#!/bin/sh remote_directory='/home/nginx/html/screenshots' url_template='https://example.org/images/' local_root='/home/kageru/screenshots' date_format='%y/%m' random_chars=5 # Leave empty if not needed. I use this to keep track which machine/user uploaded which screenshot. prefix='k' # put something here that’s configured in your ~/.ssh/config ssh_host='localhost' generate_name() { cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9a-zA-Z' | head -c "$1" } capture() { if [ -n WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]; then slurp | grim -g - "$1" else maim -suk "$1" fi } clipboard() { if [ -n WAYLAND_DISPLAY ]; then echo "$1" | wl-copy else echo "$1" | xsel -b fi } upload() { scp "$1" "$ssh_host:$2" } exists() { ssh "$ssh_host" "ls \"$1\"" } main() { filename="$prefix$(generate_name $random_chars).png" date_folder="$(date "+$date_format")" local_directory="$local_root/$date_folder" mkdir -p "$local_directory" capture_and_upload "$local_directory/$filename" "$remote_directory/$filename" } capture_and_upload() { local_file="$1" remote_file="$2" if [ ! "$(exists "$remote_file")" ]; then capture "$local_file" upload "$local_file" "$remote_file" full_url="$url_template/$filename" clipboard "$full_url" notify-send "$full_url" else echo "Debug: file $local_file already exists, retrying…" prepare_files # recurse here to generate a new name and start anew fi } main