//META{"name":"linkProfilePicture"}*// class linkProfilePicture { getName(){return "Link-Profile-Picture"} getDescription(){return "Lets you click users' avatars on their profile page to view a bigger version in your browser."} getVersion(){return "1.0.3"} getAuthor(){return "square"} load(){} start(){} stop(){} observer(mutation){ var x, i = 0, ref = mutation.addedNodes, wrapper, a, pic, url; while(x = ref[i++]) if("DIV" === x.nodeName && 0 === x.className.indexOf("modal-") && (wrapper = x.querySelector(".avatar-3EQepX.profile-ZOdGIb")) && (pic = wrapper.querySelector(".image-33JSyf")) && (url = pic.style.backgroundImage.match(/https.+(?:webp|png|gif)/))){ a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url[0] + "?size=2048"; // returns biggest version (can be smaller than 2048); if the pic is blurry it's due to the original or what discord did to it a.target = "_blank"; a.rel = "noreferrer"; wrapper.insertBefore(a, pic); a.appendChild(pic); break; } } }