//META{"name":"BetterCustomCSS"}*// /*globals BdApi*/ 'use strict'; var BetterCustomCSS = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.getAuthor = function () { return "kosshi"; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.getName = function () { return "BetterCustomCSS"; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.getDescription = function () { return "Lets you edit CSS live with your favorite text editor. Like Custom CSS but better."; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.getVersion = function () { return "0.1.0"; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.start = function () { let settings = this.loadSettings(); let fs = require('fs'); if(this.accessSync(settings.direcotry)){ let elem = document.createElement("style"); elem.id = "bettercustomcss"; document.head.appendChild(elem); this.watcher = fs.watch(settings.direcotry, {}, this.appendFile.bind(this)); this.appendFile(); } }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.stop = function () { if( document.getElementById('bettercustomcss') ){ this.watcher.close(); document.head.removeChild( document.getElementById('bettercustomcss') ); } }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.appendFile = function () { let settings = this.loadSettings(); let fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile(settings.direcotry, "utf8", (err, file)=>{ if(err){ BdApi.getCore().alert( "BetterCustomCSS Error", "Failed to read '"+settings.direcotry+"'. The plugin will be disabled. Go to the plugin settings and set the path correctly. This usually happens when the file is deleted or renamed." ); this.stop(); return; } document.getElementById('bettercustomcss').innerHTML = file; }); }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.load = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.unload = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.onMessage = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.onSwitch = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.accessSync = function(dir){ var fs = require('fs'); try { fs.accessSync(dir, fs.F_OK); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.observer = function () {}; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.saveSettings = function (button) { var settings = this.loadSettings(); var dir = document.getElementById('qs_directory').value; var plugin = BdApi.getPlugin('BetterCustomCSS'); var err = document.getElementById('qs_err'); if( plugin.accessSync(dir) ){ settings.direcotry = dir; bdPluginStorage.set(this.getName(), 'config', JSON.stringify(settings)); plugin.stop(); plugin.start(); err.innerHTML = ""; button.innerHTML = "Saved and applied!"; } else { err.innerHTML = "Error: Invalid directory!"; return; } setTimeout(()=>{button.innerHTML = "Save and apply";},1000); }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.settingsVersion = 1; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.defaultSettings = function () { return { version: this.settingsVersion, direcotry: "none" }; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.resetSettings = function (button) { var settings = this.defaultSettings(); bdPluginStorage.set(this.getName(), 'config', JSON.stringify(settings)); this.stop(); this.start(); button.innerHTML = "Settings resetted!"; setTimeout(function(){button.innerHTML = "Reset settings";},1000); }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.loadSettings = function() { // Loads settings from localstorage var settings = (bdPluginStorage.get(this.getName(), 'config')) ? JSON.parse(bdPluginStorage.get(this.getName(), 'config')) : {version:"0"}; if(settings.version != this.settingsVersion){ console.log('['+this.getName()+'] Settings were outdated/invalid/nonexistent. Using default settings.'); settings = this.defaultSettings(); bdPluginStorage.set(this.getName(), 'config', JSON.stringify(settings)); } return settings; }; BetterCustomCSS.prototype.import = function (string) { bdPluginStorage.set(this.getName(), 'config', string); this.stop(); this.start(); } BetterCustomCSS.prototype.getSettingsPanel = function () { var settings = this.loadSettings(); var html = "

Settings Panel

"; html += "BetterCustomCSS css file directory
"; html += "

"; html +="
"; html +="

"; html += "

"; html += "How to use:"; html += "
1) Create a CSS file that you want to use."; html += "
2) Set the directory setting to the file. (eg C:/Users/youruser/Desktop/theme.css)"; html += "
3) The file will be now loaded to the DOM. The plugin attempts to reload the file when it is edited."; html += "
4) You can now open the file in your favorite text editor, edit it, and see the results instantly after saving the file."; return html; };