#include #include #include #define GENERATIONS 20 #define INSIZE 150 typedef struct GrowingArray { char *content; int size; int used; int bufferLeft; int bufferRight; } Array; Array initArray() { Array array; array.size = 10; array.used = 0; array.content = malloc(10); return array; } /* void pushInto(Array array, char element) { if (array.size == array.used) { array.size *= 2; array.content = realloc(array.content, array.size); } } */ void appendTo(Array array, char element) { array.content[array.used] = element; array.used++; } // Convert a growth rule (5 chars) to a single byte by creating a bitmask. // I. e. #..#. -> 10010 char ruleToChar(char *input) { int currentStep = 0b10000000; int rule = 0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { if (input[i] == '#') { rule += currentStep; } currentStep >>= 1; } if (input[9] == '#') { rule |= 1; } return rule; } int main() { FILE *inputFile = fopen("input", "r"); printf("hi"); // + 1 for the null byte char *inString = malloc(INSIZE + 1); fgets(inString, INSIZE, inputFile); inString += 15; char *rawRule = malloc(12); // discard this as it’s just an empty line fgets(rawRule, 11, inputFile); Array rules = initArray(); printf("hi2"); while (fgets(rawRule, 11, inputFile)) { appendTo(rules, ruleToChar(rawRule)); } free(inString - 15); fclose(inputFile); printf("%d, %c", rules.size, rules.content[0]); // Theoretically, a plant up to 2 plants away from the current edge can grow. // As this can happen in either direction, we need to be prepared // for 4 steps of growth per generation. char *input = malloc(INSIZE + GENERATIONS * 4); // Move the start pointer of the array where pot #0 is input += GENERATIONS * 2; return 0; }