use serenity::model::channel::ReactionType; use serenity::model::id::{ChannelId, EmojiId, GuildId}; use serenity::model::prelude::*; use serenity::prelude::*; use serenity::Client; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; struct Handler; lazy_static! { static ref SERVER_ID: GuildId = GuildId(std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap().parse().unwrap()); static ref MEME_CHANNEL: ChannelId = ChannelId(std::env::args().nth(2).unwrap().parse().unwrap()); } impl EventHandler for Handler { fn message(&self, ctx: Context, message: Message) { if message.guild_id != Some(*SERVER_ID) { return; } if != 733488485813584012 // that one idiot who always posts 5 links per message && message.content.contains("") && (message.content.contains(".mp4") || message.content.contains(".webm") || message.content.contains(".mov")) { if let Err(e) = message.channel_id.say(&ctx, "Working link:") { eprint!("Could not send fixed link: {:?}", e); } if let Err(e) = message.channel_id.say( &ctx, message.content_safe(&ctx).replace( "", "", ), ) { eprint!("Could not send fixed link: {:?}", e); }; } if message.channel_id == *MEME_CHANNEL && is_meme(&message) { react(&ctx, &message, 748564944449962017, "based"); react(&ctx, &message, 748564944819060856, "cringe"); } let content = message.content.to_lowercase(); if content.contains("everyone") && content.contains("nitro") && content.contains("http") { if let Err(e) = message.delete(&ctx) { eprint!("Could not delete spam: {}", e); } if let Err(e) = message.channel_id.say( &ctx, &format!("{}: your message has been deleted because it triggered my spam filter. If you believe this to be in error, please contact the mods.", ) { eprint!("Could not respond to spam: {}", e); } } } } fn react(ctx: &Context, msg: &Message, emoji: u64, name: &str) { let reaction = ReactionType::Custom { animated: false, id: EmojiId(emoji), name: Some(name.to_string()), }; if let Err(e) = msg.react(ctx, reaction) { println!("Could not react, error was: {:?}", e); } } fn is_meme(msg: &Message) -> bool { !msg.attachments.is_empty() || msg.content.to_lowercase().contains("http") } pub fn main() { let mut client = Client::new( std::env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN").expect("no token in environment"), Handler, ) .expect("Could not create client"); client.start().expect("could not start"); }