
98 lines
2.9 KiB

#[macro_use] extern crate text_io;
use std::collections::HashMap;
mod types;
use types::*;
fn parse_action(input: &String) -> GuardAction {
match input.chars().next().unwrap() {
'f' => GuardAction::FallAsleep,
'w' => GuardAction::WakeUp,
'G' => {
let gid: i32;
scan!(input.bytes() => "Guard #{} begins shift", gid);
_ => std::panic!()
fn event_from_line(line: String) -> Event {
let (month, day, hour, minute, unparsed_action): (i32, i32, i32, i32, String);
// I’m only adding the \n here to use it as a marker for scan!,
// which would otherwise stop at the first space.
let line2 = line.to_string() + "\n";
scan!(line2.bytes() => "[1518-{}-{} {}:{}] {}\n", month, day, hour, minute, unparsed_action);
let datetime = types::DateTime::new(month, day, hour, minute);
return Event::new(datetime, parse_action(&unparsed_action));
fn events_to_shifts(events: Vec<Event>) -> Vec<Shift> {
let mut shifts: Vec<Shift> = Vec::new();
// It was easier to parse by just adding a dummy shift at the beginning
let mut current_shift = Shift::new(-1);
for event in events {
match event.action {
GuardAction::BeginShift(gid) => {
current_shift = Shift::new(gid);
_ =>
// Remove the dummy we added earlier
return shifts;
fn group_shifts_by_guard(shifts: Vec<Shift>) -> HashMap<i32, Vec<Shift>> {
let mut shifts_by_guard: HashMap<i32, Vec<Shift>> = HashMap::new();
for shift in shifts {
let shifts_for_guard = shifts_by_guard.entry(;
return shifts_by_guard;
fn calculate_sleep(events: Vec<Event>) -> Vec<bool> {
let mut minutes = vec![false; 60];
let mut sleeping = false;
let mut last = 0;
for e in events {
if sleeping {
for i in (last..e.datetime.minute) {
minutes[i as usize] = true;
last = e.datetime.minute;
sleeping = match e.action {
GuardAction::FallAsleep => true,
_ => false
return minutes;
fn main() {
let lines: Vec<&str> = include_str!("../input").split("\n").collect();
let mut events: Vec<Event> = Vec::new();
for line in lines {
let shifts = events_to_shifts(events);
for shift in shifts {
for event in {
println!("{}", event.datetime);
let shifts_by_guard = group_shifts_by_guard(shifts);
let sleepy_guard = find_sleepy_guard(&shifts_by_guard);