#![feature(test)] extern crate test; use std::collections::HashSet; use aoc2021::common::*; use itertools::Itertools; const DAY: usize = 4; const BOARD_SIZE: usize = 5; const NUMBERS_PER_BOARD: usize = BOARD_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE; type Parsed = BingoGame; type Board = Vec>; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct BingoGame { input_numbers: Vec, boards: Vec, } impl BingoGame { fn mark_number(&mut self, n: &u8) { for board in self.boards.iter_mut() { for winning_set in board.iter_mut() { winning_set.remove(n); } } } fn find_winner(&self) -> Option<&Board> { self.boards.iter().find(|b| has_won(b)) } // For assertions in the bechmark #[cfg(test)] fn len(&self) -> usize { self.boards.len() } } fn has_won(board: &Board) -> bool { board.iter().any(|s| s.is_empty()) } fn parse_input(raw: &str) -> Parsed { let (input_numbers, boards) = raw.split_once("\n\n").unwrap(); let input_numbers = input_numbers.split(',').map(|n| n.parse().unwrap()).collect(); let boards = boards .split("\n\n") .map(|b| b.split_ascii_whitespace().map(|n| n.parse().unwrap()).collect()) .map(|v: Vec| { debug_assert_eq!(v.len(), NUMBERS_PER_BOARD); // This seems way too complicated. What am I missing? (0..NUMBERS_PER_BOARD) .chain((0..BOARD_SIZE).flat_map(|i| (i..NUMBERS_PER_BOARD).step_by(BOARD_SIZE))) .map(|i| v[i]) .chunks(BOARD_SIZE) .into_iter() .map(|c| c.collect()) .collect() }) .collect(); BingoGame { input_numbers, boards } } fn board_score(board: &Board, current_number: u8) -> usize { let remainder: usize = board.into_iter().flatten().unique().map(|&n| n as usize).sum(); remainder * (current_number as usize) } fn part1(parsed: &Parsed) -> usize { let mut game = parsed.to_owned(); for n in &game.input_numbers.clone() { game.mark_number(n); if let Some(board) = game.find_winner() { return board_score(board, *n); } } unreachable!("Game should have ended at some point") } fn part2(parsed: &Parsed) -> usize { let mut game = parsed.to_owned(); for n in &game.input_numbers.clone() { game.mark_number(n); if game.boards.len() == 1 && has_won(&game.boards[0]) { return board_score(&game.boards[0], *n); } game.boards.retain(|b| !has_won(b)); } unreachable!("Game should have ended at some point") } fn main() { let input = parse_input(&read_file(DAY)); println!("{input:?}"); println!("Part 1: {}", part1(&input)); println!("Part 2: {}", part2(&input)); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use aoc2021::*; const TEST_INPUT: &str = "7,4,9,5,11,17,23,2,0,14,21,24,10,16,13,6,15,25,12,22,18,20,8,19,3,26,1 22 13 17 11 0 8 2 23 4 24 21 9 14 16 7 6 10 3 18 5 1 12 20 15 19 3 15 0 2 22 9 18 13 17 5 19 8 7 25 23 20 11 10 24 4 14 21 16 12 6 14 21 17 24 4 10 16 15 9 19 18 8 23 26 20 22 11 13 6 5 2 0 12 3 7"; test!(part1() == 4512); test!(part2() == 1924); bench!(part1() == 74320); bench!(part2() == 17884); bench_input!(BingoGame::len => 100); }