optimize 2023/05/2

This commit is contained in:
kageru 2023-12-05 12:46:57 +01:00
parent b27523103a
commit 9a9545425a

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@ -41,26 +41,46 @@ fn resolve_backwards(start: I, mappings: &Vec<Mapping>) -> I {
fn part2((seeds, mappings): &Parsed) -> I {
let seed_ranges = seeds.iter().array_chunks().map(|[&a, &b]| a..a + b).collect_vec();
let mut mappings = mappings.clone();
// let smallest_range = mappings.iter().flatten().map(|(r, _, _)| r.try_len().unwrap()).min().unwrap();
let mut destinations = mappings.remove(mappings.len() - 1);
destinations.sort_by_key(|(_, range, _)| range.start);
let mut destinations = mappings.remove(0);
destinations.sort_by_key(|(_, range, _)| range.start);
let mut ranges = Vec::<(Range<I>, I)>::new();
for (_, range, offset) in destinations {
ranges.push((ranges.last().map(|(r, _)| r.end).unwrap_or(1)..range.start, 0));
ranges.push((ranges.last().map(|(r, _)| r.end).unwrap_or(0)..range.start, 0));
ranges.push((range, offset));
ranges.into_iter().find_map(|(range, offset)| starting_seed(range, offset, &seed_ranges, &mappings, 1)).unwrap()
// By calculating the smallest range in the input data, we can perform something similar to binary search.
// We start at location 0 and move in steps of this size,
// and when we first encounter a location that corresponds to a starting seed we start binary searching,
// i.e. we half the step size and move back by that until we find the lowest location that has a starting seed.
let mut step = mappings.iter().flatten().map(|(r, _, _)| r.try_len().unwrap()).min().unwrap() as I;
.find_map(|(range, offset)| {
let mut best = I::MAX;
let mut location = range.start + step;
while location < range.end && step != 0 {
if has_starting_seed(location, offset, &seed_ranges, &mappings) {
best = best.min(location);
step = (step >> 1) + 1;
location -= step;
} else {
step >>= (best != I::MAX) as usize;
location += step;
(best != I::MAX).then_some(best)
fn starting_seed(range: Range<I>, offset: i64, seed_ranges: &Vec<Range<I>>, mappings: &Vec<Mapping>, step: usize) -> Option<i64> {
range.step_by(step).find(|&s| {
let seed = resolve_backwards(s - offset, &mappings);
// If seed == s, the entire resolution didn’t hit a single mapping, so we don’t need to check seeds.
seed != s && seed_ranges.iter().any(|r| r.contains(&seed))
fn has_starting_seed(start: I, offset: i64, seed_ranges: &Vec<Range<I>>, mappings: &Vec<Mapping>) -> bool {
let seed = resolve_backwards(start - offset, &mappings);
// If seed == s, the entire resolution didn’t hit a single mapping, so we don’t need to check seeds.
seed != start && seed_ranges.iter().any(|r| r.contains(&seed))
boilerplate! {