#![feature(test)] extern crate test; use std::fmt; use aoc2022::{ boilerplate, common::*, grid::{Direction, Grid, HashGrid, PositionND}, }; use itertools::Itertools; const DAY: usize = 22; type Parsed = (HashGrid, Vec<(i64, Turn)>); #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Field { Empty = b'.' as isize, Wall = b'#' as isize, #[default] Missing = b' ' as isize, } impl fmt::Display for Field { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", *self as u8 as char) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum Turn { Left, Right, None, } fn parse_input(raw: &str) -> Parsed { let (maze, moves) = raw.split_once("\n\n").unwrap(); let grid = maze .lines() .zip(1..) .flat_map(|(line, x)| { line.bytes().zip(1..).filter(|(b, _)| *b != b' ').map(move |(b, y)| { let f = match b { b'.' => Field::Empty, b'#' => Field::Wall, _ => unreachable!(), }; (PositionND::from([x, y]), f) }) }) .collect(); let moves = moves .split_inclusive(['L', 'R']) .map(|s| s.split_at(s.len() - 1)) .map(|(n, d)| { let d = match d { "L" => Turn::Left, "R" => Turn::Right, _ => Turn::None, }; (parse_num(n), d) }) .collect_vec(); debug_assert_eq!(moves.iter().filter(|(_, d)| matches!(d, Turn::None)).count(), 1, "Only the last entry should have no turn"); (grid, moves) } fn part1((grid, instructions): &Parsed) -> i64 { let mut pos = *grid.fields.keys().filter(|p| p.0[0] == 1).min_by_key(|p| p.0[1]).unwrap(); let mut dir = Direction::Right; for &(steps, turn) in instructions { for _ in 0..steps { let next = PositionND::from(match dir { Direction::Up => [-1, 0], Direction::Down => [1, 0], Direction::Left => [0, -1], Direction::Right => [0, 1], }) + pos; pos = match grid.get(&next) { Some(Field::Wall) => break, Some(_) => next, None => { let (&new_pos, &wall) = match dir { Direction::Up => grid.fields.iter().filter(|(p, _)| p.0[1] == pos.0[1]).max_by_key(|(p, _)| p.0[0]), Direction::Down => grid.fields.iter().filter(|(p, _)| p.0[1] == pos.0[1]).min_by_key(|(p, _)| p.0[0]), Direction::Left => grid.fields.iter().filter(|(p, _)| p.0[0] == pos.0[0]).max_by_key(|(p, _)| p.0[1]), Direction::Right => grid.fields.iter().filter(|(p, _)| p.0[0] == pos.0[0]).min_by_key(|(p, _)| p.0[1]), } .unwrap(); if wall == Field::Wall { break; } else { new_pos } } } } dir = match (dir, turn) { (_, Turn::None) => break, (d, Turn::Right) => d + 1, (d, Turn::Left) => d + -1, }; } println!("{pos:?}, {dir:?}"); pos.0[0] * 1000 + pos.0[1] * 4 + (dir as i64) } fn part2(parsed: &Parsed) -> usize { unimplemented!() } boilerplate! { TEST_INPUT == " ...# .#.. #... .... ...#.......# ........#... ..#....#.... ..........#. ...#.... .....#.. .#...... ......#. 10R5L5R10L4R5L5 ", tests: { part1: { TEST_INPUT => 6032 }, part2: { TEST_INPUT => 0 }, }, bench1 == 123046, bench2 == 0, bench_parse: |(g, i): &Parsed| g.len() + i.len() => 17001, }