kageru 7ebafc9958
Completely rewrote config
Added a rawconfig as an intermediate step when parsing the TOML.
This will make nullability much more reliable and also gives me lots of
options in the future. It also broke all tests because reading the
config (not the raw config) now depends on the discord API. :tehe:
2019-06-12 23:43:36 +02:00

48 lines
1.9 KiB

package moe.kageru.kagebot.config
import moe.kageru.kagebot.Globals
import moe.kageru.kagebot.Globals.api
import moe.kageru.kagebot.command.Command
import moe.kageru.kagebot.features.Features
import moe.kageru.kagebot.features.WelcomeFeature
import java.awt.Color
import kotlin.IllegalArgumentException
class Config(rawConfig: RawConfig) {
val system: SystemConfig
val localization: Localization
val commands: List<Command>
val features: Features
init {
system = rawConfig.system?.let {
it.serverId ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [system.server] defined."),
Color.decode(it.color ?: "#1793d0")
} ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [system] block in config.")
Globals.server = api.getServerById(system.serverId).orElseThrow()
localization = rawConfig.localization?.let {
permissionDenied = it.permissionDenied
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [localization.permissionDenied] defined"),
redirectedMessage = it.redirectedMessage
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [localization.permissionDenied] defined"),
messageDeleted = it.messageDeleted
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [localization.permissionDenied] defined")
} ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [localization] block in config.")
commands = rawConfig.commands?.let { rawCommands ->
rawCommands.map { Command(it) }
} ?: emptyList()
features = rawConfig.features?.let { Features(it) }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No [feature] block in config.")
class SystemConfig(val serverId: String, val color: Color)
class Localization(val permissionDenied: String, val redirectedMessage: String, val messageDeleted: String)