To use you own matricies, all the other version of UnProject. /// /// X Coordinate (Screen Coordinate). /// Y Coordinate (Screen Coordinate). /// Z Coordinate (Screen Coordinate). /// The world coordinate. public double[] UnProject(double winx, double winy, double winz) { PreGLCall(); var modelview = new double[16]; var projection = new double[16]; var viewport = new int[4]; GetDouble(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview); GetDouble(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection); GetInteger(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); var result = new double[3]; gluUnProject(winx, winy, winz, modelview, projection, viewport, ref result[0], ref result[1], ref result[2]); PostGLCall(); return result; } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. public void Vertex(double x, double y) { PreGLCall(); glVertex2d(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// Specifies the coordinate. public void Vertex(double[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glVertex2dv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glVertex3dv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glVertex4dv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. public void Vertex(float x, float y) { PreGLCall(); glVertex2f(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. public void Vertex(int x, int y) { PreGLCall(); glVertex2i(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// Specifies the coordinate. public void Vertex(int[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glVertex2iv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glVertex3iv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glVertex4iv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. public void Vertex(short x, short y) { PreGLCall(); glVertex2s(x, y); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// Specifies the coordinate. public void Vertex2sv(short[] v) { PreGLCall(); if (v.Length == 2) glVertex2sv(v); else if (v.Length == 3) glVertex3sv(v); else if (v.Length == 4) glVertex4sv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. public void Vertex(double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); glVertex3d(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. public void Vertex(float x, float y, float z) { PreGLCall(); glVertex3f(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Sets the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// An array of 2, 3 or 4 floats. public void Vertex(float []v) { PreGLCall(); if(v.Length == 2) glVertex2fv(v); else if(v.Length == 3) glVertex3fv(v); else if(v.Length == 4) glVertex4fv(v); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. public void Vertex(int x, int y, int z) { PreGLCall(); glVertex3i(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. public void Vertex(short x, short y, short z) { PreGLCall(); glVertex3s(x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. /// W Value. public void Vertex4d(double x, double y, double z, double w) { PreGLCall(); glVertex4d(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. /// W Value. public void Vertex4f(float x, float y, float z, float w) { PreGLCall(); glVertex4f(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. /// W Value. public void Vertex4i(int x, int y, int z, int w) { PreGLCall(); glVertex4i(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set the current vertex (must be called between 'Begin' and 'End'). /// /// X Value. /// Y Value. /// Z Value. /// W Value. public void Vertex4s(short x, short y, short z, short w) { PreGLCall(); glVertex4s(x, y, z, w); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the address of the vertex pointer array. /// /// The number of coords per vertex. /// The data type. /// The byte offset between vertices. /// The array. public void VertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, IntPtr pointer) { PreGLCall(); glVertexPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the address of the vertex pointer array. /// /// The number of coords per vertex. /// The byte offset between vertices. /// The array. public void VertexPointer(int size, int stride, short[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glVertexPointer(size, GL_SHORT, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the address of the vertex pointer array. /// /// The number of coords per vertex. /// The byte offset between vertices. /// The array. public void VertexPointer(int size, int stride, int[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glVertexPointer(size, GL_INT, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the address of the vertex pointer array. /// /// The number of coords per vertex. /// The byte offset between vertices. /// The array. public void VertexPointer(int size, int stride, float[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glVertexPointer(size, GL_FLOAT, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This function sets the address of the vertex pointer array. /// /// The number of coords per vertex. /// The byte offset between vertices. /// The array. public void VertexPointer(int size, int stride, double[] pointer) { PreGLCall(); glVertexPointer(size, GL_DOUBLE, stride, pointer); PostGLCall(); } /// /// This sets the viewport of the current Render Context. Normally x and y are 0 /// and the width and height are just those of the control/graphics you are drawing /// to. /// /// Top-Left point of the viewport. /// Top-Left point of the viewport. /// Width of the viewport. /// Height of the viewport. public void Viewport (int x, int y, int width, int height) { PreGLCall(); glViewport(x, y, width, height); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code. /// /// Specifies a GL or GLU error code. /// The OpenGL/GLU error string. public unsafe string ErrorString(uint errCode) { PreGLCall(); sbyte* pStr = gluErrorString(errCode); var str = new string(pStr); PostGLCall(); return str; } /// /// Return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions. /// /// Specifies a symbolic constant, one of OpenGL.VERSION, or OpenGL.EXTENSIONS. /// The GLU string. public unsafe string GetString(int name) { PreGLCall(); sbyte* pStr = gluGetString(name); var str = new string(pStr); PostGLCall(); return str; } /// /// Scale an image to an arbitrary size. /// /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. /// Specify the width of the source image that is scaled. /// Specify the height of the source image that is scaled. /// Specifies the data type for dataIn. /// Specifies a pointer to the source image. /// Specify the width of the destination image. /// Specify the height of the destination image. /// Specifies the data type for dataOut. /// Specifies a pointer to the destination image. public void ScaleImage(int format, int widthin, int heightin, int typein, int[] datain, int widthout, int heightout, int typeout, int[] dataout) { PreGLCall(); gluScaleImage(format, widthin, heightin, typein, datain, widthout, heightout, typeout, dataout); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Create 1-D mipmaps. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the number of color components in the texture. Must be 1, 2, 3, or 4. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. /// Specifies the data type for data. /// Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. public void Build1DMipmaps(uint target, uint components, int width, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data) { PreGLCall(); gluBuild1DMipmaps(target, components, width, format, type, data); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Create 2-D mipmaps. /// /// Specifies the target texture. Must be OpenGL.TEXTURE_1D. /// Specifies the number of color components in the texture. Must be 1, 2, 3, or 4. /// Specifies the width of the texture image. /// Specifies the height of the texture image. /// Specifies the format of the pixel data. /// Specifies the data type for data. /// Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. public void Build2DMipmaps(uint target, uint components, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data) { PreGLCall(); gluBuild2DMipmaps(target, components, width, height, format, type, data); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Draw a disk. /// /// Specifies the quadrics object (created with gluNewQuadric). /// Specifies the inner radius of the disk (may be 0). /// Specifies the outer radius of the disk. /// Specifies the number of subdivisions around the z axis. /// Specifies the number of concentric rings about the origin into which the disk is subdivided. public void Disk(IntPtr qobj, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int loops) { PreGLCall(); gluDisk(qobj, innerRadius, outerRadius, slices, loops); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Create a tessellation object. /// /// A new GLUtesselator poiner. public IntPtr NewTess() { PreGLCall(); IntPtr returnValue = gluNewTess(); PostGLCall(); return returnValue; } /// /// Delete a tesselator object. /// /// The tesselator pointer. public void DeleteTess(IntPtr tess) { PreGLCall(); gluDeleteTess(tess); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a polygon description. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). /// Specifies a pointer to user polygon data. public void TessBeginPolygon(IntPtr tess, IntPtr polygonData) { PreGLCall(); gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, polygonData); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a contour description. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). public void TessBeginContour(IntPtr tess) { PreGLCall(); gluTessBeginContour(tess); } /// /// Specify a vertex on a polygon. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). /// Specifies the location of the vertex. /// Specifies an opaque pointer passed back to the program with the vertex callback (as specified by gluTessCallback). public void TessVertex(IntPtr tess, double[] coords, double[] data) { PreGLCall(); gluTessVertex(tess, coords, data); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a contour description. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). public void TessEndContour(IntPtr tess) { PreGLCall(); gluTessEndContour(tess); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a polygon description. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). public void TessEndPolygon(IntPtr tess) { PreGLCall(); gluTessEndPolygon(tess); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set a tessellation object property. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). /// Specifies the property to be set. /// Specifies the value of the indicated property. public void TessProperty(IntPtr tess, int which, double value) { PreGLCall(); gluTessProperty(tess, which, value); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Specify a normal for a polygon. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). /// Specifies the first component of the normal. /// Specifies the second component of the normal. /// Specifies the third component of the normal. public void TessNormal(IntPtr tess, double x, double y, double z) { PreGLCall(); gluTessNormal(tess, x, y, z); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Set a tessellation object property. /// /// Specifies the tessellation object (created with gluNewTess). /// Specifies the property to be set. /// Specifies the value of the indicated property. public void GetTessProperty(IntPtr tess, int which, double value) { PreGLCall(); gluGetTessProperty(tess, which, value); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition. /// /// Specifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). public void BeginTrim(IntPtr nobj) { PreGLCall(); gluBeginTrim(nobj); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition. /// /// Specifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). public void EndTrim(IntPtr nobj) { PreGLCall(); gluEndTrim(nobj); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Describe a piecewise linear NURBS trimming curve. /// /// Specifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). /// Specifies the number of points on the curve. /// Specifies an array containing the curve points. /// Specifies the offset (a number of single-precision floating-point values) between points on the curve. /// Specifies the type of curve. Must be either OpenGL.MAP1_TRIM_2 or OpenGL.MAP1_TRIM_3. public void PwlCurve(IntPtr nobj, int count, float array, int stride, uint type) { PreGLCall(); gluPwlCurve(nobj, count, array, stride, type); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Load NURBS sampling and culling matrice. /// /// Specifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). /// Specifies a modelview matrix (as from a glGetFloatv call). /// Specifies a projection matrix (as from a glGetFloatv call). /// Specifies a viewport (as from a glGetIntegerv call). public void LoadSamplingMatrices(IntPtr nobj, float[] modelMatrix, float[] projMatrix, int[] viewport) { PreGLCall(); gluLoadSamplingMatrices(nobj, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport); PostGLCall(); } /// /// Get a NURBS property. /// /// Specifies the NURBS object (created with gluNewNurbsRenderer). /// Specifies the property whose value is to be fetched. /// Specifies a pointer to the location into which the value of the named property is written. public void GetNurbsProperty(IntPtr nobj, int property, float value) { PreGLCall(); gluGetNurbsProperty(nobj, property, value); PostGLCall(); } #endregion #region Error Checking /// /// Gets the error description for a given error code. /// /// The error code. /// The error description for the given error code. public string GetErrorDescription(uint errorCode) { switch (errorCode) { case GL_NO_ERROR: return "No Error"; case GL_INVALID_ENUM: return "A GLenum argument was out of range."; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: return "A numeric argument was out of range."; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "Invalid operation."; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: return "Command would cause a stack overflow."; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: return "Command would cause a stack underflow."; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "Not enough memory left to execute command."; default: return "Unknown Error"; } } /// /// Called before an OpenGL call to enable error checking and ensure the /// correct OpenGL context is correct. /// protected virtual void PreGLCall() { // If we are in debug mode, clear the error flag. #if DEBUG // GetError() should not be called at all inside glBegin-glEnd if (insideGLBegin == false) { GetError(); } #endif // If we are not the current OpenGL object, make ourselves current. if (currentOpenGLInstance != this) { MakeCurrent(); } } /// /// Called after an OpenGL call to enable error checking. /// protected virtual void PostGLCall() { #if DEBUG // We can only perform the following error check if we // are not in a glBegin function. if (insideGLBegin == false) { // This error check is very useful, as you can break anytime // an OpenGL error occurs, going through a program with this on // can rid it of bugs. It's VERY slow though, as every call is monitored. uint errorCode = GetError(); // What error is it? if (errorCode != GL_NO_ERROR) { // Get the error message. var errorMessage = GetErrorDescription(errorCode); // Create a stack trace. var stackTrace = new StackTrace(); // Get the stack frames. var stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); // Write the error to the trace log. var functionName = (stackFrames != null && stackFrames.Length > 1) ? stackFrames[1].GetMethod().Name : "Unknown Function"; Trace.WriteLine("OpenGL Error: \"" + errorMessage + "\", when calling function SharpGL." + functionName); } } #endif } #endregion #region Utility Functions /// /// This function transforms a windows point into an OpenGL point, /// which is measured from the bottom left of the screen. /// /// The x coord. /// The y coord. public void GDItoOpenGL(ref int x, ref int y) { // Create an array that will be the viewport. var viewport = new int[4]; // Get the viewport, then convert the mouse point to an opengl point. GetInteger(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); y = viewport[3] - y; } #endregion /// /// Creates the OpenGL instance. /// /// The OpenGL version requested. /// Type of the render context. /// The drawing context width. /// The drawing context height. /// The bit depth. /// The parameter. /// public virtual bool Create(OpenGLVersion openGLVersion, RenderContextType renderContextType, int width, int height, int bitDepth, object parameter) { // Return if we don't have a sensible width or height. if(width == 0 || height == 0 || bitDepth == 0) return false; // Create an instance of the render context provider. switch(renderContextType) { case RenderContextType.DIBSection: renderContextProvider = new DIBSectionRenderContextProvider(); break; case RenderContextType.NativeWindow: renderContextProvider = new NativeWindowRenderContextProvider(); break; case RenderContextType.HiddenWindow: renderContextProvider = new HiddenWindowRenderContextProvider(); break; case RenderContextType.FBO: renderContextProvider = new FBORenderContextProvider(); break; } // Create the render context. renderContextProvider.Create(openGLVersion, this, width, height, bitDepth, parameter); return true; } /// /// Creates the OpenGL instance using an external, existing render context. /// /// The OpenGL version requested. /// The width. /// The height. /// The bit depth. /// The window handle. /// The render context handle. /// The device context handle. /// /// True on success /// public virtual bool CreateFromExternalContext(OpenGLVersion openGLVersion, int width, int height, int bitDepth, IntPtr windowHandle, IntPtr renderContextHandle, IntPtr deviceContextHandle) { // Return if we don't have a sensible width or height. if (width == 0 || height == 0 || bitDepth == 0) { return false; } renderContextProvider = new ExternalRenderContextProvider(windowHandle, renderContextHandle, deviceContextHandle); renderContextProvider.Create(openGLVersion, this, width, height, bitDepth, null); return true; } /// /// Makes the OpenGL instance current. /// public virtual void MakeCurrent() { // As long as we have a render context provider, make it current. if (renderContextProvider != null) { renderContextProvider.MakeCurrent(); currentOpenGLInstance = this; } } /// /// Makes no render context current. /// public virtual void MakeNothingCurrent() { Win32.wglMakeCurrent(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } /// /// Blits to the specified device context handle. /// /// The device context handle. public virtual void Blit(IntPtr deviceContextHandle) { // As long as we have a render context provider, blit to it. if(renderContextProvider != null) renderContextProvider.Blit(deviceContextHandle); } /// /// Set the render context dimensions. /// /// The width (in pixels). /// The height (in pixels). public virtual void SetDimensions(int width, int height) { if(renderContextProvider != null) renderContextProvider.SetDimensions(width, height); } /// /// GDIs the coordinateto open GL coordinate. /// /// The x coordinate. /// The y coordinate. public virtual void GDICoordinatetoOpenGLCoordinate(ref int x, ref int y) { // Create an array that will be the viewport. var viewport = new int[4]; // Get the viewport, then convert the mouse point to an opengl point. glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); y = viewport[3] - y; } /// /// Draws the text. /// /// The x. /// The y. /// The r. /// The g. /// The b. /// Name of the face. /// Size of the font. /// The text. public void DrawText(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b, string faceName, float fontSize, string text) { // Use the font bitmaps object to render the text. fontBitmaps.DrawText(this, x, y, r, g, b, faceName, fontSize, text); } /// /// Draws 3D text. /// /// Name of the face. /// Size of the font. /// The deviation. /// The extrusion. /// The text. public void DrawText3D(string faceName, float fontSize, float deviation, float extrusion, string text) { // Use the font outlines object to render the text. fontOutlines.DrawText(this, faceName, fontSize, deviation, extrusion, text); } #region Member Variables /// /// The current OpenGL instance. /// private static OpenGL currentOpenGLInstance; /// /// The render context provider. /// private IRenderContextProvider renderContextProvider; /// /// Set to true if we're inside glBegin. /// private bool insideGLBegin; /// /// The fontbitmaps object is used to allow easy rendering of text. /// private readonly FontBitmaps fontBitmaps = new FontBitmaps(); /// /// The FontOutlines object is used to allow rendering of text. /// private readonly FontOutlines fontOutlines = new FontOutlines(); #endregion #region Properties /// /// Gets the render context provider. /// /// The render context provider. public IRenderContextProvider RenderContextProvider { get { return renderContextProvider; } } /// /// Gets the vendor. /// /// The vendor. public string Vendor { get { return GetString(GL_VENDOR); } } /// /// Gets the renderer. /// /// The renderer. public string Renderer { get { return GetString(GL_RENDERER); } } /// /// Gets the version. /// /// The version. public string Version { get { return GetString(GL_VERSION); } } /// /// Gets the extensions. /// /// The extensions. public string Extensions { get { return GetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); } } #endregion } }