Please don’t rely on this Gitea instance being around forever.
If any of your build scripts use my (kageru’s) projects hosted here, check my Github or IEW on Github for encoding projects. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, tell me to migrate it.
The syntax is heavily inspired by <ahref="">Scryfall</a> with some changes and a lot fewer features.<br/>
You can filter different characteristics of a card and combine multiple filters into one search. See below for examples.
<h2>Search fields</h2>
Currently supported search fields are:
<li><code>atk</code> and <code>def</code>.</li>
<li>The <code>level</code> (or <code>l</code>) of a monster. Note that the search does not distinguish between level and rank, so <ahref="/?q=l%3A4"><code>l:4</code></a> will return all monsters that are either level 4 or rank 4.</li>
<li>The <code>linkrating</code> (or <code>lr</code>) of a monster.</li>
<li>The <code>class</code> (or <code>c</code>) which you might call card type. Since “type” already means something else, the search uses <code>class</code> for “Spell”, “Trap”, “Effect”, “XYZ”, etc., so <ahref="/?q=c%3Alink"><code>c:link</code></a> will return all link monsters.</li>
<li>The <code>type</code> (or <code>t</code>) of a card (this is “Warrior”, “Pyro”, “Insect”, etc. for monsters, but also “quick-play”, “counter”, or “normal” for Spells/Traps).</li>
<li>The <code>attribute</code> (or <code>attr</code> or <code>a</code>) of a card. This is “Light”, “Dark”, “Earth”, etc.</li>
<li>The <code>text</code> (or <code>effect</code>, <code>eff</code>, <code>e</code>, or <code>o</code>) of a card. This is either the effect or flavor text (for normal monsters). For pendulum cards, this searches in both pendulum and monster effects. The <code>o</code> alias is to help my muscle memory coming from Scryfall.</li>
Anything not associated with a search field is interpreted as a search in the card name, so <ahref="/?q=l%3A4+utopia"><code>l:4 utopia</code></a> will show all level/rank 4 monsters with “Utopia” in their name.<br/>
If your search contains spaces (e.g. searching for an effect that says “destroy that target”), the text must be quoted like <code>effect:"destroy that target"</code>.
Note that all fields are case-insensitive, so <code>class:NORMAL</code> is the same as <code>class:Normal</code> or <code>class:normal</code>.
<h2>Search operators</h2>
The following search operators are supported:
<li>Equality (<code>:</code>, <code>=</code>, or <code>==</code>) checks if the value is equal to your search. For text fields, this checks if your search is contained in the field, so <ahref="/?q=effect%3Abanish"><code>effect:banish</code></a> will show all cards that have the word “banish” anywhere in their text.</li>
<li>Inequality (<code>!=</code>) checks if the value is not equal to your search. For text fields, this return cards that do not contain the word you searched.</li>
<li>Comparisons (<code><</code>, <code>></code>, <code><=</code>, <code>>=</code>) check if the value is less than, greater than, less than or equal, and greater than or equal to your search. <ahref="/?q=atk%3E%3D4000"><code>atk>=4000</code></a> will show all cards with an ATK of at least 4000. These operators do not work for text fields.</li>
<li>All Fire monsters with exactly 200 DEF: <ahref="/?q=a%3Afire+def%3A200"><code>a:fire def:200</code></a></li>
<li>All “Blue-eyes” fusion monsters except the ones that are level 12: <ahref="/?q=c%3Afusion+l%21%3D12+blue-eyes"><code>c:fusion l!=12 blue-eyes</code></a></li>
<li>All Synchro monsters that are Dark attribute, level 5 or higher, and have exactly 2200 ATK: <ahref="/?q=c%3Asynchro+a%3Adark+l%3E%3D5+atk%3A2200"><code>c:synchro a:dark l>=5 atk:2200</code></a></li>
<li>All counter traps that can negate summons: <ahref="/?q=c%3Atrap+t%3Acounter+e%3A%22negate+the+summon%22"><code>c:trap t:counter e:"negate the summon"</code></a></li>