package main import ( "fmt" "os/signal" "os" "syscall" "log" "" ) var config = readConfig() var commands []Command func main() { dg, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + config.Token) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error: ", err) return } dg.AddHandler(evaluateMessage) dg.AddHandler(onJoin) err = dg.Open() if err != nil { fmt.Println("No connection:\n", err) return } f, err := os.OpenFile("selphybot.log", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error opening log file:\n", err) } defer f.Close() log.SetOutput(f) addCommands() fmt.Println("Bot running. selphyWoo") log.Println("Bot running. selphyWoo") sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sc fmt.Println("Exiting...") log.Println("Exiting...") dg.Close() } // I’ll just put all of the commands here for now. func addCommands() { // Moderation registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "^[^`]*([()|DoOvVcC][-=^']?;|;[-=^']?[()|DoOpPvVcC]|:wink:|😉)[^`]*$", Output: "<@%s> Oboe!", DeleteInput: true, OutputIsReply: true, Type: CommandTypeRegex}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "!complain", Type: CommandTypePrefix, DMOnly: true, Function: redirectComplaint}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "!beschwerde", Type: CommandTypePrefix, DMOnly: true, Function: redirectComplaint}) for comm, _ := range config.RoleCommands { registerCommand(Command{Trigger: comm, Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, DMOnly: true, Function: giveAgeRole}) } // Misc commands registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "o/", Output: "\\o", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, Cooldown: 10}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "\\o", Output: "o/", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, Cooldown: 10}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "\\o/", Output: "/o\\", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, Cooldown: 10}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "/o\\", Output: "\\o/", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, Cooldown: 10}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "<:selphyDango:441001954542616576>", Output: "<:dango:430669469799677953> :notes: Dango Daikazoku :notes: <:dango:430669469799677953>", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, Cooldown: 85600}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "praise the sun", Output: "If only I could be so grossly incandescent \\\\[T]/", Type: CommandTypeContains, IgnoreCase: true, Cooldown: 85600}) // Information registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "!welcome", OutputEmbed: getWelcomeEmbed(), Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, DMOnly: true}) // Admin and/or debug registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "<@%s> <3", Output: "<@%s> <3", Type: CommandTypeFullMatch, AdminOnly: true, OutputIsReply: true, RequiresMention: true}) registerCommand(Command{Trigger: "echo", Type: CommandTypePrefix, Function: echoMessage, AdminOnly: true}) fmt.Printf("Successfully initialized %d commands\n", len(commands)) log.Printf("Successfully initialized %d commands", len(commands)) }