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extern crate test;
2020-12-04 15:13:15 +01:00
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
2020-12-08 11:32:59 +01:00
use std::env;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
struct Passport {
byr: usize,
iyr: usize,
eyr: usize,
hgt: String,
hcl: String,
ecl: String,
pid: String, // can’t be usize because yaml doesn’t like 0-leading numbers
cid: Option<usize>,
fn read_input() -> String {
2020-12-10 12:44:07 +01:00
.filter(|n| n != "--bench")
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("inputs/day04")),
/// When I first saw the input and puzzle, I thought
/// “well, this is stupid, so I’ll do something stupid and parse it as yaml with serde”.
/// That decision was objectively awful and not even worth it for the meme,
/// but I’m too stubborn to give up now.
/// Also, I didn’t know the yaml spec was *that* broken. Fucking hell.
fn parse_input(s: &str) -> Vec<Passport> {
s.replace(' ', "\n")
.replace(':', ": ")
.replace('#', "§") // # is a comment in yaml rooDerp
fn validate_height(hgt: &str) -> bool {
if let Some(cm) = hgt.strip_suffix("cm").and_then(|s| s.parse::<usize>().ok()) {
2020-12-10 12:44:07 +01:00
} else if let Some(inch) = hgt.strip_suffix("in").and_then(|s| s.parse::<usize>().ok()) {
2020-12-10 12:44:07 +01:00
} else {
2020-12-04 15:13:15 +01:00
lazy_static! {
static ref HCL_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new("§[0-9a-f]{6}").unwrap();
static ref ECL_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new("(amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth)").unwrap();
static ref PID_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\d{9}$").unwrap();
2020-12-04 18:36:43 +01:00
fn part2(ps: &[Passport]) -> usize {
.filter(|p| {
2020-12-10 12:44:07 +01:00
&& (2010..=2020).contains(&p.iyr)
&& (2020..=2030).contains(&p.eyr)
&& validate_height(&p.hgt)
2020-12-04 15:13:15 +01:00
&& HCL_REGEX.is_match(&p.hcl)
&& ECL_REGEX.is_match(&p.ecl)
&& PID_REGEX.is_match(&
fn main() {
let i = parse_input(&read_input());
println!("Part 1: {}", i.len());
println!("Part 2: {}", part2(&i));
mod tests {
use super::*;
2020-12-10 14:01:25 +01:00
use aoc2020::*;
use paste::paste;
use test::black_box;
const TEST_INPUT: &str = "ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm
iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884
hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929
hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013
ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931
hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648
iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in";
fn part1_test() {
assert_eq!(parse_input(TEST_INPUT).len(), 2);
const P2_INVALID: &str = "eyr:1972 cid:100
hcl:#18171d ecl:amb hgt:170 pid:186cm iyr:2018 byr:1926
hcl:#602927 eyr:1967 hgt:170cm
ecl:grn pid:012533040 byr:1946
hcl:dab227 iyr:2012
ecl:brn hgt:182cm pid:021572410 eyr:2020 byr:1992 cid:277
hgt:59cm ecl:zzz
eyr:2038 hcl:74454a iyr:2023
pid:3556412378 byr:2007";
const P2_VALID: &str = "pid:087499704 hgt:74in ecl:grn iyr:2012 eyr:2030 byr:1980
eyr:2029 ecl:blu cid:129 byr:1989
iyr:2014 pid:896056539 hcl:#a97842 hgt:165cm
hgt:164cm byr:2001 iyr:2015 cid:88
pid:545766238 ecl:hzl
iyr:2010 hgt:158cm hcl:#b6652a ecl:blu byr:1944 eyr:2021 pid:093154719";
fn part2_test() {
let valid = parse_input(P2_VALID);
assert_eq!(part2(&valid), valid.len());
let invalid = parse_input(P2_INVALID);
assert_eq!(part2(&invalid), 0);
2020-12-10 14:01:25 +01:00
bench_input!(len == 235);
bench!(part2 == 194);