# ppsh A simple shell screenshot tool that uploads to an ssh server, named after the PPSh, a Soviet submachine gun, because it shoots and ends with `sh`. Replacement for my old python script because finding a maintained SFTP library for Python is more effort than it’s worth. ## Usage ```sh ppsh ``` to capture a screenshot and upload it or ```sh ppsh file.png ``` to upload `file.png` to the remote server. ## Configuration The first few lines of the script are the config variables. Use them to set the remote host, destination folder, etc. ## Dependencies This script will work on Xorg and Wayland by checking the `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` environment variable. When used on Xorg, it requires `maim` for the image capture and `xsel` for clipboard management. When used on Wayland, it requires `grim`/`slurp` for the image capture and `wl-copy` for clipboard management.