/*//META{"name":"Right-aligned Nicks","description":"Nicknames are right-aligned","author":"FichteFoll","version":"0.2.2"}*// /** * Nicks are right-aligned, where possible (i.e. compact layout). * Space for timestamps is also reduced. * * Requires compact mode for obvious reasons. * * Nicknames that are too long for the associated space * are collapsed with an ellipse. * You can adjust the width of the username column * with a variable in your user css * or yell at the people until they pick a shorter nick. * */ /* Variables for configuration. You can override these in your user css. */ :root { /* ch as unit makes the most sense here, * but doesn't work properly with calculating offset of the .accessory div */ --username-width: 7.3rem; --timestamp-width: 3rem; --header-offset: calc(0.3rem + 0.3em); /* first 0.3em from margin-left on timestamp */ /*--username-width: 13ch; --timestamp-width: 9ch;*/ /* use `6ch` for 24h timestamps */ } [class*=containerCompact-] { /* accessory */ padding-left: calc(70px - var(--timestamp-default-width) + var(--timestamp-width) + var(--username-width) ); position: relative; } [class*=containerCompact-] [class*=timestampCompactBase-] { float: left; top: 1.5ex; width: var(--timestamp-width); /*text-align: center;*/ } /*.headerCompact-3wRt2W {*/ [class*=headerCompact-] { position: absolute; left: 0; padding-bottom: 1px; /* for on-hover underline on border; user_style.css */ } /*.containerCompact-3V0ioj .usernameWrapper-1S-G5O {*/ [class*=headerCompact-] > span { display: inline-block; text-align: right; width: var(--username-width); overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } [class*=markup-][class*=isCompact-] { margin-left: 0 !important; padding-left: calc(var(--username-width) + var(--timestamp-width) + var(--header-offset)) !important; text-indent: 0; } /*.containerCompact-3bB5aN {*/ [class*=containerCompact-][class*=content-] ~ [class*=containerCompact-] { padding-left: calc(var(--username-width) + var(--timestamp-width) + var(--header-offset) + 0rem); } [class*=containerCompact-][class*=container-] [class*=isMentioned-] [class*=markup-] { /*padding: 0;*/ /*margin: 0;*/ border-right: solid #FAA61A; border-width: 0 2px; } /* Material theme sets this */ .container-1YxwTf h2 { margin-left: 0; }