kageru b0d3475469
Add getConfig feature to retrieve the current config file
This implements #11 and is preparation for config reloading at runtime
2019-07-14 17:14:23 +02:00

36 lines
1.2 KiB

package moe.kageru.kagebot.config
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName
import com.moandjiezana.toml.Toml
import java.io.File
class RawConfig(
val system: RawSystemConfig?,
val localization: RawLocalization?,
val commands: List<RawCommand>?,
val features: RawFeatures?
) {
companion object {
const val DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = "config.toml"
fun readFromString(tomlContent: String): RawConfig = Toml().read(tomlContent).to(RawConfig::class.java)
fun read(path: String = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): RawConfig {
val toml: Toml = Toml().read(run {
val file = File(path)
if (file.isFile) {
return@run file
println("Config not found, falling back to defaults...")
return toml.to(RawConfig::class.java)
class RawSystemConfig(val serverId: String?, val color: String?)
class RawLocalization(val permissionDenied: String?, val redirectedMessage: String?, val messageDeleted: String?)