# === General === # Can be 'curl' or 'sftp' uploader = 'curl' # Enable or disable thumbnail previews in the notification (only for image uploads, broken on some distros) enable_thumbnails = False # === SFTP-related === # (S)FTP credentials, only if you want to use SFTP for uploads # Set all to None that you don’t need sftp_address = 'your_domain.com' sftp_port = 22 username = None password = None private_key = None private_key_pass = None # Directory on the ftp server where you want the screenshots to be sent remote_directory = '/usr/share/nginx/html/pyshare/' # Template for the link that the script will generate. {} is the filename url_template = 'https://your_domain.com/pyshare/{}' # === curl-related === # This should contain a complete curl command with a {} to insert the filename. curl_command = 'curl -F"file=@{}" https://0x0.st' # === Local storage === # This is where the screenshots are saved locally local_directory = '/home/kageru/pyshare/' # If set to false, images will be deleted after uploading them keep_local_copies = True # In case you want a certain prefix for all files. Can also be an empty string # The filename will be used for local storage as well as the files stored on the SFTP host prefix = '' # Number of random characters in the filename length = 5 # Additional folder nesting to include the current year/date/month. # Leading/Trailing slashes can be omitted. The syntax follows Python’s strftime as documented here: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior # Leave empty to disable nesting. # Example: '%y/%m' to store files in $local_directory/18/03/file.png (for March 2018) local_directory_nesting = '' # Set this to True to also use the date-based folder structure on the remote server preserve_folders_on_remote = True