misc updates

This commit is contained in:
kageru 2020-06-02 11:12:26 +02:00
parent 96199369f6
commit 397442ef06
Signed by: kageru
GPG Key ID: 8282A2BEA4ADA3D2
9 changed files with 228 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -30,22 +30,22 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\0\Lighting\Animations\%7BB60A7D3A-AAC6-4676-8471-D602455A1134%7D\Keys=space, quote, bspace, dot, rwin, rmenu, prev, tab, num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, play, num6, colon, num7, num8, ralt, num9, esc, numslash, slash, prtscn, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, bslash_iso, home, rctrl, numplus, grave, b, pause, c, stop, e, f, g, f1, h, f2, i, g10, f3, rbrace, j, g11, f4, k, g12, f5, l, g13, f6, m, g14, f7, n, g15, f8, o, g16, f9, p, g17, q, g18, r, lwin, numminus, minus, t, u, v, x, y, z, end, rshift, ins, comma, numdot, lctrl, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, lbrace, lalt, numstar, lshift, numlock, f10, f11, f12, pgdn, hash, del, pgup, caps, equal, numenter, next, enter, scroll, bslash, front, wheel, dpi, thumb, back
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\0\Lighting\Animations\%7BB60A7D3A-AAC6-4676-8471-D602455A1134%7D\Keys=lshift, 3, 9, ins, n, rmenu, h, numenter, g10, next, f9, prtscn, x, numplus, rbrace, w, num5, num3, g14, 7, l, g11, f10, prev, f3, num1, numdot, pgdn, j, f12, rshift, grave, f8, num0, end, minus, stop, home, num2, a, f11, g7, m, num7, 0, numlock, o, lctrl, space, f7, scroll, e, lwin, f, g2, 5, lalt, num8, f5, y, f4, enter, v, play, g16, p, num4, f1, g13, equal, 1, g12, f6, pause, del, g3, 8, u, g15, numminus, i, lbrace, dot, caps, num9, esc, g8, bspace, g18, 6, d, pgup, numslash, tab, hash, g4, z, left, g, ralt, r, rwin, comma, g6, g17, 4, rctrl, g1, c, numstar, q, 2, b, num6, g5, quote, bslash_iso, t, down, up, g9, k, colon, f2, s, right, slash, bslash, front, wheel, dpi, thumb, back
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\0\Lighting\Animations\%7BB60A7D3A-AAC6-4676-8471-D602455A1134%7D\Parameters\color=0:ffff0000 17:ffffff00 33:ff00ff00 50:ff00ffff 67:ff0000ff 83:ffff00ff 100:ffff0000
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\0\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\List={FAF74CDC-0A8B-4905-85F5-AFA16C4CACF0}, {0E7259A0-CC16-4FAC-9518-1F6E292CD402}
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\List={2C6C4B19-8FBD-4474-ACF3-EC85B164C1CC}, {0E7259A0-CC16-4FAC-9518-1F6E292CD402}
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7B0E7259A0-CC16-4FAC-9518-1F6E292CD402%7D\Keys=2, rmenu, g6, m2, num8, k, f7, s, 9, lshift, g3, end, grave, 1, colon, light, m, f2, f5, 0, g9, f3, y, lctrl, slash, g14, rbrace, num0, g11, stop, lock, rctrl, f, hash, g16, g2, bspace, g5, g18, g7, equal, g12, ins, num7, 5, numslash, esc, 6, m3, f6, f4, num4, caps, right, t, left, g13, d, num1, c, f8, g4, g1, lalt, mute, j, o, num6, up, r, dot, scroll, minus, numstar, numdot, comma, next, l, numplus, del, n, 4, num2, 7, lwin, f11, b, down, numlock, g, quote, f10, pgup, 3, h, x, z, ralt, enter, g17, num9, pause, rwin, lbrace, 8, numenter, v, q, home, g15, i, tab, u, g8, f9, numminus, p, g10, pgdn, prtscn, f1, mr, e, bslash_iso, num3, rshift, play, num5, space, m1, w, prev, f12, a
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7B0E7259A0-CC16-4FAC-9518-1F6E292CD402%7D\Name=make it rain
@ -274,31 +274,31 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7BFAF74CDC-0A8B-4905-85F5-AFA16C4CACF0%7D\Keys=2, rmenu, g6, m2, num8, k, f7, s, 9, lshift, g3, end, grave, 1, colon, light, m, f2, f5, 0, g9, f3, y, lctrl, slash, g14, rbrace, num0, g11, stop, lock, rctrl, f, hash, g16, g2, bspace, g5, g18, g7, equal, g12, ins, num7, 5, numslash, esc, 6, m3, f6, f4, num4, caps, right, t, left, g13, d, num1, c, f8, g4, g1, lalt, mute, j, o, num6, up, r, dot, scroll, minus, numstar, numdot, comma, next, l, numplus, del, n, 4, num2, 7, lwin, f11, b, down, numlock, g, quote, f10, pgup, 3, h, x, z, ralt, enter, g17, num9, pause, rwin, lbrace, 8, numenter, v, q, home, g15, i, tab, u, g8, f9, numminus, p, g10, pgdn, prtscn, f1, mr, e, bslash_iso, num3, rshift, play, num5, space, m1, w, prev, f12, a
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7BFAF74CDC-0A8B-4905-85F5-AFA16C4CACF0%7D\Name=Type lighting
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7BFAF74CDC-0A8B-4905-85F5-AFA16C4CACF0%7D\Parameters\color=0:ffff0000 100:00ff0000
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7B2C6C4B19-8FBD-4474-ACF3-EC85B164C1CC%7D\Keys=2, rmenu, g6, m2, num8, k, f7, s, 9, lshift, g3, end, grave, 1, colon, light, m, f2, f5, 0, g9, f3, y, lctrl, slash, g14, rbrace, num0, g11, stop, lock, rctrl, f, hash, g16, g2, bspace, g5, g18, g7, equal, g12, ins, num7, 5, numslash, esc, 6, m3, f6, f4, num4, caps, right, t, left, g13, d, num1, c, f8, g4, g1, lalt, mute, j, o, num6, up, r, dot, scroll, minus, numstar, numdot, comma, next, l, numplus, del, n, 4, num2, 7, lwin, f11, b, down, numlock, g, quote, f10, pgup, 3, h, x, z, ralt, enter, g17, num9, pause, rwin, lbrace, 8, numenter, v, q, home, g15, i, tab, u, g8, f9, numminus, p, g10, pgdn, prtscn, f1, mr, e, bslash_iso, num3, rshift, play, num5, space, m1, w, prev, f12, a
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7B2C6C4B19-8FBD-4474-ACF3-EC85B164C1CC%7D\Name=Type lighting
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\Animations\%7B2C6C4B19-8FBD-4474-ACF3-EC85B164C1CC%7D\Parameters\color=0:ffff0000 100:00ff0000
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Lighting\KeyMap=K95 DE
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\1\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\2\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -912,7 +912,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\3\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -965,10 +965,10 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BBA7FC152-2D51-4C26-A7A6-A036CC93D924%7D\Name=ckb Demo
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\0\Binding\KeyMap=K95 DE
@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\0\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\1\Name=K95 RGB Default
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\1\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -1595,7 +1595,7 @@
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\2\Name=red blink
0C01700DAEB8910055BB7829F5001946\%7BD57F5E21-B80D-4DAC-1D81-428E5DB7BC2C%7D\2\Performance\DPI\0=@Point(400 400)
@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# The parser is also very primitive, and not human-friendly.
fields=48 38 39 46 47 111 1

View File

@ -9,18 +9,19 @@ music_directory "/mnt/calliope/Music"
audio_output {
type "pulse"
name "MPulseD"
# type "alsa"
# name "iec958:CARD=S20,DEV=0"
# device "hw:2,0"
# device "iec958:CARD=S20,DEV=0"
# device "sysdefault:CARD=S20"
# device "plug:default"
format "96000:32:2"
format "48000:32:2"
auto_resample "no"
always_on "no"
mixer_type "software"
#audio_output {
#type "alsa"
#name "minimalist master race"
#device "plug:default"
#mixer_type "software"
audio_output {
type "fifo"
name "my_fifo"
@ -29,16 +30,16 @@ audio_output {
replaygain "album"
audio_output {
type "httpd"
name "kageremusic"
encoder "vorbis"
port "8080"
quality "7.0"
format "44100:16:2"
tags "yes"
always_on "yes"
#audio_output {
# type "httpd"
# name "kageremusic"
# encoder "vorbis"
# port "8080"
# quality "7.0"
# format "44100:16:2"
# tags "yes"
# always_on "yes"
#bind_to_address ""
#bind_to_address "localhost"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Shift+RIGHT frame-step
Shift+LEFT frame-back-step
Shift+UP add volume 10
Shift+DOWN add volume -10
#j vf toggle deband
d vf toggle deband
ctrl+d vf toggle yadif
a cycle audio
LEFT osd-bar seek -5 relative+exact

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ interpolation=no
#fbo-format=rgba32f # for fsrcnn

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ alias qaac='wine ~/.wine/drive_c/qaac/qaac.exe'
alias qaac_release=/mnt/hephaestos/qaac/qaac91
alias define='python /home/kageru/programming/mwebster/mwebster.py'
alias nanaone-stream='mpv rtmp://live1.brb.re/live/nanaone'
alias ls='exa'
alias ls=exa
alias du=dua
alias up='sudo pacman -Syu'
alias in='sudo pacman -S'
alias feg=feh # don’t ask
@ -31,17 +32,27 @@ alias xo='xdg-open'
alias resetgamma='xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --gamma 1:1:1 --output HDMI-1 --gamma 1:1:1 --output HDMI-0 --gamma 1:1:1 --output DP-0 --gamma 1:1:1'
alias texbuild='pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode'
alias weather='curl wttr.in/hamburg -s | head -n 7 -'
alias weathertoday='curl wttr.in/karlsruhe -s | head -n 17 -'
alias weathertoday='curl wttr.in/hamburg -s | head -n 17 -'
alias playdir='for f in ./*; do; mpv $f; done;'
alias mntusb='sudo mount /dev/sdi1 ~/usb'
alias mntphone='simple-mtpfs --device 1 ~/usb'
alias umubs='sudo umount ~/usb'
alias gst='git status'
alias gco='git checkout'
alias gs='git switch'
alias gsc='git switch -c'
alias gr='git restore'
alias blps='~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/BorderlandsPreSequel/BorderlandsPreSequel'
alias dir2flac='for f in *.wav; do; ffmpeg -i "$f" -compression_level 12 "`basename "$f" .wav`.flac"; done;'
alias dir2flac='for f in *.wav; do
ffmpeg -i "$f" -compression_level 12 "`basename "$f" .wav`.flac"
for f in *.WAV; do
ffmpeg -i "$f" -compression_level 12 "`basename "$f" .WAV`.flac"
alias vpnon='sudo systemctl start openvpn-client@client.service'
alias vpnoff='sudo systemctl stop openvpn-client@client.service'
alias tunnel='vpnoff && vpnon'
alias getip='curl https://canihazip.com/s'
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/kageru/dotfiles/ --work-tree=/home/kageru'
alias -g ...='../../' #cd ...

View File

@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ def_key "L"
def_key "ctrl-d"
def_key "ctrl-u"
def_key "h"

.ncmpcpp/error.log Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Individual Tracks/01 Red Like Roses (Theme of Rooster.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Individual Tracks/01 Red Like Roses (Theme of Rooster.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Individual Tracks/01 Red Like Roses (Theme of Rooster.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'An Unwavering Heart' WITH LYRICS Pokémon X and Y -Trickywi-.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'An Unwavering Heart' WITH LYRICS Pokémon X and Y -Trickywi-.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'Golden Age of Anime' Medley - Animenz Live 2017 in Shenzhen-Nc-opdy7Xa4.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'Golden Age of Anime' Medley - Animenz Live 2017 in Shenzhen-Nc-opdy7Xa4.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Defective [Radioactive Parody].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Dumb Ways To Die.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - If I Were A Core.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Metal Gear Turret.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - This Is Aperture.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[500k subs special] Sayonara Memories - Supercell [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[500k subs special] Sayonara Memories - Supercell [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[600k special] Snow Halation - Love Live! OST [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[600k special] Snow Halation - Love Live! OST [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[7th anniversary] Only my Railgun - To aru kagaku no railgun OP1 [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[7th anniversary] Only my Railgun - To aru kagaku no railgun OP1 [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[900k subs] Departures - Guilty Crown ED1 [piano].opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[900k subs] Departures - Guilty Crown ED1 [piano].opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 1 Litre of Tears _ Ichi rittoru no namida OST - Anata ga Oshiete Kure Tamono.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 1 Litre of Tears _ Ichi rittoru no namida OST - Anata ga Oshiete Kure Tamono.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 14 Year Old Mother _ Juyon-sai no Haha OST - Hold on me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 14 Year Old Mother _ Juyon-sai no Haha OST - Hold on me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Air OST - Futari ふたり.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Angel Beats OST - Unjust Life.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Angel Beats OST - Unjust Life.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Bleach OST - Here to stay.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Bleach OST - Here to stay.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Boku no kanojo wa saibôgu _ Cyborg She OST - Koukai to Henka.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Boku no kanojo wa saibôgu _ Cyborg She OST - Koukai to Henka.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] D.N. Angel OST - Trough Pain _ Kanashimi wo Koete.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] D.N. Angel OST - Trough Pain _ Kanashimi wo Koete.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lapis Philosophorum (Piano Solo).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lapis Philosophorum (Piano Solo).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OST - Setsunakute.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OST - Setsunakute.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Hotaru no Hikari OST - Hitori de.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Hotaru no Hikari OST - Hitori de.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Innocent Love OST - Kinenbi.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kanon 2006 OST - Winter Fireworks Arrange 冬の花火.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kanon 2006 OST - Winter Fireworks Arrange 冬の花火.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kaze no Garden _ Garden of the Wind OST - Delphinium.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kaze no Garden _ Garden of the Wind OST - Delphinium.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kimi ni Todoke OST - Pure White Story (Main Theme).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kimi ni Todoke OST - Pure White Story (Main Theme).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Mushishi OST - Tsuyu wo Suu Gun.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Mushishi OST - Tsuyu wo Suu Gun.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] My Rainy Days _ Tenshi no Koi OST - Wish part 2.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] My Rainy Days _ Tenshi no Koi OST - Wish part 2.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Naruto Shippuuden OST - Utsusemi, Samidare.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Naruto Shippuuden OST - Utsusemi, Samidare.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Orange Days OST - Eternal.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Orange Days OST - Eternal.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu _ Crying out Love OST - 1987 nen, natsu.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu _ Crying out Love OST - 1987 nen, natsu.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Steins;Gate OST - Believe Me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Steins;Gate OST - Believe Me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Taiyou no Uta OST - Bloom (Piano & Strings Quartet Version).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Taiyou no Uta OST - Bloom (Piano & Strings Quartet Version).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Toradora OST - Lost My Pieces.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Toradora OST - Lost My Pieces.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Tsubasa Chronicle OST - Lost Wings.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Tsubasa Chronicle OST - Lost Wings.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Edmud Fu - Walking By The Sea.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Rabpit - Dream.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Rabpit - Rainy Memory.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Shinchi Kobayashi - Sairai.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Sta - Platinum.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Hua Sui Yue.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Mirror Night.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Reflection (mirror night).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Reverse - Parallel Universe.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Yawning Lion.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'waitingforyou.wav' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'waitingforyou.wav' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'waitingforyou.wav' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'waitingforyou.wav' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'An Unwavering Heart' WITH LYRICS Pokémon X and Y -Trickywi-.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'An Unwavering Heart' WITH LYRICS Pokémon X and Y -Trickywi-.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'Golden Age of Anime' Medley - Animenz Live 2017 in Shenzhen-Nc-opdy7Xa4.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/'Golden Age of Anime' Medley - Animenz Live 2017 in Shenzhen-Nc-opdy7Xa4.opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Defective [Radioactive Parody].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Dumb Ways To Die.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - If I Were A Core.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - Metal Gear Turret.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[♪] Portal - This Is Aperture.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[500k subs special] Sayonara Memories - Supercell [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[500k subs special] Sayonara Memories - Supercell [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[600k special] Snow Halation - Love Live! OST [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[600k special] Snow Halation - Love Live! OST [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[7th anniversary] Only my Railgun - To aru kagaku no railgun OP1 [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[7th anniversary] Only my Railgun - To aru kagaku no railgun OP1 [piano].m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[900k subs] Departures - Guilty Crown ED1 [piano].opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[900k subs] Departures - Guilty Crown ED1 [piano].opus' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 1 Litre of Tears _ Ichi rittoru no namida OST - Anata ga Oshiete Kure Tamono.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 1 Litre of Tears _ Ichi rittoru no namida OST - Anata ga Oshiete Kure Tamono.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 14 Year Old Mother _ Juyon-sai no Haha OST - Hold on me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] 14 Year Old Mother _ Juyon-sai no Haha OST - Hold on me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Air OST - Futari ふたり.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Angel Beats OST - Unjust Life.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Angel Beats OST - Unjust Life.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Bleach OST - Here to stay.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Bleach OST - Here to stay.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Boku no kanojo wa saibôgu _ Cyborg She OST - Koukai to Henka.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Boku no kanojo wa saibôgu _ Cyborg She OST - Koukai to Henka.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] D.N. Angel OST - Trough Pain _ Kanashimi wo Koete.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] D.N. Angel OST - Trough Pain _ Kanashimi wo Koete.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lapis Philosophorum (Piano Solo).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lapis Philosophorum (Piano Solo).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OST - Setsunakute.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OST - Setsunakute.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Hotaru no Hikari OST - Hitori de.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Hotaru no Hikari OST - Hitori de.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Innocent Love OST - Kinenbi.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kanon 2006 OST - Winter Fireworks Arrange 冬の花火.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kanon 2006 OST - Winter Fireworks Arrange 冬の花火.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kaze no Garden _ Garden of the Wind OST - Delphinium.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kaze no Garden _ Garden of the Wind OST - Delphinium.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kimi ni Todoke OST - Pure White Story (Main Theme).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Kimi ni Todoke OST - Pure White Story (Main Theme).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Mushishi OST - Tsuyu wo Suu Gun.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Mushishi OST - Tsuyu wo Suu Gun.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] My Rainy Days _ Tenshi no Koi OST - Wish part 2.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] My Rainy Days _ Tenshi no Koi OST - Wish part 2.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Naruto Shippuuden OST - Utsusemi, Samidare.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Naruto Shippuuden OST - Utsusemi, Samidare.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Orange Days OST - Eternal.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Orange Days OST - Eternal.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu _ Crying out Love OST - 1987 nen, natsu.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu _ Crying out Love OST - 1987 nen, natsu.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Steins;Gate OST - Believe Me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Steins;Gate OST - Believe Me.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Taiyou no Uta OST - Bloom (Piano & Strings Quartet Version).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Taiyou no Uta OST - Bloom (Piano & Strings Quartet Version).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Toradora OST - Lost My Pieces.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Toradora OST - Lost My Pieces.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'year' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Tsubasa Chronicle OST - Lost Wings.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Beautiful Soundtracks] Tsubasa Chronicle OST - Lost Wings.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Edmud Fu - Walking By The Sea.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Rabpit - Dream.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Rabpit - Rainy Memory.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Shinchi Kobayashi - Sairai.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] Sta - Platinum.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Hua Sui Yue.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Mirror Night.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Reflection (mirror night).m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Reverse - Parallel Universe.m4a' as it's not a positive integer
writeCommonTags: couldn't write 'track' tag to 'Youtube Rip/[Deemo] V.K - Yawning Lion.m4a' as it's not a positive integer

View File

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setxkbmap de neo_qwertz
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xset r rate 250 40