[system] serverId = "356414885292277771" color = "#1793d0" [localization] permissionDenied = "no permissions" redirectedMessage = "says" messageDeleted = "message dongered" timeout = "timeout @@ minutes" [feature.welcome] fallbackChannel = "123" fallbackMessage = "@@ welcome" # This is a list of pairs where the key is the title and the value the content of the paragraph. # Do not use empty strings to get empty headings or paragraphs. The discord API rejects those. content = [ "Welcome to the Server", "This is the content of the first paragraph", "Second paragraph heading", "Second paragraph content" ] [feature.timeout] role = "timeout" [feature.vc] category = "testcategory" [[command]] trigger = "!debug" feature = "debug" [[command]] trigger = "!welcome" feature = "welcome" [[command]] trigger = "!timeout" feature = "timeout"