package moe.kageru.kagebot import arrow.core.* import arrow.core.extensions.either.monad.flatMap import arrow.core.extensions.list.foldable.find import moe.kageru.kagebot.config.Config.server import moe.kageru.kagebot.extensions.* import import org.javacord.api.entity.message.MessageAuthor import org.javacord.api.entity.message.embed.EmbedBuilder import org.javacord.api.entity.permission.Role import org.javacord.api.entity.user.User import java.awt.Color import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException object Util { inline fun T.applyIf(condition: Boolean, op: (T) -> T): T { return if (condition) op(this) else this } fun hasOneOf(messageAuthor: MessageAuthor, roles: Set): Boolean { return messageAuthor.asUser().asOption().flatMap { user -> user.roles().find { it in roles } }.nonEmpty() } private val channelIdRegex = Regex("\\d{18}") private fun String.isEntityId() = channelIdRegex.matches(this) fun findRole(idOrName: String): Either { return when { idOrName.isEntityId() -> server.getRoleById(idOrName).asOption().toEither { 0 } else -> server.rolesByName(idOrName).getOnly() }.mapLeft { "Found $it results, expected 1" } } private fun ListK.getOnly(): Either { return when (size) { 1 -> Either.right(first()) else -> Either.left(size) } } fun findUser(idOrName: String): Option { return when { idOrName.isEntityId() -> server.getMemberById(idOrName).asOption() else -> { when { idOrName.contains('#') -> server.getMemberByDiscriminatedNameIgnoreCase(idOrName).asOption() else -> server.membersByName(idOrName).firstOrNone() } } } } fun CompletableFuture.asOption(): Option { return try { Option.just(join()) } catch (e: CompletionException) { Option.empty() } } fun Either<*, T>.unwrap(): T = this.getOrElse { error("Attempted to unwrap Either.left") } fun CompletableFuture.failed(): Boolean { try { join() } catch (e: CompletionException) { // we don’t care about this error, but I at least want to log it for debugging """Error during CompletableFuture: |$e |${e.localizedMessage} |${e.stackTrace.joinToString("\n\t")} """.trimMargin() ) } return isCompletedExceptionally } fun findChannel(idOrName: String): Either { return when { idOrName.isEntityId() -> server.channelById(idOrName).toEither { "Channel $idOrName not found" } idOrName.startsWith('@') -> Globals.api.getCachedUserByDiscriminatedName(idOrName.removePrefix("@")).asOption() .toEither { "User $idOrName not found" } .flatMap { user -> user.openPrivateChannel().asOption().toEither { "Can’t DM user $idOrName" } } else -> server.channelsByName(idOrName).getOnly().mapLeft { "Found $it channels for $idOrName, expected 1" } } } fun Optional.asOption(): Option = if (this.isPresent) Option.just(this.get()) else Option.empty() inline fun checked(op: (() -> Unit)) { try { op() } catch (e: Exception) { Log.warn("An uncaught exception occurred.\n$e") Log.warn(e.stackTrace.joinToString("\n")) MessageUtil.sendEmbed( Globals.api.owner.get(), EmbedBuilder() .setColor(Color.RED) .addField("Error", "kagebot has encountered an error") .addField( "$e", """``` ${e.stackTrace.joinToString("\n")} ```""".trimIndent().run { applyIf(length > 1800) { substring(1..1800) } } ) ) } } /** * Convert a list of elements to pairs, retaining order. * The last element is dropped if the input size is odd. * [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -> [[1, 2], [3, 4]] */ fun Collection.toPairs(): List> = this.iterator().run { (0 until size / 2).map { Pair(next(), next()) } } }