2019-05-30 11:06:53 +00:00

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31 KiB

//! VapourSynth maps.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::{mem, result, slice};
use vapoursynth_sys as ffi;
use api::API;
use frame::{Frame, FrameRef};
use function::Function;
use node::Node;
mod errors;
pub use self::errors::{Error, InvalidKeyError, Result};
mod iterators;
pub use self::iterators::{Keys, ValueIter};
mod value;
pub use self::value::{Value, ValueType};
/// A VapourSynth map.
/// A map contains key-value pairs where the value is zero or more elements of a certain type.
// This type is intended to be publicly used only in reference form.
pub struct Map<'elem> {
// The actual mutability of this depends on whether it's accessed via `&Map` or `&mut Map`.
handle: NonNull<ffi::VSMap>,
_elem: PhantomData<&'elem ()>,
/// A reference to a VapourSynth map.
pub struct MapRef<'owner, 'elem> {
// Only immutable references to this are allowed.
map: Map<'elem>,
_owner: PhantomData<&'owner ()>,
/// A reference to a mutable VapourSynth map.
pub struct MapRefMut<'owner, 'elem> {
// Both mutable and immutable references to this are allowed.
map: Map<'elem>,
_owner: PhantomData<&'owner ()>,
/// An owned VapourSynth map.
pub struct OwnedMap<'elem> {
// Both mutable and immutable references to this are allowed.
map: Map<'elem>,
unsafe impl<'elem> Send for Map<'elem> {}
unsafe impl<'elem> Sync for Map<'elem> {}
impl<'elem> Deref for Map<'elem> {
type Target = ffi::VSMap;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { self.handle.as_ref() }
impl<'elem> DerefMut for Map<'elem> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
unsafe { self.handle.as_mut() }
impl<'owner, 'elem> Deref for MapRef<'owner, 'elem> {
type Target = Map<'elem>;
// Technically this should return `&'owner`.
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'owner, 'elem> Deref for MapRefMut<'owner, 'elem> {
type Target = Map<'elem>;
// Technically this should return `&'owner`.
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'owner, 'elem> DerefMut for MapRefMut<'owner, 'elem> {
// Technically this should return `&'owner`.
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<'elem> Drop for OwnedMap<'elem> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
impl<'elem> Deref for OwnedMap<'elem> {
type Target = Map<'elem>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'elem> DerefMut for OwnedMap<'elem> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<'elem> OwnedMap<'elem> {
/// Creates a new map.
pub fn new(api: API) -> Self {
Self {
map: unsafe { Map::from_ptr(api.create_map()) },
/// Wraps pointer into `OwnedMap`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller needs to ensure the pointer and the lifetime is valid and that this is an owned
/// map pointer.
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(handle: *mut ffi::VSMap) -> Self {
Self {
map: Map::from_ptr(handle),
impl<'owner, 'elem> MapRef<'owner, 'elem> {
/// Wraps pointer into `MapRef`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller needs to ensure the pointer and the lifetimes are valid, and that there are no
/// mutable references to the given map.
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(handle: *const ffi::VSMap) -> Self {
Self {
map: Map::from_ptr(handle),
_owner: PhantomData,
impl<'owner, 'elem> MapRefMut<'owner, 'elem> {
/// Wraps pointer into `MapRefMut`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller needs to ensure the pointer and the lifetimes are valid, and that there are no
/// references to the given map.
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(handle: *mut ffi::VSMap) -> Self {
Self {
map: Map::from_ptr(handle),
_owner: PhantomData,
/// Turns a `prop_get_something()` error into a `Result`.
fn handle_get_prop_error(error: i32) -> Result<()> {
if error == 0 {
} else {
Err(match error {
x if x == ffi::VSGetPropErrors::peUnset as i32 => Error::KeyNotFound,
x if x == ffi::VSGetPropErrors::peType as i32 => Error::WrongValueType,
x if x == ffi::VSGetPropErrors::peIndex as i32 => Error::IndexOutOfBounds,
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Turns a `prop_set_something(paAppend)` error into a `Result`.
fn handle_append_prop_error(error: i32) -> Result<()> {
if error != 0 {
debug_assert!(error == 1);
} else {
impl<'elem> Map<'elem> {
/// Wraps pointer into `Map`.
/// # Safety
/// The caller needs to ensure the pointer is valid, the element lifetime is valid, and that
/// the resulting `Map` gets put into `MapRef` or `MapRefMut` or `OwnedMap` correctly.
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptr(handle: *const ffi::VSMap) -> Self {
Self {
handle: NonNull::new_unchecked(handle as *mut ffi::VSMap),
_elem: PhantomData,
/// Checks if the key is valid. Valid keys start with an alphabetic character or an underscore,
/// and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
pub fn is_key_valid(key: &str) -> result::Result<(), InvalidKeyError> {
if key.is_empty() {
return Err(InvalidKeyError::EmptyKey);
let mut chars = key.chars();
let first =;
if !first.is_ascii_alphabetic() && first != '_' {
return Err(InvalidKeyError::InvalidCharacter(0));
for (i, c) in chars.enumerate() {
if !c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() && c != '_' {
return Err(InvalidKeyError::InvalidCharacter(i + 1));
/// Checks if the key is valid and makes it a `CString`.
pub(crate) fn make_raw_key(key: &str) -> Result<CString> {
/// Clears the map.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
unsafe {
/// Returns the error message contained in the map, if any.
pub fn error(&self) -> Option<Cow<str>> {
let error_message = unsafe { API::get_cached().get_error(self) };
if error_message.is_null() {
return None;
let error_message = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(error_message) };
/// Adds an error message to a map. The map is cleared first.
pub fn set_error(&mut self, error_message: &str) -> Result<()> {
let error_message = CString::new(error_message)?;
unsafe {
API::get_cached().set_error(self, error_message.as_ptr());
/// Returns the number of keys contained in a map.
pub fn key_count(&self) -> usize {
let count = unsafe { API::get_cached().prop_num_keys(self) };
debug_assert!(count >= 0);
count as usize
/// Returns a key from a map.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index >= self.key_count()`.
pub(crate) fn key_raw(&self, index: usize) -> &CStr {
assert!(index < self.key_count());
let index = index as i32;
unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(API::get_cached().prop_get_key(self, index)) }
/// Returns a key from a map.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index >= self.key_count()`.
pub fn key(&self, index: usize) -> &str {
/// Returns an iterator over all keys in a map.
pub fn keys(&self) -> Keys {
/// Returns the number of elements associated with a key in a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn value_count_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr) -> Result<usize> {
let rv = API::get_cached().prop_num_elements(self, key.as_ptr());
if rv == -1 {
} else {
debug_assert!(rv >= 0);
Ok(rv as usize)
/// Returns the number of elements associated with a key in a map.
pub fn value_count(&self, key: &str) -> Result<usize> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.value_count_raw_unchecked(&key) }
/// Retrieves a value type from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn value_type_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr) -> Result<ValueType> {
match API::get_cached().prop_get_type(self, key.as_ptr()) {
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptUnset as c_char => Err(Error::KeyNotFound),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptInt as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Int),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptFloat as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Float),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptData as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Data),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptNode as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Node),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptFrame as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Frame),
x if x == ffi::VSPropTypes::ptFunction as c_char => Ok(ValueType::Function),
_ => unreachable!(),
/// Retrieves a value type from a map.
pub fn value_type(&self, key: &str) -> Result<ValueType> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.value_type_raw_unchecked(&key) }
/// Deletes the given key.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn delete_key_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr) -> Result<()> {
let result = API::get_cached().prop_delete_key(self, key.as_ptr());
if result == 0 {
} else {
debug_assert!(result == 1);
/// Deletes the given key.
pub fn delete_key(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.delete_key_raw_unchecked(&key) }
/// Touches the key. That is, if the key exists, nothing happens, otherwise a key is created
/// with no values associated.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn touch_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, value_type: ValueType) {
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
macro_rules! touch_value {
($func:ident, $value:expr) => {{
let result =
debug_assert!(result == 0);
match value_type {
ValueType::Int => touch_value!(prop_set_int, 0),
ValueType::Float => touch_value!(prop_set_float, 0f64),
ValueType::Data => touch_value!(prop_set_data, &[]),
ValueType::Node => touch_value!(prop_set_node, ptr::null_mut()),
ValueType::Frame => touch_value!(prop_set_frame, ptr::null()),
ValueType::Function => touch_value!(prop_set_func, ptr::null_mut()),
/// Touches the key. That is, if the key exists, nothing happens, otherwise a key is created
/// with no values associated.
pub fn touch(&mut self, key: &str, value_type: ValueType) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.touch_raw_unchecked(&key, value_type);
/// Retrieves a property value.
pub fn get<'map, T: Value<'map, 'elem>>(&'map self, key: &str) -> Result<T> {
T::get_from_map(self, key)
/// Retrieves an iterator over the map values.
pub fn get_iter<'map, T: Value<'map, 'elem>>(
&'map self,
key: &str,
) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, T>> {
T::get_iter_from_map(self, key)
/// Sets a property value.
pub fn set<'map, T: Value<'map, 'elem>>(&'map mut self, key: &str, x: &T) -> Result<()> {
T::store_in_map(self, key, x)
/// Appends a property value.
pub fn append<'map, T: Value<'map, 'elem>>(&'map mut self, key: &str, x: &T) -> Result<()> {
T::append_to_map(self, key, x)
/// Retrieves an integer from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_int(&self, key: &str) -> Result<i64> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_int_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves integers from a map.
pub fn get_int_iter<'map>(&'map self, key: &str) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, i64>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<i64>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves an array of integers from a map.
/// This is faster than iterating over a `get_int_iter()`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub fn get_int_array(&self, key: &str) -> Result<&[i64]> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_int_array_raw_unchecked(&key) }
/// Retrieves a floating point number from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_float(&self, key: &str) -> Result<f64> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_float_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves an array of floating point numbers from a map.
/// This is faster than iterating over a `get_float_iter()`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub fn get_float_array(&self, key: &str) -> Result<&[f64]> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_float_array_raw_unchecked(&key) }
/// Retrieves floating point numbers from a map.
pub fn get_float_iter<'map>(&'map self, key: &str) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, f64>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<f64>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves data from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_data(&self, key: &str) -> Result<&[u8]> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_data_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves data from a map.
pub fn get_data_iter<'map>(
&'map self,
key: &str,
) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, &'map [u8]>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<&[u8]>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves a node from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_node(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Node<'elem>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_node_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves nodes from a map.
pub fn get_node_iter<'map>(
&'map self,
key: &str,
) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, Node<'elem>>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<Node>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves a frame from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_frame(&self, key: &str) -> Result<FrameRef<'elem>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_frame_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves frames from a map.
pub fn get_frame_iter<'map>(
&'map self,
key: &str,
) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, FrameRef<'elem>>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<FrameRef>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves a function from a map.
/// This function retrieves the first value associated with the key.
pub fn get_function(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Function<'elem>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.get_function_raw_unchecked(&key, 0) }
/// Retrieves functions from a map.
pub fn get_function_iter<'map>(
&'map self,
key: &str,
) -> Result<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, Function<'elem>>> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { ValueIter::<Function>::new(self, key) }
/// Retrieves an integer from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_int_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr, index: i32) -> Result<i64> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_int(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
/// Retrieves an array of integers from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_int_array_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr) -> Result<&[i64]> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_int_array(self, key.as_ptr(), &mut error);
let length = self.value_count_raw_unchecked(key).unwrap();
Ok(slice::from_raw_parts(value, length))
/// Retrieves a floating point number from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_float_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr, index: i32) -> Result<f64> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_float(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
/// Retrieves an array of floating point numbers from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_float_array_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr) -> Result<&[f64]> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_float_array(self, key.as_ptr(), &mut error);
let length = self.value_count_raw_unchecked(key).unwrap();
Ok(slice::from_raw_parts(value, length))
/// Retrieves data from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_data_raw_unchecked(&self, key: &CStr, index: i32) -> Result<&[u8]> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_data(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
let mut error = 0;
let length = API::get_cached().prop_get_data_size(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
debug_assert!(error == 0);
debug_assert!(length >= 0);
Ok(slice::from_raw_parts(value as *const u8, length as usize))
/// Retrieves a node from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_node_raw_unchecked(
key: &CStr,
index: i32,
) -> Result<Node<'elem>> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_node(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
/// Retrieves a frame from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_frame_raw_unchecked(
key: &CStr,
index: i32,
) -> Result<FrameRef<'elem>> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_frame(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
/// Retrieves a function from a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn get_function_raw_unchecked(
key: &CStr,
index: i32,
) -> Result<Function<'elem>> {
let mut error = 0;
let value = API::get_cached().prop_get_func(self, key.as_ptr(), index, &mut error);
/// Appends an integer to a map.
pub fn append_int(&mut self, key: &str, x: i64) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_int_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends a floating point number to a map.
pub fn append_float(&mut self, key: &str, x: f64) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_float_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends data to a map.
pub fn append_data(&mut self, key: &str, x: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_data_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends a node to a map.
pub fn append_node(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Node<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_node_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends a frame to a map.
pub fn append_frame(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Frame<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_frame_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends a function to a map.
pub fn append_function(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Function<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe { self.append_function_raw_unchecked(&key, x) }
/// Appends an integer to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_int_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: i64) -> Result<()> {
let error =
API::get_cached().prop_set_int(self, key.as_ptr(), x, ffi::VSPropAppendMode::paAppend);
/// Appends a floating point number to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_float_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: f64) -> Result<()> {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_float(
/// Appends data to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_data_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let error =
API::get_cached().prop_set_data(self, key.as_ptr(), x, ffi::VSPropAppendMode::paAppend);
/// Appends a node to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_node_raw_unchecked(
&mut self,
key: &CStr,
x: &Node<'elem>,
) -> Result<()> {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_node(
/// Appends a frame to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_frame_raw_unchecked(
&mut self,
key: &CStr,
x: &Frame<'elem>,
) -> Result<()> {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_frame(
/// Appends a function to a map.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn append_function_raw_unchecked(
&mut self,
key: &CStr,
x: &Function<'elem>,
) -> Result<()> {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_func(
/// Sets a property value to an integer.
pub fn set_int(&mut self, key: &str, x: i64) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_int_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to an integer array.
/// This is faster than calling `append_int()` in a loop.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub fn set_int_array(&mut self, key: &str, x: &[i64]) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_int_array_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to a floating point number.
pub fn set_float(&mut self, key: &str, x: f64) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_float_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to a floating point number array.
/// This is faster than calling `append_float()` in a loop.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub fn set_float_array(&mut self, key: &str, x: &[f64]) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_float_array_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to data.
pub fn set_data(&mut self, key: &str, x: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_data_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to a node.
pub fn set_node(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Node<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_node_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to a frame.
pub fn set_frame(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Frame<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_frame_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to a function.
pub fn set_function(&mut self, key: &str, x: &Function<'elem>) -> Result<()> {
let key = Map::make_raw_key(key)?;
unsafe {
self.set_function_raw_unchecked(&key, x);
/// Sets a property value to an integer.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_int_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: i64) {
let error =
API::get_cached().prop_set_int(self, key.as_ptr(), x, ffi::VSPropAppendMode::paReplace);
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to an integer array.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `x.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_int_array_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &[i64]) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_int_array(self, key.as_ptr(), x);
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to a floating point number.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_float_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: f64) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_float(
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to a floating point number array.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `x.len()` can't fit in an `i32`.
#[cfg(feature = "gte-vapoursynth-api-31")]
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_float_array_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &[f64]) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_float_array(self, key.as_ptr(), x);
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to data.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_data_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &[u8]) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_data(
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to a node.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_node_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &Node<'elem>) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_node(
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to a frame.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_frame_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &Frame<'elem>) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_frame(
debug_assert!(error == 0);
/// Sets a property value to a function.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure `key` is valid.
pub(crate) unsafe fn set_function_raw_unchecked(&mut self, key: &CStr, x: &Function<'elem>) {
let error = API::get_cached().prop_set_func(
debug_assert!(error == 0);