### v0.2.1 (16th Jun 2018) - Added missing plugin-related types - Silenced some clippy warnings ## v0.2.0 (24th Mar 2018) - Added support for targetting 32-bit Windows - Added automatic detection of common Windows VapourSynth library dirs ### v0.1.4 (11th Mar 2018) - Added an AppVeyor badge - Added a link to vapoursynth-rs in the README ### v0.1.3 (18th Feb 2018) - Added a docs.rs badge to the README - Added CHANGELOG.md ### v0.1.2 (18th Feb 2018) - Changed the documentation to be hosted at docs.rs ### v0.1.1 (2nd Feb 2018) - Added new bindings from VSScript API 3.2 ## v0.1.0 - Initial release