tool extends Resource class_name SummerDayTable export(int) var allocation_size # How many matrices per frame. export(ImageTexture) var texture export(Image) var image var dirty_flag = false func create(): var row_size = allocation_size * 4 image.create(row_size, 1, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBAF) texture.create_from_image(image, 0) _presage_changes() image.fill( flush() # Position in matrix-indices, not in pixels. func apply_matrix(matrix: SummerDayMatrix4, row: int, position: int): _presage_changes() var color_list = matrix.get_values_as_colors() for i in range(4): image.set_pixel( position * 4 + i, row, color_list[i] ) func add_row(): _presage_changes() image.crop(image.get_width(), image.get_height() + 1) func remove_row(at: int): _presage_changes() var size = image.get_size() var below_height = size.y - 1 if at < below_height: image.blit_rect(image, Rect2(Vector2(0, at + 1), Vector2(size.x, below_height - at)), Vector2(Vector2(0, at)) ) image.crop(size.x, below_height) func flush(): if dirty_flag: image.unlock() texture.set_data(image) dirty_flag = false # This needs to be called before anything, that makes changes to the image! func _presage_changes(): if !dirty_flag: image.lock() dirty_flag = true