kageru c95653f24d Improve 2020/15
fold() the world :umu:
2020-12-15 10:51:41 +01:00

55 lines
1.3 KiB

extern crate test;
use std::collections::HashMap;
type Parsed = Vec<usize>;
fn read_input() -> String {
fn parse_input(raw: &str) -> Parsed {
raw.split(',').filter_map(|x| x.parse().ok()).collect()
fn part1(parsed: &Parsed, limit: usize) -> usize {
(parsed.len()..limit - 1)
(parsed.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, n)| (*n, i)).collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(), 0),
|(mut prev, curr), i| {
let next = prev.get(&curr).map(|p| i - p).unwrap_or(0);
prev.insert(curr, i);
(prev, next)
// only here so the test/bench macro works
fn part2(parsed: &Parsed, limit: usize) -> usize {
part1(parsed, limit)
fn main() {
let input = parse_input(&read_input());
println!("Part 1: {}", part1(&input, 2020));
println!("Part 2: {}", part1(&input, 30000000));
mod tests {
use super::*;
use aoc2020::*;
use paste::paste;
use test::black_box;
const TEST_INPUT: &str = "0,3,6";
test!(part1(2020) == 436);
test!(part2(30000000) == 175594);
bench!(part1(2020) == 249);
// bench!(part2(30000000) == 41687);
bench_input!(len == 6);