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2023-01-30 17:27:44 +01:00
<h1>Query Syntax</h1>
The syntax is heavily inspired by <a href="">Scryfall</a> with some changes and a lot fewer features.<br/>
You can filter different characteristics of a card and combine multiple filters into one search. See below for examples.
<h2>Search fields</h2>
Currently supported search fields are:
<li><code>atk</code> and <code>def</code>.</li>
<li>The <code>level</code> (or <code>l</code>) of a monster. Note that the search does not distinguish between level and rank, so <a href="/?q=l%3A4"><code>l:4</code></a> will return all monsters that are either level 4 or rank 4.</li>
<li>The <code>linkrating</code> (or <code>lr</code>) of a monster.</li>
<li>The <code>class</code> (or <code>c</code>) which you might call card type. Since “type” already means something else, the search uses <code>class</code> for “Spell”, “Trap”, “Effect”, “XYZ”, etc., so <a href="/?q=c%3Alink"><code>c:link</code></a> will return all link monsters.</li>
<li>The <code>type</code> (or <code>t</code>) of a card (this is “Warrior”, “Pyro”, “Insect”, etc. for monsters, but also “quick-play”, “counter”, or “normal” for Spells/Traps).</li>
<li>The <code>attribute</code> (or <code>attr</code> or <code>a</code>) of a card. This is “Light”, “Dark”, “Earth”, etc.</li>
<li>The <code>text</code> (or <code>effect</code>, <code>eff</code>, <code>e</code>, or <code>o</code>) of a card. This is either the effect or flavor text (for normal monsters). For pendulum cards, this searches in both pendulum and monster effects. The <code>o</code> alias is to help my muscle memory coming from Scryfall.</li>
<li>The <code>set</code> (or <code>s</code>) a card was printed in. This considers all printings, not just the original.</li>
2023-02-03 16:19:26 +01:00
<li>The <code>copies</code> (or <code>legal</code>) you’re allowed to play according to the current banlist.</li>
2023-01-30 17:27:44 +01:00
Anything not associated with a search field is interpreted as a search in the card name, so <a href="/?q=l%3A4+utopia"><code>l:4 utopia</code></a> will show all level/rank 4 monsters with “Utopia” in their name.<br/>
If your search contains spaces (e.g. searching for an effect that says “destroy that target”), the text must be quoted like <code>effect:"destroy that target"</code>.
Note that all fields are case-insensitive, so <code>class:NORMAL</code> is the same as <code>class:Normal</code> or <code>class:normal</code>.
<h2>Search operators</h2>
The following search operators are supported:
<li>Equality (<code>:</code>, <code>=</code>, or <code>==</code>) checks if the value is equal to your search. For text fields, this checks if your search is contained in the field, so <a href="/?q=effect%3Abanish"><code>effect:banish</code></a> will show all cards that have the word “banish” anywhere in their text.</li>
<li>Inequality (<code>!=</code>) checks if the value is not equal to your search. For text fields, this return cards that do not contain the word you searched.</li>
<li>Comparisons (<code>&lt;</code>, <code>&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;=</code>, <code>&gt;=</code>) check if the value is less than, greater than, less than or equal, and greater than or equal to your search. <a href="/?q=atk%3E%3D4000"><code>atk&gt;=4000</code></a> will show all cards with an ATK of at least 4000. These operators do not work for text fields.</li>
<li>All Fire monsters with exactly 200 DEF: <a href="/?q=a%3Afire+def%3A200"><code>a:fire def:200</code></a></li>
<li>All “Blue-eyes” fusion monsters except the ones that are level 12: <a href="/?q=c%3Afusion+l%21%3D12+blue-eyes"><code>c:fusion l!=12 blue-eyes</code></a></li>
<li>All Synchro monsters that are Dark attribute, level 5 or higher, and have exactly 2200 ATK: <a href="/?q=c%3Asynchro+a%3Adark+l%3E%3D5+atk%3A2200"><code>c:synchro a:dark l>=5 atk:2200</code></a></li>
<li>All counter traps that can negate summons: <a href="/?q=c%3Atrap+t%3Acounter+e%3A%22negate+the+summon%22"><code>c:trap t:counter e:"negate the summon"</code></a></li>
<li>All effect monsters printed in Legend of Blue-Eyes: <a href="/?q=set%3Alob+c%3Aeffect"><code>set:lob c:effect</code></a></li>
2023-02-03 16:19:26 +01:00
<li>All Zoodiac cards that are currently banned: <a href="/?q=legal%3A0+zoodiac"><code>legal:0 zoodiac</code></a></li>
2023-01-30 17:27:44 +01:00