change Xresources to nord

This commit is contained in:
kageru 2018-05-22 16:58:11 +02:00
parent a3dba6e1c6
commit d0bb59b14c

View File

@ -1,43 +1,88 @@
*background: #272827 ! Base16 Nord
*foreground: #657b83 ! Scheme: arcticicestudio
*fading: 15
*fadeColor: black
*cursorColor: #16A085
*pointerColorBackground: #2B2C2B
*pointerColorForeground: #16A085
#define base00 #2e3440
#define base01 #808fb2
#define base02 #7e8fb2
#define base03 #7786a5
#define base04 #d8dee9
#define base05 #c5c9d0
#define base06 #eceff4
#define base07 #8fbcbb
#define base08 #88c0d0
#define base09 #81a1c1
#define base0A #5e81ac
#define base0B #bf616a
#define base0C #d08770
#define base0D #ebcb8b
#define base0E #a3be8c
#define base0F #b48ead
*foreground: base05
#ifdef background_opacity
*background: [background_opacity]base00
*background: base00
*cursorColor: base05
*color0: base00
*color1: base08
*color2: base0B
*color3: base0A
*color4: base0D
*color5: base0E
*color6: base0C
*color7: base05
*color8: base03
*color9: base09
*color10: base01
*color11: base02
*color12: base04
*color13: base06
*color14: base0F
*color15: base07
!*background: #272827
!*foreground: #657b83
!*fading: 15
!*fadeColor: black
!*cursorColor: #16A085
!*pointerColorBackground: #2B2C2B
!*pointerColorForeground: #16A085
!! black dark/light !! black dark/light
*color0: #666666 !*color0: #666666
*color8: #888888 !*color8: #888888
!! red dark/light !! red dark/light
*color1: #BA2922 !*color1: #BA2922
*color9: #CC372C !*color9: #CC372C
!! green dark/light !! green dark/light
*color2: #499300 !*color2: #499300
*color10: #4de216 !*color10: #4de216
!! yellow dark/light !! yellow dark/light
*color3: #f4f400 !*color3: #f4f400
*color11: #f7ad25 !*color11: #f7ad25
!! blue dark/light !! blue dark/light
*color4: #16A085 !*color4: #16A085
*color12: #13BF9D !*color12: #13BF9D
!! magenta dark/light !! magenta dark/light
*color5: #89267a !*color5: #89267a
*color13: #e01a77 !*color13: #e01a77
!! cyan dark/light !! cyan dark/light
*color6: #00CCCC !*color6: #00CCCC
*color14: #00FFFF !*color14: #00FFFF
!! white dark/light !! white dark/light
*color7: #E0E0E0 !*color7: #E0E0E0
*color15: #E8E8E8 !*color15: #E8E8E8
Xcursor.theme: Adwaita Xcursor.theme: Adwaita
Xcursor.size: 0 Xcursor.size: 0
@ -60,13 +105,13 @@ URxvt.boldFont: xft:Hack:size=11
!URxvt.bold.font: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1 !URxvt.bold.font: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
!! terminus names see end of file! !! terminus names see end of file!
URxvt.depth: 32 URxvt.depth: 24
URxvt.background: [70]#000000 URxvt.background: [100]#2e3440
URxvt*scrollBar: false URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false
URxvt*cursorBlink: true URxvt*cursorBlink: false
URxvt*background: black ! URxvt*background: black
URxvt*foreground: grey URxvt*foreground: #e5e9f0
URxvt*saveLines: 5000 URxvt*saveLines: 5000
! for 'fake' transparency (without Compton) uncomment the following three lines ! for 'fake' transparency (without Compton) uncomment the following three lines
@ -98,7 +143,7 @@ URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
! URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: boolean ! URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: boolean
! URxvt*tintColor: !7DA55 ! URxvt*tintColor: !7DA55
! URxvt*blurRadius: HxV ! URxvt*blurRadius: HxV
! URxvt*fading: number URxvt*fading: 0
! URxvt*fadeColor: color ! URxvt*fadeColor: color
! URxvt*utmpInhibit: boolean ! URxvt*utmpInhibit: boolean
! URxvt*urgentOnBell: boolean ! URxvt*urgentOnBell: boolean