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2019-06-08 21:14:57 +02:00
package moe.kageru.kagebot
2019-11-11 18:10:28 +01:00
import moe.kageru.kagebot.config.Config
import moe.kageru.kagebot.config.SystemSpec
import org.javacord.api.entity.message.Message
2019-06-08 21:14:57 +02:00
import org.javacord.api.entity.message.MessageAuthor
2019-07-17 22:04:06 +02:00
import org.javacord.api.entity.message.Messageable
2019-06-09 18:41:51 +02:00
import org.javacord.api.entity.message.embed.EmbedBuilder
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
2019-06-08 21:14:57 +02:00
object MessageUtil {
2019-11-13 23:18:28 +01:00
fun MessageAuthor.mention() = "<@$id>"
2019-07-17 22:40:44 +02:00
fun withEmbed(op: EmbedBuilder.() -> Unit): EmbedBuilder {
2019-11-13 23:18:28 +01:00
return EmbedBuilder().apply {
Config.server.icon.ifPresent { setThumbnail(it) }
2019-07-17 22:04:06 +02:00
fun Messageable.sendEmbed(op: EmbedBuilder.() -> Unit) {
2019-07-17 22:40:44 +02:00
val embed = withEmbed {
2019-07-17 22:04:06 +02:00
* Send and embed and add the current time to it.
2019-07-17 22:40:44 +02:00
* The time is not set in [withEmbed] because of https://git.kageru.moe/kageru/discord-kagebot/issues/13.
2019-07-17 22:04:06 +02:00
fun sendEmbed(target: Messageable, embed: EmbedBuilder): CompletableFuture<Message> {
return target.sendMessage(embed.setTimestampToNow())
* The reason we use a list here (rather than a map) is that maps would not retain the order specified in the config.
* I tried LinkedHashMaps, but those dont seem to work either.
fun listToEmbed(contents: List<String>): EmbedBuilder {
check(contents.size % 2 != 1) { "Embed must have even number of content strings (title/content pairs)" }
2019-07-17 22:40:44 +02:00
return withEmbed {
contents.toPairs().forEach { (heading, content) ->
2019-07-17 22:40:44 +02:00
addField(heading, content)
2019-06-09 18:41:51 +02:00
* Convert a list of elements to pairs, retaining order.
* The last element is dropped if the input size is odd.
* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
private fun <T> Collection<T>.toPairs(): List<Pair<T, T>> = this.iterator().run {
(0 until size / 2).map {
Pair(next(), next())