Merge branch 'd17-constgenerics'

This commit is contained in:
kageru 2021-07-08 19:09:45 +02:00
commit eee3183dc0
Signed by: kageru
GPG Key ID: 8282A2BEA4ADA3D2
4 changed files with 278 additions and 47 deletions

@ -1,47 +1,60 @@
#![feature(test, const_generics, const_evaluatable_checked)]
extern crate test;
use itertools::Itertools;
use aoc2020::{
common::*, grid::{cell::Cell, *}
common::*, grid::{self, cell::Cell, *}
use itertools::Itertools;
fn read_input() -> String {
fn parse_input<P: Position, F: FnMut((usize, usize)) -> P + Copy>(raw: &str, mut pos_gen: F) -> Grid<P, Cell> {
fn parse_input<const DIMS: usize>(raw: &str) -> Grid<DIMS, Cell> {
.flat_map(move |(y, l)| l.bytes().enumerate().map(move |(x, b)| (pos_gen((x, y)), b.into())))
.flat_map(move |(y, l)| {
.map(move |(x, b)| (PositionND::<DIMS>::from_padded(&[x as i64, y as i64]), b.into()))
.filter(|(_, c)| c == &Cell::Alive)
fn count_live_neighbors<P: Position>(p: &P, grid: &Grid<P, Cell>) -> usize {
p.neighbors().iter().filter(|&n| grid.get(n) == Cell::Alive).count()
fn count_live_neighbors<const D: usize>(p: &PositionND<D>, grid: &Grid<D, Cell>) -> usize
where [(); grid::num_neighbors(D)]: Sized {
.filter(|n| grid.get(n) == Cell::Alive)
fn make_step<P: Position>(input: Grid<P, Cell>) -> Grid<P, Cell> {
fn make_step<const D: usize>(input: Grid<D, Cell>) -> Grid<D, Cell>
where [(); grid::num_neighbors(D)]: Sized {
let readonly = input.clone();
.flat_map(|p| p.neighbors())
.map(|pos| {
let cell = readonly.get(&pos);
let new = match (&cell, count_live_neighbors(&pos, &readonly)) {
(Cell::Alive, 2..=3) => Cell::Alive,
(Cell::Dead, 3) => Cell::Alive,
_ => Cell::Dead,
(pos, new)
.map(|pos| (pos, next_state(&pos, &readonly)))
.filter(|(_, c)| c == &Cell::Alive)
fn solve<P: Position>(parsed: &Grid<P, Cell>, steps: usize) -> usize {
fn next_state<const D: usize>(pos: &PositionND<D>, grid: &Grid<D, Cell>) -> Cell
where [(); grid::num_neighbors(D)]: Sized {
let cell = grid.get(pos);
let new = match (&cell, count_live_neighbors::<D>(pos, &grid)) {
(Cell::Alive, 2..=3) => Cell::Alive,
(Cell::Dead, 3) => Cell::Alive,
_ => Cell::Dead,
fn solve<const D: usize>(parsed: &Grid<D, Cell>, steps: usize) -> usize
where [(); grid::num_neighbors(D)]: Sized {
let mut clone = parsed.clone();
for _ in 0..steps {
clone = make_step(clone);
@ -51,9 +64,9 @@ fn solve<P: Position>(parsed: &Grid<P, Cell>, steps: usize) -> usize {
fn main() {
let raw = read_input();
let input = parse_input(&raw, |(x, y)| Position3D::from((x, y, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<3>(&raw);
println!("Part 1: {}", solve(&input, 6));
let input = parse_input(&raw, |(x, y)| Position4D::from((x, y, 0, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<4>(&raw);
println!("Part 2: {}", solve(&input, 6));
@ -67,40 +80,82 @@ mod tests {
fn test_make_step() {
let input = parse_input::<3>(TEST_INPUT);
let changed = make_step(input.clone());
let expected = Grid {
fields: IntoIterator::into_iter([
(PositionND { points: [1, 3, 0] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [0, 1, 0] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [2, 2, 0] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [2, 2, 1] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [0, 1, 1] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [2, 1, 0] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [1, 3, -1] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [0, 1, -1] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [1, 2, 0] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [1, 3, 1] }, Cell::Alive),
(PositionND { points: [2, 2, -1] }, Cell::Alive),
assert_eq!(changed, expected);
fn test_count_live_neighbors() {
let input = parse_input::<2>(TEST_INPUT);
let one_one = PositionND { points: [1, 1] };
let live = count_live_neighbors(&one_one, &input);
assert_eq!(live, 5);
fn test_next_state() {
let input = parse_input::<2>(TEST_INPUT);
let one_one = PositionND { points: [1, 1] };
assert_eq!(next_state(&one_one, &input), Cell::Dead);
let one_three = PositionND { points: [1, 3] };
assert_eq!(next_state(&one_three, &input), Cell::Alive);
fn test_3d() {
let input = parse_input(TEST_INPUT, |(x, y)| Position3D::from((x, y, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<3>(TEST_INPUT);
assert_eq!(solve(&input, 1), 11);
assert_eq!(solve(&input, 2), 21);
assert_eq!(solve(&input, 6), 112);
fn test_4d() {
let input = parse_input(TEST_INPUT, |(x, y)| Position4D::from((x, y, 0, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<4>(TEST_INPUT);
assert_eq!(solve(&input, 6), 848);
fn bench_3d_parse(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let raw = read_input();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(parse_input(black_box(&raw), |(x, y)| Position3D::from((x, y, 0))).fields.len(), 43));
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(parse_input::<3>(black_box(&raw)).fields.len(), 43));
fn bench_4d_parse(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let raw = read_input();
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(parse_input(black_box(&raw), |(x, y)| Position4D::from((x, y, 0, 0))).fields.len(), 43));
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(parse_input::<4>(black_box(&raw)).fields.len(), 43));
fn bench_3d(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let input = parse_input(&read_input(), |(x, y)| Position3D::from((x, y, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<3>(&read_input());
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(solve(&input, 6), 348));
fn bench_4d(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let input = parse_input(&read_input(), |(x, y)| Position4D::from((x, y, 0, 0)));
let input = parse_input::<4>(&read_input());
b.iter(|| assert_eq!(solve(&input, 6), 2236));

@ -7,39 +7,29 @@ pub use position::*;
use itertools::join;
use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Display, hash::BuildHasher};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Grid<P: Position, T: Display + Default> {
pub fields: HashMap<P, T>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Grid<const D: usize, T: Display + Default> {
pub fields: HashMap<PositionND<D>, T>,
impl<P: Position, T: Display + Default + Copy> Grid<P, T> {
pub fn get_convert<Pos: Into<P>>(&self, pos: Pos) -> T {
impl<const D: usize, T: Display + Default + Copy> Grid<D, T> {
pub fn get(&self, pos: &PositionND<D>) -> T {
self.fields.get(pos).copied().unwrap_or_else(|| T::default())
pub fn get(&self, pos: &P) -> T {
pub fn insert<Pos: Into<P>>(&mut self, pos: Pos, t: T) {
pub fn insert<Pos: Into<PositionND<D>>>(&mut self, pos: Pos, t: T) {
self.fields.insert(pos.into(), t);
impl<P: Position, T: Display + Default> std::iter::FromIterator<(P, T)> for Grid<P, T> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, T)>>(iter: I) -> Self {
impl<const D: usize, T: Display + Default> std::iter::FromIterator<(PositionND<D>, T)> for Grid<D, T> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = (PositionND<D>, T)>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Grid {
fields: iter.into_iter().collect(),
impl<T: Display + Default + Copy> Grid<Position2D, T> {
pub fn draw_ascii(&self) -> String {
struct Boundaries {
x_min: i64,
x_max: i64,

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
extern crate test;
use super::direction::*;
use impl_ops::*;
use itertools::iproduct;
use std::{convert::TryInto, hash::Hash, ops, ops::AddAssign};
use std::{
convert::TryInto, hash::Hash, ops, ops::{Add, AddAssign}
pub trait Position
where Self: Sized + Hash + PartialEq + Eq + Clone + Copy
@ -30,6 +33,110 @@ pub struct Position4D {
pub w: i64,
#[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct PositionND<const DIMS: usize> {
pub points: [i64; DIMS],
impl<const D: usize, I> From<[I; D]> for PositionND<D>
where I: TryInto<i64> + Copy
fn from(s: [I; D]) -> Self {
let mut points = [0; D];
for i in 0..D {
points[i] = unwrap_number_result(s[i]);
Self { points }
pub const fn num_neighbors(d: usize) -> usize {
3usize.pow(d as u32) - 1
impl<const DIMS: usize> PositionND<DIMS> {
pub const fn zero() -> Self {
PositionND { points: [0; DIMS] }
pub fn from_padded(slice: &[i64]) -> PositionND<DIMS> {
let mut points = [0; DIMS];
for i in 0..(DIMS.min(slice.len())) {
points[i] = slice[i];
PositionND { points }
// until I can figure out how to properly do that, here’s a “good enough” solution :^)
pub fn neighbors(&self) -> [PositionND<DIMS>; num_neighbors(DIMS)]
[PositionND<DIMS>; num_neighbors(DIMS)]: Sized,
[(); num_neighbors(DIMS)]: Sized,
let mut out = [PositionND::zero(); num_neighbors(DIMS)];
match DIMS {
2 => {
for (i, n) in iproduct!((-1..=1), (-1..=1))
.filter(|t| t != &(0, 0))
.map(|(x, y)| PositionND::<DIMS>::from_padded(&[self.points[0] + x, self.points[1] + y]))
out[i] = n;
3 => {
for (i, n) in iproduct!((-1..=1), (-1..=1), (-1..=1))
.filter(|t| t != &(0, 0, 0))
.map(|(x, y, z)| PositionND::<DIMS>::from_padded(&[self.points[0]+x, self.points[1]+y, self.points[2]+z]))
out[i] = n;
4 => {
for (i, n) in iproduct!((-1..=1), (-1..=1), (-1..=1), (-1..=1))
.filter(|t| t != &(0, 0, 0, 0))
.map(|(x, y, z, w)| PositionND::<DIMS>::from_padded(&[self.points[0]+x, self.points[1]+y, self.points[2]+z, self.points[3]+w]))
out[i] = n;
_ => unimplemented!(),
// Maybe one day :(
fn neighbors_inner<const D: usize>(existing: [i64; DIMS]) -> [[i64; DIMS]; (DIMS - D).pow(3)] {
let out = [[0; DIMS]; (DIMS - D).pow(3)];
let mut index = 0;
for i in -1..=1 {
existing[D] = i;
// I guess that means no recursion with const generics?
for xs in neighbors_inner(existing.clone()) {
out[index] = xs;
index += 1;
impl<const D: usize> Add<PositionND<D>> for PositionND<D> {
type Output = PositionND<D>;
fn add(self, rhs: PositionND<D>) -> Self::Output {
let mut points = [0; D];
for i in 0..D {
points[i] = self.points[i] + rhs.points[i];
PositionND { points }
mod p2d {
use super::*;
@ -191,3 +298,80 @@ fn unwrap_number_result<I: TryInto<i64>>(i: I) -> i64 {
_ => panic!("Bad coordinate"),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_neighbors_2d() {
let p = PositionND { points: [0, 0] };
let n = p.neighbors();
PositionND { points: [-1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [0, -1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 1] },
PositionND { points: [1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [1, 1] },
let p = PositionND { points: [1, 1] };
let n = p.neighbors();
PositionND { points: [0, 0] },
PositionND { points: [0, 1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 2] },
PositionND { points: [1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [1, 2] },
PositionND { points: [2, 0] },
PositionND { points: [2, 1] },
PositionND { points: [2, 2] },
fn test_neighbors_3d() {
let p = PositionND { points: [0, 0, 0] };
let n = p.neighbors();
PositionND { points: [-1, -1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, -1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [-1, -1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 0, -1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 0, 0] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 0, 1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [-1, 1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [0, -1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [0, -1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [0, -1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 0, -1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 0, 1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [0, 1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [0, 1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [1, -1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [1, -1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [1, -1, 1] },
PositionND { points: [1, 0, -1] },
PositionND { points: [1, 0, 0] },
PositionND { points: [1, 0, 1] },
PositionND { points: [1, 1, -1] },
PositionND { points: [1, 1, 0] },
PositionND { points: [1, 1, 1] },

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
pub mod teststuff;
#![feature(const_generics, const_evaluatable_checked, test)]
pub mod common;
pub mod grid;
pub mod teststuff;