package moe.kageru.kagebot.command import io.kotlintest.matchers.string.shouldContain import io.kotlintest.shouldBe import io.kotlintest.specs.StringSpec import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.verify import moe.kageru.kagebot.Globals import moe.kageru.kagebot.Globals.config import moe.kageru.kagebot.Kagebot import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.embedToString import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.messageableAuthor import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.mockMessage import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.testMessageSuccess import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.withCommands import moe.kageru.kagebot.TestUtil.withLocalization import org.javacord.api.entity.message.embed.EmbedBuilder import java.util.* class CommandTest : StringSpec({ TestUtil.prepareTestEnvironment() "should match prefix command" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!ping" response = "pong" """.trimIndent() ) { testMessageSuccess("!ping", "pong") } } "should print embed for command" { val calls = mutableListOf() TestUtil.prepareTestEnvironment(calls) val heading = "heading 1" val content = "this is the first paragraph of the embed" withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!embed" embed = { "$heading" = "$content" } """.trimIndent() ) { Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage("!embed", replyEmbeds = calls)) calls.size shouldBe 1 embedToString(calls[0]) shouldContain "\"$heading\"" embedToString(calls[0]) shouldContain "\"$content\"" } } "should match contains command" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "somewhere" response = "found it" matchType = "CONTAINS" """.trimIndent() ) { testMessageSuccess("the trigger is somewhere in this message", "found it") } } "should match regex command" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "A.+B" response = "regex matched" matchType = "REGEX" """.trimIndent() ) { testMessageSuccess("AcsdB", "regex matched") } } "should ping author" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "answer me" response = "@@ there you go" """.trimIndent() ) { testMessageSuccess("answer me", "<@1> there you go") } } "should not react to own message" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!ping" response = "pong" """.trimIndent() ) { val calls = mutableListOf() Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage("!ping", replies = calls, isBot = true)) calls shouldBe mutableListOf() } } "should delete messages and send copy to author" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "delet this" [command.action] delete = true """.trimIndent() ) { val replies = mutableListOf() val messageContent = "delet this" val mockMessage = mockMessage(messageContent) every { mockMessage.deleteMessage() } returns mockk() every { mockMessage.messageAuthor.asUser() } returns Optional.of(messageableAuthor(replies)) Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) verify(exactly = 1) { mockMessage.deleteMessage() } replies.size shouldBe 1 embedToString(replies[0]) shouldContain messageContent } } "should refuse command without permissions" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!restricted" response = "access granted" [command.permissions] hasOneOf = [ "testrole", ] """.trimIndent() ) { val replies = mutableListOf() val mockMessage = mockMessage("!restricted", replies = replies) Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) replies shouldBe mutableListOf(config.localization.permissionDenied) withLocalization( """ [localization] permissionDenied = "" messageDeleted = "whatever" redirectedMessage = "asdja" """.trimIndent() ) { Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) // still one string in there from earlier, nothing new was added replies.size shouldBe 1 } } } "should accept restricted command for owner" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!restricted" response = "access granted" [command.permissions] hasOneOf = [ "testrole" ] """.trimIndent() ) { val calls = mutableListOf() val mockMessage = mockMessage("!restricted", replies = calls) every { mockMessage.messageAuthor.isBotOwner } returns true Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) calls shouldBe mutableListOf("access granted") } } "should accept restricted command with permissions" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!restricted" response = "access granted" [command.permissions] hasOneOf = [ "testrole" ] """.trimIndent() ) { val calls = mutableListOf() val mockMessage = mockMessage("!restricted", replies = calls) every { mockMessage.messageAuthor.asUser() } returns Optional.of(mockk { every { getRoles(any()) } returns listOf( Globals.server.getRolesByNameIgnoreCase("testrole")[0] ) }) Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) calls shouldBe mutableListOf("access granted") } } "should deny command to excluded roles" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!almostUnrestricted" response = "access granted" [command.permissions] hasNoneOf = ["testrole"] """.trimIndent() ) { val calls = mutableListOf() val mockMessage = mockMessage("!almostUnrestricted", replies = calls) // with the banned role every { mockMessage.messageAuthor.asUser() } returns mockk { every { isPresent } returns true every { get().getRoles(any()) } returns listOf( Globals.server.getRolesByNameIgnoreCase("testrole")[0] ) } Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) // without the role every { mockMessage.messageAuthor.asUser() } returns mockk { every { isPresent } returns true every { get().getRoles(any()) } returns emptyList() } Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage) calls shouldBe mutableListOf(config.localization.permissionDenied, "access granted") } } "should refuse DM only message in server channel" { withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!dm" response = "access granted" [command.permissions] onlyDM = true """.trimIndent() ) { val calls = mutableListOf() Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage("!dm", replies = calls)) calls shouldBe listOf(config.localization.permissionDenied) } } /* * This implicitly tests that the message author is not included in anonymous complaints * because getting the author’s name from the mock is undefined. */ "should redirect" { val calls = mutableListOf() TestUtil.prepareTestEnvironment(calls) withCommands( """ [[command]] trigger = "!redirect" response = "redirected" [command.action.redirect] target = "testchannel" anonymous = true """.trimIndent() ) { val message = "this is a message" Kagebot.processMessage(mockMessage("!redirect $message", replyEmbeds = calls)) calls.size shouldBe 1 embedToString(calls[0]) shouldContain "\"$message\"" } } })