2019-05-30 11:06:53 +00:00

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//! Things related to making VapourSynth plugins.
use failure::Error;
use api::API;
use core::CoreRef;
use frame::FrameRef;
use function::Function;
use map::{self, Map, Value, ValueIter};
use node::Node;
use video_info::VideoInfo;
mod frame_context;
pub use self::frame_context::FrameContext;
pub mod ffi;
/// Plugin metadata.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Metadata {
/// A "reverse" URL, unique among all plugins.
/// For example, `com.example.invert`.
pub identifier: &'static str,
/// Namespace where the plugin's filters will go, unique among all plugins.
/// Only lowercase letters and the underscore should be used, and it shouldn't be too long.
/// Additionally, words that are special to Python, e.g. `del`, should be avoided.
/// For example, `invert`.
pub namespace: &'static str,
/// Plugin name in readable form.
/// For example, `Invert Example Plugin`.
pub name: &'static str,
/// Whether new filters can be registered at runtime.
/// This should generally be set to `false`. It's used for the built-in AviSynth compat plugin.
pub read_only: bool,
/// A filter function interface.
/// See the `make_filter_function!` macro that generates types implementing this automatically.
pub trait FilterFunction: Send + Sync {
/// Returns the name of the function.
/// The characters allowed are letters, numbers, and the underscore. The first character must
/// be a letter. In other words: `^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$`.
/// For example, `Invert`.
fn name(&self) -> &str;
/// Returns the argument string.
/// Arguments are separated by a semicolon. Each argument is made of several fields separated
/// by a colon. Don’t insert additional whitespace characters, or VapourSynth will die.
/// Fields:
/// - The argument name. The same characters are allowed as for the filter's name. Argument
/// names should be all lowercase and use only letters and the underscore.
/// - The type. One of `int`, `float`, `data`, `clip`, `frame`, `func`. They correspond to the
/// `Map::get_*()` functions (`clip` is `get_node()`). It's possible to declare an array by
/// appending `[]` to the type.
/// - `opt` if the parameter is optional.
/// - `empty` if the array is allowed to be empty.
/// The following example declares the arguments "blah", "moo", and "asdf":
/// `blah:clip;moo:int[]:opt;asdf:float:opt;`
fn args(&self) -> &str;
/// The callback for this filter function.
/// In most cases this is where you should create a new instance of the filter and return it.
/// However, a filter function like AviSynth compat's `LoadPlugin()` which isn't actually a
/// filter, can return `None`.
/// `args` contains the filter arguments, as specified by the argument string from
/// `FilterFunction::args()`. Their presence and types are validated by VapourSynth so it's
/// safe to `unwrap()`.
/// In this function you should take all input nodes for your filter and store them somewhere
/// so that you can request their frames in `get_frame_initial()`.
// TODO: with generic associated types it'll be possible to make Filter<'core> an associated
// type of this trait and get rid of this Box.
fn create<'core>(
api: API,
core: CoreRef<'core>,
args: &Map<'core>,
) -> Result<Option<Box<Filter<'core> + 'core>>, Error>;
/// A filter interface.
// TODO: perhaps it's possible to figure something out about Send + Sync with specialization? Since
// there are Node flags which say that the filter will be called strictly by one thread, in which
// case Sync shouldn't be required.
pub trait Filter<'core>: Send + Sync {
/// Returns the parameters of this filter's output node.
/// The returned vector should contain one entry for each node output index.
fn video_info(&self, api: API, core: CoreRef<'core>) -> Vec<VideoInfo<'core>>;
/// Requests the necessary frames from downstream nodes.
/// This is always the first function to get called for a given frame `n`.
/// In this function you should call `request_frame_filter()` on any input nodes that you need
/// and return `None`. If you do not need any input frames, you should generate the output
/// frame and return it here.
/// Do not call `Node::get_frame()` from within this function.
fn get_frame_initial(
api: API,
core: CoreRef<'core>,
context: FrameContext,
n: usize,
) -> Result<Option<FrameRef<'core>>, Error>;
/// Returns the requested frame.
/// This is always the second function to get called for a given frame `n`. If the frame was
/// retrned from `get_frame_initial()`, this function is not called.
/// In this function you should call `get_frame_filter()` on the input nodes to retrieve the
/// frames you requested in `get_frame_initial()`.
/// Do not call `Node::get_frame()` from within this function.
fn get_frame(
api: API,
core: CoreRef<'core>,
context: FrameContext,
n: usize,
) -> Result<FrameRef<'core>, Error>;
/// An internal trait representing a filter argument type.
pub trait FilterArgument<'map, 'elem: 'map>: Value<'map, 'elem> + private::Sealed {
/// Returns the VapourSynth type name for this argument type.
fn type_name() -> &'static str;
/// An internal trait representing a filter parameter type (argument type + whether it's an array
/// or optional).
pub trait FilterParameter<'map, 'elem: 'map>: private::Sealed {
/// The underlying argument type for this parameter type.
type Argument: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>;
/// Returns whether this parameter is an array.
fn is_array() -> bool;
/// Returns whether this parameter is optional.
fn is_optional() -> bool;
/// Retrieves this parameter from the given map.
fn get_from_map(map: &'map Map<'elem>, key: &str) -> Self;
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for i64 {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for f64 {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for &'map [u8] {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for Node<'elem> {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for FrameRef<'elem> {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map> FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> for Function<'elem> {
fn type_name() -> &'static str {
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> FilterParameter<'map, 'elem> for T
T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>,
type Argument = Self;
fn is_array() -> bool {
fn is_optional() -> bool {
fn get_from_map(map: &'map Map<'elem>, key: &str) -> Self {
Self::get_from_map(map, key).unwrap()
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> FilterParameter<'map, 'elem> for Option<T>
T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>,
type Argument = T;
fn is_array() -> bool {
fn is_optional() -> bool {
fn get_from_map(map: &'map Map<'elem>, key: &str) -> Self {
match <Self::Argument as Value>::get_from_map(map, key) {
Ok(x) => Some(x),
Err(map::Error::KeyNotFound) => None,
_ => unreachable!(),
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> FilterParameter<'map, 'elem> for ValueIter<'map, 'elem, T>
T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>,
type Argument = T;
fn is_array() -> bool {
fn is_optional() -> bool {
fn get_from_map(map: &'map Map<'elem>, key: &str) -> Self {
<Self::Argument>::get_iter_from_map(map, key).unwrap()
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> FilterParameter<'map, 'elem> for Option<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, T>>
T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>,
type Argument = T;
fn is_array() -> bool {
fn is_optional() -> bool {
fn get_from_map(map: &'map Map<'elem>, key: &str) -> Self {
match <Self::Argument as Value>::get_iter_from_map(map, key) {
Ok(x) => Some(x),
Err(map::Error::KeyNotFound) => None,
_ => unreachable!(),
mod private {
use super::{FilterArgument, FrameRef, Function, Node, ValueIter};
pub trait Sealed {}
impl Sealed for i64 {}
impl Sealed for f64 {}
impl<'map> Sealed for &'map [u8] {}
impl<'elem> Sealed for Node<'elem> {}
impl<'elem> Sealed for FrameRef<'elem> {}
impl<'elem> Sealed for Function<'elem> {}
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> Sealed for Option<T> where T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> {}
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> Sealed for ValueIter<'map, 'elem, T> where T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem> {}
impl<'map, 'elem: 'map, T> Sealed for Option<ValueIter<'map, 'elem, T>> where
T: FilterArgument<'map, 'elem>
/// Make a filter function easily and avoid boilerplate.
/// This macro accepts the name of the filter function type, the name of the filter and the create
/// function.
/// The macro generates a type implementing `FilterFunction` with the correct `args()` string
/// derived from the function parameters of the specified create function. The generated
/// `FilterFunction::create()` extracts all parameters from the argument map received from
/// VapourSynth and passes them into the specified create function.
/// The create function should look like:
/// ```ignore
/// fn create<'core>(
/// api: API,
/// core: CoreRef<'core>,
/// /* filter arguments */
/// ) -> Result<Option<Box<Filter<'core> + 'core>>, Error> {
/// /* ... */
/// }
/// ```
/// All VapourSynth-supported types can be used, as well as `Option<T>` for optional parameters and
/// `ValueIter<T>` for array parameters. Array parameters can be empty.
/// Caveat: the macro doesn't currently allow specifying mutable parameters, so to do that they
/// have to be reassigned to a mutable variable in the function body. This is mainly a problem for
/// array parameters. See how the example below handles it.
/// Another caveat: underscore lifetimes are required for receiving `ValueIter<T>`.
/// # Example
/// ```ignore
/// make_filter_function! {
/// MyFilterFunction, "MyFilter"
/// fn create_my_filter<'core>(
/// _api: API,
/// _core: CoreRef<'core>,
/// int_parameter: i64,
/// some_data: &[u8],
/// optional_parameter: Option<f64>,
/// array_parameter: ValueIter<'_, 'core, Node<'core>>,
/// optional_array_parameter: Option<ValueIter<'_, 'core, FrameRef<'core>>>,
/// ) -> Result<Option<Box<Filter<'core> + 'core>>, Error> {
/// let mut array_parameter = array_parameter;
/// Ok(Some(Box::new(MyFilter::new(/* ... */))));
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! make_filter_function {
$struct_name:ident, $function_name:tt
fn $create_fn_name:ident<$lifetime:tt>(
$api_arg_name:ident : $api_arg_type:ty,
$core_arg_name:ident : $core_arg_type:ty,
$($arg_name:ident : $arg_type:ty),* $(,)*
) -> $return_type:ty {
) => (
struct $struct_name {
args: String,
impl $struct_name {
fn new<'core>() -> Self {
let mut args = String::new();
// Don't use format!() for better constant propagation.
args += stringify!($arg_name); // TODO: allow using a different name.
args += ":";
+= <<$arg_type as $crate::plugins::FilterParameter>::Argument>::type_name();
if <$arg_type as $crate::plugins::FilterParameter>::is_array() {
args += "[]";
if <$arg_type as $crate::plugins::FilterParameter>::is_optional() {
args += ":opt";
// TODO: allow specifying this.
if <$arg_type as $crate::plugins::FilterParameter>::is_array() {
args += ":empty";
args += ";";
Self { args }
impl $crate::plugins::FilterFunction for $struct_name {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn args(&self) -> &str {
fn create<'core>(
api: API,
core: CoreRef<'core>,
args: &Map<'core>,
) -> Result<Option<Box<$crate::plugins::Filter<'core> + 'core>>, Error> {
<$arg_type as $crate::plugins::FilterParameter>::get_from_map(
fn $create_fn_name<$lifetime>(
$api_arg_name : $api_arg_type,
$core_arg_name : $core_arg_type,
$($arg_name : $arg_type),*
) -> $return_type {