use std::time::Duration; use serde::Deserialize; use tui_realm_stdlib::List; use tuirealm::{ event::{Key, KeyEvent}, props::TextSpan, terminal::TerminalBridge, tui::layout::{Constraint, Layout}, Application, Component, Event, EventListenerCfg, MockComponent, NoUserEvent, PollStrategy, Update, }; fn main() { let mut app: Application = Application::init( EventListenerCfg::default() .default_input_listener(Duration::from_millis(20)) .poll_timeout(Duration::from_millis(10)), ); app.mount(Id::MainList, Box::new(MyList { cards: vec![ Card::SpellCard { name: "The Cheerful Coffin".to_owned(), text: "Discard up to 3 Monster Cards from your hand to the Graveyard.".to_owned() }, Card::EffectMonster { name: "Des Lacooda".to_owned(), effect: "Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is Flip Summoned: Draw 1 card.".to_owned(), atk: 500, def: 600, level: 3, r#type: "Zombie".to_owned(), attribute: "EARTH".to_owned(), } ], ..Default::default() }), vec![]) .unwrap();; let model = Model { app, quit: false, redraw: true, terminal: TerminalBridge::new().unwrap(), state: State::default(), }; model.terminal.enter_alternate_screen(); model.terminal.enable_raw_mode(); while !model.quit { match app.tick(PollStrategy::Once) { Ok(messages) if messages.len() > 0 => { model.redraw = true; for msg in messages.into_iter() { model.update(Some(msg)); } } _ => {} } if model.redraw { model.view(&mut app); model.redraw = false; } } model.terminal.leave_alternate_screen(); model.terminal.disable_raw_mode(); model.terminal.clear_screen(); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum Msg { Quit, SearchInput(char), SearchClear, Up, Down, Increment, Decrement, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Eq)] enum Id { MainList, SearchField, } #[derive(MockComponent, Default)] struct MyList { component: List, cards: Vec, } impl Component for MyList { fn on(&mut self, ev: tuirealm::Event) -> Option { match ev { Event::Keyboard(KeyEvent { code: Key::Char(ch), .. }) => match ch { '+' => Some(Msg::Increment), '-' => Some(Msg::Decrement), ch => { self.component = self.component .rows( .iter() .map(|c| { vec![TextSpan::new(match c { Card::SpellCard { name, .. } => name, Card::EffectMonster { name, .. } => name, })] }) .collect(), ); Some(Msg::SearchInput(ch)) } }, Event::Keyboard(KeyEvent { code: Key::Esc, .. }) => Some(Msg::Quit), Event::Keyboard(KeyEvent { code: Key::Backspace, .. }) => Some(Msg::SearchClear), _ => None, } } } struct Model { state: State, app: Application, terminal: TerminalBridge, quit: bool, redraw: bool, } impl Model { pub fn view(&mut self, app: &mut Application) { self.terminal .raw_mut() .draw(|f| { let chunks = Layout::default() .constraints([Constraint::Percentage(100)]) .split(f.size()); app.view(&Id::MainList, f, chunks[0]); }) .unwrap(); } } impl Update for Model { fn update(&mut self, msg: Option) -> Option { self.redraw = true; match msg { Some(Msg::SearchInput(c)) => self.state.filter.push(c), Some(Msg::SearchClear) => self.state.filter.clear(), Some(Msg::Quit) => self.quit = true, _ => (), }; None } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Default, Debug)] struct State { filter: String, } struct ApiResponse { data: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] #[serde(tag = "type")] enum Card { #[serde(rename = "Spell Card")] SpellCard { name: String, #[serde(rename = "desc")] text: String, }, #[serde( rename = "Effect Monster", alias = "Flip Effect Monster", alias = "Union Effect Monster" )] EffectMonster { name: String, #[serde(rename = "desc")] effect: String, atk: i32, def: i32, level: i32, attribute: String, #[serde(rename = "race")] r#type: String, }, } #[test] fn test_spell() { let s = r#" { "id": 41142615, "name": "The Cheerful Coffin", "type": "Spell Card", "desc": "Discard up to 3 Monster Cards from your hand to the Graveyard.", "race": "Normal" }"#; let coffin: Card = serde_json::from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!( coffin, Card::SpellCard { name: "The Cheerful Coffin".to_owned(), text: "Discard up to 3 Monster Cards from your hand to the Graveyard.".to_owned() } ) } #[test] fn test_monster() { let s = r#" { "id": 2326738, "name": "Des Lacooda", "type": "Effect Monster", "desc": "Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is Flip Summoned: Draw 1 card.", "atk": 500, "def": 600, "level": 3, "race": "Zombie", "attribute": "EARTH" }"#; let munch: Card = serde_json::from_str(s).unwrap(); assert_eq!( munch, Card::EffectMonster { name: "Des Lacooda".to_owned(), effect: "Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defense Position. When this card is Flip Summoned: Draw 1 card.".to_owned(), atk: 500, def: 600, level: 3, r#type: "Zombie".to_owned(), attribute: "EARTH".to_owned(), } ) }