2019-05-30 11:06:53 +00:00

1004 lines
31 KiB

//! Most general VapourSynth API functions.
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString, NulError};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
use std::{mem, panic, process};
use vapoursynth_sys as ffi;
/// A wrapper for the VapourSynth API.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct API {
// Note that this is *const, not *mut.
handle: NonNull<ffi::VSAPI>,
unsafe impl Send for API {}
unsafe impl Sync for API {}
/// A cached API pointer. Note that this is `*const ffi::VSAPI`, not `*mut`.
static RAW_API: AtomicPtr<ffi::VSAPI> = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());
/// VapourSynth log message types.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum MessageType {
/// The process will `abort()` after the message handler returns.
// Macros for implementing repetitive functions.
macro_rules! prop_get_something {
($name:ident, $func:ident, $rv:ty) => (
pub(crate) unsafe fn $name(
map: &ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
index: i32,
error: &mut i32,
) -> $rv {
(self.handle.as_ref().$func)(map, key, index, error)
macro_rules! prop_set_something {
($name:ident, $func:ident, $type:ty) => (
pub(crate) unsafe fn $name(
map: &mut ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
value: $type,
append: ffi::VSPropAppendMode,
) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().$func)(map, key, value, append as i32)
impl API {
/// Retrieves the VapourSynth API.
/// Returns `None` on error, for example if the requested API version (selected with features,
/// see the crate-level docs) is not supported.
// If we're linking to VSScript anyway, use the VSScript function.
feature = "vsscript-functions",
feature = "gte-vsscript-api-32"
pub fn get() -> Option<Self> {
use vsscript;
// Check if we already have the API.
let handle = RAW_API.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let handle = if handle.is_null() {
// Attempt retrieving it otherwise.
let handle =
unsafe { ffi::vsscript_getVSApi2(ffi::VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION) } as *mut ffi::VSAPI;
if !handle.is_null() {
// If we successfully retrieved the API, cache it., Ordering::Relaxed);
} else {
if handle.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Self {
handle: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(handle) },
/// Retrieves the VapourSynth API.
/// Returns `None` on error, for example if the requested API version (selected with features,
/// see the crate-level docs) is not supported.
feature = "vapoursynth-functions",
feature = "vsscript-functions",
feature = "gte-vsscript-api-32"
pub fn get() -> Option<Self> {
// Check if we already have the API.
let handle = RAW_API.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let handle = if handle.is_null() {
// Attempt retrieving it otherwise.
let handle =
unsafe { ffi::getVapourSynthAPI(ffi::VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION) } as *mut ffi::VSAPI;
if !handle.is_null() {
// If we successfully retrieved the API, cache it., Ordering::Relaxed);
} else {
if handle.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Self {
handle: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(handle) },
/// Returns the cached API.
/// # Safety
/// This function assumes the cache contains a valid API pointer.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_cached() -> Self {
Self {
handle: NonNull::new_unchecked(RAW_API.load(Ordering::Relaxed)),
/// Stores the API in the cache.
/// # Safety
/// The given pointer should be valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set(handle: *const ffi::VSAPI) { as *mut _, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// Sends a message through VapourSynth’s logging framework.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-34")]
pub fn log(self, message_type: MessageType, message: &str) -> Result<(), NulError> {
let message = CString::new(message)?;
unsafe {
(self.handle.as_ref().logMessage)(message_type.ffi_type(), message.as_ptr());
/// Installs a custom handler for the various error messages VapourSynth emits. The message
/// handler is currently global, i.e. per process, not per VSCore instance.
/// The default message handler simply sends the messages to the standard error stream.
/// The callback arguments are the message type and the message itself. If the callback panics,
/// the process is aborted.
/// This function allocates to store the callback, this memory is leaked if the message handler
/// is subsequently changed.
pub fn set_message_handler<F>(self, callback: F)
F: FnMut(MessageType, &CStr) + Send + 'static,
struct CallbackData {
callback: Box<FnMut(MessageType, &CStr) + Send + 'static>,
unsafe extern "system" fn c_callback(
msg_type: c_int,
msg: *const c_char,
user_data: *mut c_void,
) {
let mut user_data = Box::from_raw(user_data as *mut CallbackData);
let closure = panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
let message_type = MessageType::from_ffi_type(msg_type).unwrap();
let message = CStr::from_ptr(msg);
(user_data.callback)(message_type, message);
if panic::catch_unwind(closure).is_err() {
// Don't drop user_data, we're not done using it.
let user_data = Box::new(CallbackData {
callback: Box::new(callback),
unsafe {
Box::into_raw(user_data) as *mut c_void,
/// Installs a custom handler for the various error messages VapourSynth emits. The message
/// handler is currently global, i.e. per process, not per VSCore instance.
/// The default message handler simply sends the messages to the standard error stream.
/// The callback arguments are the message type and the message itself. If the callback panics,
/// the process is aborted.
/// This version does not allocate at the cost of accepting a function pointer rather than an
/// arbitrary closure. It can, however, be used with simple closures.
pub fn set_message_handler_trivial(self, callback: fn(MessageType, &CStr)) {
unsafe extern "system" fn c_callback(
msg_type: c_int,
msg: *const c_char,
user_data: *mut c_void,
) {
let closure = panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
let message_type = MessageType::from_ffi_type(msg_type).unwrap();
let message = CStr::from_ptr(msg);
// Is there a better way of casting this?
let callback = *(&user_data as *const _ as *const fn(MessageType, &CStr));
(callback)(message_type, message);
if panic::catch_unwind(closure).is_err() {
eprintln!("panic in the set_message_handler_trivial() callback, aborting");
unsafe {
(self.handle.as_ref().setMessageHandler)(Some(c_callback), callback as *mut c_void);
/// Clears any custom message handler, restoring the default one.
pub fn clear_message_handler(self) {
unsafe {
(self.handle.as_ref().setMessageHandler)(None, ptr::null_mut());
/// Frees `node`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn free_node(self, node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef) {
/// Clones `node`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn clone_node(self, node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef) -> *mut ffi::VSNodeRef {
/// Returns a pointer to the video info associated with `node`. The pointer is valid as long as
/// the node lives.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_video_info(
node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef,
) -> *const ffi::VSVideoInfo {
/// Generates a frame directly.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` is valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `err_msg` is larger than `i32::max_value()`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame(
n: i32,
node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef,
err_msg: &mut [c_char],
) -> *const ffi::VSFrameRef {
let len = err_msg.len();
assert!(len <= i32::max_value() as usize);
let len = len as i32;
(self.handle.as_ref().getFrame)(n, node, err_msg.as_mut_ptr(), len)
/// Generates a frame directly.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` and `callback` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_async(
n: i32,
node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef,
callback: ffi::VSFrameDoneCallback,
user_data: *mut c_void,
) {
(self.handle.as_ref().getFrameAsync)(n, node, callback, user_data);
/// Frees `frame`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn free_frame(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef) {
/// Clones `frame`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn clone_frame(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef) -> *const ffi::VSFrameRef {
/// Retrieves the format of a frame.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_format(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef) -> *const ffi::VSFormat {
/// Returns the width of a plane of a given frame, in pixels.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and `plane` is valid for the given `frame`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_width(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef, plane: i32) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().getFrameWidth)(frame, plane)
/// Returns the height of a plane of a given frame, in pixels.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and `plane` is valid for the given `frame`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_height(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef, plane: i32) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().getFrameHeight)(frame, plane)
/// Returns the distance in bytes between two consecutive lines of a plane of a frame.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and `plane` is valid for the given `frame`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_stride(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef, plane: i32) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().getStride)(frame, plane)
/// Returns a read-only pointer to a plane of a frame.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and `plane` is valid for the given `frame`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_read_ptr(
frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef,
plane: i32,
) -> *const u8 {
(self.handle.as_ref().getReadPtr)(frame, plane)
/// Returns a read-write pointer to a plane of a frame.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and `plane` is valid for the given `frame`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_write_ptr(
frame: &mut ffi::VSFrameRef,
plane: i32,
) -> *mut u8 {
(self.handle.as_ref().getWritePtr)(frame, plane)
/// Returns a read-only pointer to a frame's properties.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and the correct lifetime is assigned to the
/// returned map (it can't outlive `frame`).
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_props_ro(self, frame: &ffi::VSFrameRef) -> *const ffi::VSMap {
/// Returns a read-write pointer to a frame's properties.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `frame` is valid and the correct lifetime is assigned to the
/// returned map (it can't outlive `frame`).
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_props_rw(self, frame: &mut ffi::VSFrameRef) -> *mut ffi::VSMap {
/// Creates a new `VSMap`.
pub(crate) fn create_map(self) -> *mut ffi::VSMap {
unsafe { (self.handle.as_ref().createMap)() }
/// Clears `map`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn clear_map(self, map: &mut ffi::VSMap) {
/// Frees `map`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn free_map(self, map: &mut ffi::VSMap) {
/// Returns a pointer to the error message contained in the map, or NULL if there is no error
/// message.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_error(self, map: &ffi::VSMap) -> *const c_char {
/// Adds an error message to a map. The map is cleared first. The error message is copied.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `errorMessage` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_error(self, map: &mut ffi::VSMap, error_message: *const c_char) {
(self.handle.as_ref().setError)(map, error_message)
/// Returns the number of keys contained in a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_num_keys(self, map: &ffi::VSMap) -> i32 {
/// Returns a key from a property map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` is valid and `index` is valid for `map`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_get_key(self, map: &ffi::VSMap, index: i32) -> *const c_char {
(self.handle.as_ref().propGetKey)(map, index)
/// Removes the key from a property map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_delete_key(self, map: &mut ffi::VSMap, key: *const c_char) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().propDeleteKey)(map, key)
/// Returns the number of elements associated with a key in a property map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_num_elements(self, map: &ffi::VSMap, key: *const c_char) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().propNumElements)(map, key)
/// Returns the type of the elements associated with the given key in a property map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_get_type(self, map: &ffi::VSMap, key: *const c_char) -> c_char {
(self.handle.as_ref().propGetType)(map, key)
/// Returns the size in bytes of a property of type ptData.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_get_data_size(
map: &ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
index: i32,
error: &mut i32,
) -> i32 {
(self.handle.as_ref().propGetDataSize)(map, key, index, error)
prop_get_something!(prop_get_int, propGetInt, i64);
prop_get_something!(prop_get_float, propGetFloat, f64);
prop_get_something!(prop_get_data, propGetData, *const c_char);
prop_get_something!(prop_get_node, propGetNode, *mut ffi::VSNodeRef);
prop_get_something!(prop_get_frame, propGetFrame, *const ffi::VSFrameRef);
prop_get_something!(prop_get_func, propGetFunc, *mut ffi::VSFuncRef);
prop_set_something!(prop_set_int, propSetInt, i64);
prop_set_something!(prop_set_float, propSetFloat, f64);
prop_set_something!(prop_set_node, propSetNode, *mut ffi::VSNodeRef);
prop_set_something!(prop_set_frame, propSetFrame, *const ffi::VSFrameRef);
prop_set_something!(prop_set_func, propSetFunc, *mut ffi::VSFuncRef);
/// Retrieves an array of integers from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_get_int_array(
map: &ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
error: &mut i32,
) -> *const i64 {
(self.handle.as_ref().propGetIntArray)(map, key, error)
/// Retrieves an array of floating point numbers from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_get_float_array(
map: &ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
error: &mut i32,
) -> *const f64 {
(self.handle.as_ref().propGetFloatArray)(map, key, error)
/// Adds a data property to the map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `value.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_set_data(
map: &mut ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
value: &[u8],
append: ffi::VSPropAppendMode,
) -> i32 {
let length = value.len();
assert!(length <= i32::max_value() as usize);
let length = length as i32;
(self.handle.as_ref().propSetData)(map, key, value.as_ptr() as _, length, append as i32)
/// Adds an array of integers to the map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `value.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_set_int_array(
map: &mut ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
value: &[i64],
) -> i32 {
let length = value.len();
assert!(length <= i32::max_value() as usize);
let length = length as i32;
(self.handle.as_ref().propSetIntArray)(map, key, value.as_ptr(), length)
/// Adds an array of floating point numbers to the map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `map` and `key` are valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `value.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn prop_set_float_array(
map: &mut ffi::VSMap,
key: *const c_char,
value: &[f64],
) -> i32 {
let length = value.len();
assert!(length <= i32::max_value() as usize);
let length = length as i32;
(self.handle.as_ref().propSetFloatArray)(map, key, value.as_ptr(), length)
/// Frees `function`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `function` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn free_func(self, function: *mut ffi::VSFuncRef) {
/// Clones `function`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `function` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn clone_func(self, function: *mut ffi::VSFuncRef) -> *mut ffi::VSFuncRef {
/// Returns information about the VapourSynth core.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `core` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_core_info(self, core: *mut ffi::VSCore) -> *const ffi::VSCoreInfo {
/// Returns a VSFormat structure from a video format identifier.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `core` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_format_preset(
id: i32,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *const ffi::VSFormat {
(self.handle.as_ref().getFormatPreset)(id, core)
/// Registers a custom video format.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `core` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn register_format(
color_family: ffi::VSColorFamily,
sample_type: ffi::VSSampleType,
bits_per_sample: i32,
sub_sampling_w: i32,
sub_sampling_h: i32,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *const ffi::VSFormat {
color_family as i32,
sample_type as i32,
/// Creates a new filter node.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(too_many_arguments))]
pub(crate) unsafe fn create_filter(
in_: *const ffi::VSMap,
out: *mut ffi::VSMap,
name: *const c_char,
init: ffi::VSFilterInit,
get_frame: ffi::VSFilterGetFrame,
free: ffi::VSFilterFree,
filter_mode: ffi::VSFilterMode,
flags: ffi::VSNodeFlags,
instance_data: *mut c_void,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) {
filter_mode as _,
/// Sets node's video info.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `node` is valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `vi.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_video_info(self, vi: &[ffi::VSVideoInfo], node: *mut ffi::VSNode) {
let length = vi.len();
assert!(length <= i32::max_value() as usize);
let length = length as i32;
(self.handle.as_ref().setVideoInfo)(vi.as_ptr(), length, node);
/// Adds an error message to a frame context, replacing the existing message, if any.
/// This is the way to report errors in a filter's "get frame" function. Such errors are not
/// necessarily fatal, i.e. the caller can try to request the same frame again.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_filter_error(
message: *const c_char,
frame_ctx: *mut ffi::VSFrameContext,
) {
(self.handle.as_ref().setFilterError)(message, frame_ctx);
/// Requests a frame from a node and returns immediately.
/// This is only used in filters' "get frame" functions.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid and this is called from a filter "get frame"
/// function.
pub(crate) unsafe fn request_frame_filter(
n: i32,
node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef,
frame_ctx: *mut ffi::VSFrameContext,
) {
(self.handle.as_ref().requestFrameFilter)(n, node, frame_ctx);
/// Retrieves a frame that was previously requested with `request_frame_filter()`.
/// This is only used in filters' "get frame" functions.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid and this is called from a filter "get frame"
/// function.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_filter(
n: i32,
node: *mut ffi::VSNodeRef,
frame_ctx: *mut ffi::VSFrameContext,
) -> *const ffi::VSFrameRef {
(self.handle.as_ref().getFrameFilter)(n, node, frame_ctx)
/// Duplicates the frame (not just the reference). As the frame buffer is shared in a
/// copy-on-write fashion, the frame content is not really duplicated until a write operation
/// occurs. This is transparent for the user.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn copy_frame(
f: &ffi::VSFrameRef,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *mut ffi::VSFrameRef {
(self.handle.as_ref().copyFrame)(f, core)
/// Creates a new frame, optionally copying the properties attached to another frame. The new
/// frame contains uninitialised memory.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid and that the uninitialized plane data of the
/// returned frame is handled carefully.
pub(crate) unsafe fn new_video_frame(
format: &ffi::VSFormat,
width: i32,
height: i32,
prop_src: *const ffi::VSFrameRef,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *mut ffi::VSFrameRef {
(self.handle.as_ref().newVideoFrame)(format, width, height, prop_src, core)
/// Returns a pointer to the plugin with the given identifier, or a null pointer if not found.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_plugin_by_id(
identifier: *const c_char,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *mut ffi::VSPlugin {
(self.handle.as_ref().getPluginById)(identifier, core)
/// Returns a pointer to the plugin with the given namespace, or a null pointer if not found.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_plugin_by_ns(
namespace: *const c_char,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *mut ffi::VSPlugin {
(self.handle.as_ref().getPluginByNs)(namespace, core)
/// Returns a map containing a list of all loaded plugins.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_plugins(self, core: *mut ffi::VSCore) -> *mut ffi::VSMap {
/// Returns a map containing a list of the filters exported by a plugin.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_functions(self, plugin: *mut ffi::VSPlugin) -> *mut ffi::VSMap {
/// Returns the absolute path to the plugin, including the plugin's file name. This is the real
/// location of the plugin, i.e. there are no symbolic links in the path.
/// Path elements are always delimited with forward slashes.
/// VapourSynth retains ownership of the returned pointer.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
// This was introduced in R25 without bumping the API version (R3) but we must be sure it's
// there, so require R3.1.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_plugin_path(self, plugin: *mut ffi::VSPlugin) -> *const c_char {
/// Invokes a filter.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn invoke(
plugin: *mut ffi::VSPlugin,
name: *const c_char,
args: *const ffi::VSMap,
) -> *mut ffi::VSMap {
(self.handle.as_ref().invoke)(plugin, name, args)
/// Returns the index of the node from which the frame is being requested.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_output_index(self, frame_ctx: *mut ffi::VSFrameContext) -> i32 {
/// Creates a user-defined function.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn create_func(
func: ffi::VSPublicFunction,
user_data: *mut c_void,
free: ffi::VSFreeFuncData,
core: *mut ffi::VSCore,
) -> *mut ffi::VSFuncRef {
(self.handle.as_ref().createFunc)(func, user_data, free, core, self.handle.as_ptr())
/// Calls a function. If the call fails out will have an error set.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn call_func(
func: *mut ffi::VSFuncRef,
in_: *const ffi::VSMap,
out: *mut ffi::VSMap,
) {
(self.handle.as_ref().callFunc)(func, in_, out, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null());
/// Registers a filter exported by the plugin. A plugin can export any number of filters.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure all pointers are valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn register_function(
name: *const c_char,
args: *const c_char,
args_func: ffi::VSPublicFunction,
function_data: *mut c_void,
plugin: *mut ffi::VSPlugin,
) {
(self.handle.as_ref().registerFunction)(name, args, args_func, function_data, plugin);
impl MessageType {
fn ffi_type(self) -> c_int {
let rv = match self {
MessageType::Debug => ffi::VSMessageType::mtDebug,
MessageType::Warning => ffi::VSMessageType::mtWarning,
MessageType::Critical => ffi::VSMessageType::mtCritical,
MessageType::Fatal => ffi::VSMessageType::mtFatal,
rv as c_int
fn from_ffi_type(x: c_int) -> Option<Self> {
match x {
x if x == ffi::VSMessageType::mtDebug as c_int => Some(MessageType::Debug),
x if x == ffi::VSMessageType::mtWarning as c_int => Some(MessageType::Warning),
x if x == ffi::VSMessageType::mtCritical as c_int => Some(MessageType::Critical),
x if x == ffi::VSMessageType::mtFatal as c_int => Some(MessageType::Fatal),
_ => None,