#[derive(Clone)] pub struct IntComputer { pub pos: i64, pub tape: Vec, pub params: Vec, relative_base: i64, cmd_buffer: Vec, } pub enum IntComputerResult { Halt, Output(i64), Continue, } impl IntComputerResult { pub fn unwrap(self) -> i64 { match self { IntComputerResult::Halt => panic!("Attempted to get value of halt operation"), IntComputerResult::Output(o) => o, IntComputerResult::Continue => panic!("Attempted to get value of non-output operation"), } } } impl IntComputer { pub fn without_params(tape: Vec) -> Self { IntComputer { pos: 0, tape, params: Vec::new(), relative_base: 0, cmd_buffer: Vec::new(), } } pub fn new(tape: Vec, pos: i64, params: Vec) -> Self { IntComputer { pos, tape, params, relative_base: 0, cmd_buffer: Vec::new(), } } pub fn step(&mut self) -> IntComputerResult { match self.cmd_buffer.pop().unwrap_or_else(|| self.decode_next()) { Operation::Halt {} => IntComputerResult::Halt, op => { if let Some(o) = self.execute(op) { IntComputerResult::Output(o) } else { IntComputerResult::Continue } } } } pub fn run(&mut self) -> IntComputerResult { loop { match self.step() { IntComputerResult::Halt => return IntComputerResult::Halt, IntComputerResult::Output(o) => return IntComputerResult::Output(o), IntComputerResult::Continue => (), } } } pub fn get_all_outputs(&mut self) -> Vec { let mut outputs = Vec::new(); while let IntComputerResult::Output(o) = self.run() { outputs.push(o); } outputs } pub fn peek_operation(&mut self) -> Operation { if self.cmd_buffer.is_empty() { let next = self.decode_next(); self.cmd_buffer.push(next); } self.cmd_buffer[0].clone() } #[rustfmt::skip] fn get_next(&mut self, mode: Mode) -> i64 { let value = *self.tape.get(self.pos as usize).unwrap(); let next = match mode { Mode::Position => *self.tape.get(value as usize).unwrap_or(&0), Mode::Immediate => value, Mode::Relative => *self.tape.get((value + self.relative_base) as usize).unwrap_or(&0), }; self.pos += 1; next } #[rustfmt::skip] fn get_next_address(&mut self, mode: Mode) -> i64 { let value = match mode { Mode::Position => *self.tape.get(self.pos as usize).unwrap_or(&0), Mode::Immediate => unreachable!(), Mode::Relative => *self.tape.get(self.pos as usize).unwrap_or(&0) + self.relative_base, }; self.pos += 1; value } fn decode_next(&mut self) -> Operation { let next = self.get_next(Mode::Immediate); let mut full_opcode: Vec<_> = next.to_string().chars().collect(); full_opcode.reverse(); let raw_opcode = [ full_opcode.get(1).unwrap_or(&'0').to_owned(), full_opcode[0], ]; match raw_opcode { ['0', '1'] => Operation::Add { x: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), y: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)), addr: self.get_next_address(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Third)) as usize, }, ['0', '2'] => Operation::Multiply { x: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), y: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)), addr: self.get_next_address(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Third)) as usize, }, ['0', '3'] => Operation::Input { value: self.params.pop().unwrap(), addr: self.get_next_address(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)) as usize, }, ['0', '4'] => Operation::Output { value: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), }, ['0', '5'] => Operation::JumpIfTrue { value: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), addr: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)) as usize, }, ['0', '6'] => Operation::JumpIfFalse { value: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), addr: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)) as usize, }, ['0', '7'] => Operation::LessThan { first: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), second: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)), addr: self.get_next_address(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Third)) as usize, }, ['0', '8'] => Operation::Equals { first: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), second: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Second)), addr: self.get_next_address(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::Third)) as usize, }, ['0', '9'] => Operation::AdjustRelativeBase { value: self.get_next(get_mode(&full_opcode, ParameterPosition::First)), }, ['9', '9'] => Operation::Halt {}, _ => unreachable!("Unknown opcode"), } } fn execute(&mut self, op: Operation) -> Option { fn safe_write(tape: &mut Vec, index: usize, value: i64) { if tape.len() < index + 1 { tape.resize(index + 1, 0); } tape[index] = value; } match op { Operation::Add { x, y, addr } => safe_write(&mut self.tape, addr, x + y), Operation::Multiply { x, y, addr } => safe_write(&mut self.tape, addr, x * y), Operation::Input { value, addr } => safe_write(&mut self.tape, addr, value), Operation::AdjustRelativeBase { value } => self.relative_base += value, Operation::JumpIfTrue { value, addr } => { if value != 0 { self.pos = addr as i64 } } Operation::JumpIfFalse { value, addr } => { if value == 0 { self.pos = addr as i64 } } Operation::LessThan { first, second, addr, } => safe_write(&mut self.tape, addr as usize, (first < second) as i64), Operation::Equals { first, second, addr, } => safe_write(&mut self.tape, addr, (first == second) as i64), Operation::Output { value } => { return Some(value); } Operation::Halt {} => unreachable!(), }; None } } #[inline] fn get_mode(raw_opcode: &[char], pos: ParameterPosition) -> Mode { raw_opcode.get::(pos.into()).unwrap_or(&'0').into() } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Operation { Add { x: i64, y: i64, addr: usize, }, Multiply { x: i64, y: i64, addr: usize, }, Input { value: i64, addr: usize, }, Output { value: i64, }, JumpIfTrue { value: i64, addr: usize, }, JumpIfFalse { value: i64, addr: usize, }, LessThan { first: i64, second: i64, addr: usize, }, Equals { first: i64, second: i64, addr: usize, }, AdjustRelativeBase { value: i64, }, Halt {}, } #[derive(Debug)] enum Mode { Immediate, Position, Relative, } enum ParameterPosition { First, Second, Third, } impl Into for ParameterPosition { fn into(self) -> usize { match self { ParameterPosition::First => 2, ParameterPosition::Second => 3, ParameterPosition::Third => 4, } } } impl Into for &char { fn into(self) -> Mode { match self { '0' => Mode::Position, '1' => Mode::Immediate, '2' => Mode::Relative, _ => unreachable!(), } } }