use failure::Error; use num::Integer; use rand::Rng; use vapoursynth::api::API; use vapoursynth::core::CoreRef; use vapoursynth::frame::{FrameRef, FrameRefMut}; use vapoursynth::node::Node; use vapoursynth::plugins::{Filter, FrameContext}; use vapoursynth::video_info::VideoInfo; use rand::distributions::Uniform; use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng; pub struct Grain<'core> { pub source: Node<'core> } #[inline] fn clip(input: T, lower: T, upper: T) -> T { input.min(upper).max(lower) } impl<'core> Filter<'core> for Grain<'core> { fn video_info(&self, _api: API, _core: CoreRef<'core>) -> Vec> { vec![] } fn get_frame_initial( &self, _api: API, _core: CoreRef<'core>, context: FrameContext, n: usize, ) -> Result>, Error> { self.source.request_frame_filter(context, n); Ok(None) } fn get_frame( &self, _api: API, core: CoreRef<'core>, context: FrameContext, n: usize, ) -> Result, Error> { let frame = self.source .get_frame_filter(context, n) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Could not retrieve source frame. This shouldn’t happen."))?; let var = 20i16; // these have to be defined explicitly for lifetime reasons //let mut rng = thread_rng(); let distribution = Uniform::new_inclusive(-var, var); let mut rng: XorShiftRng = rand::SeedableRng::seed_from_u64(653334623); let mut spread = rng.sample_iter(&distribution); let mut frame = FrameRefMut::copy_of(core, &frame); for plane in 0..frame.format().plane_count() { for row in 0..frame.height(plane) { for mut_pixel in frame.plane_row_mut::(plane, row) { let pixel = *mut_pixel as i16 +; *mut_pixel = clip(pixel, 0, 255) as u8; } } } Ok(frame.into()) } }