package moe.kageru.kagebot import com.moandjiezana.toml.Toml import class Config(val system: System, val commands: Commands) { companion object { val config: Config by lazy { read("config.toml") } val secret = File("secret").readText().replace("\n", "") private fun read(path: String): Config { val rawConfig: Toml = Toml().read(run { val file = File(path) if (file.isFile) { return@run file } println("Config not found, falling back to defaults...") File(!!.toURI()) }) val parsed = return Config( System(parsed.system), Commands( { Command(it) }) ) } } } data class System(val serverId: String, val admins: List) { /** * Self constructor to explicitly repeat the nullability checks after TOML parsing. */ constructor(system: System) : this(system.serverId, system.admins) } /** * Wrapper around [Command]s for TOML deserialization. */ data class Commands(val commands: List)