#![feature(test)] extern crate test; use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked; use aoc2023::{boilerplate, common::*}; const DAY: usize = 8; type Parsed<'a> = (Vec, Vec, [[u16; 2]; LUT_SIZE]); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Hash)] enum Direction { Left = 0, Right = 1, } const LUT_SIZE: usize = 27483; // pack("ZZZ") + 1 fn pack(s: &[u8; 3]) -> u16 { s.iter().cloned().fold(0, |acc, n| (acc << 5) + (n as u16 & 0b11111)) } fn parse_input(raw: &str) -> Parsed { let (directions, map) = raw.split_once("\n\n").unwrap(); let directions = directions .bytes() .map(|i| match i { b'L' => Direction::Left, b'R' => Direction::Right, _ => unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() }, }) .collect(); let mut lut = [[0u16, 0]; LUT_SIZE]; let mut indices = Vec::new(); for x in map.lines().map(|l| l.as_bytes()) { unsafe { let idx = pack(&*x[0..=2].as_ptr().cast()); let left = pack(&*x[7..=9].as_ptr().cast()); let right = pack(&*x[12..=14].as_ptr().cast()); lut[idx as usize] = [left, right]; if x[2] == b'A' { indices.push(idx); } } } (directions, indices, lut) } #[inline] fn ends_with(packed: u16, suffix: u8) -> bool { packed & 0b11111 == suffix as u16 & 0b11111 } fn steps_until((directions, _, map): &Parsed, start: u16) -> usize { directions .iter() .cycle() .scan(start, |pos, dir| { let next = map[*pos as usize][*dir as usize]; (!ends_with(next, b'Z')).then(|| *pos = next) }) .count() + 1 } fn part1(parsed: &Parsed) -> usize { steps_until(parsed, pack(&[b'A'; 3])) } // I’m honestly not sure why this works. It seems each path only has a single ghost node, and that // node occurs right before looping, so we can just compute the least common multiple of their step counts. // I assume this holds true for other inputs (it can’t have been random), // but I don’t see it anywhere in the task and only found out by experimentation. fn part2(parsed: &Parsed) -> usize { parsed.1.iter().filter(|&&n| ends_with(n, b'A')).fold(1, |acc, n| lcm(acc, steps_until(parsed, *n))) } #[cfg(test)] const TEST_INPUT_P2: &str = "LR 11A = (11B, XXX) 11B = (XXX, 11Z) 11Z = (11B, XXX) 22A = (22B, XXX) 22B = (22C, 22C) 22C = (22Z, 22Z) 22Z = (22B, 22B) XXX = (XXX, XXX)"; boilerplate! { TEST_INPUT == "LLR AAA = (BBB, BBB) BBB = (AAA, ZZZ) ZZZ = (ZZZ, ZZZ)", tests: { part1: { TEST_INPUT => 6 }, part2: { TEST_INPUT_P2 => 6 }, }, bench1 == 12083, bench2 == 13385272668829, bench_parse: |(v, v2, m): &Parsed| { assert_eq!(m[0], [0, 0]); (v.len(), v2.len(), v[0]) } => (281, 6, Direction::Left), }