#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from subprocess import call import os from pysftp import Connection from tkinter import Tk, Button from string import ascii_letters, digits from random import choices import config character_pool = ascii_letters + digits def generate_filename(prefix, length): return prefix + ''.join(choices(character_pool, k=length)) + '.png' filename = generate_filename(config.prefix, config.length) with Connection(config.sftp_address, username=config.username, password=config.password) as conn: with conn.cd(config.remote_directory): # there's potential for an endless loop here... while conn.exists(filename): filename = generate_filename(config.prefix, config.length) filepath = os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename) call(["escrotum", "{}".format(filepath), "-s"]) conn.put(filepath) link = config.link_template.format(filename) # copy link to clipboard # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/579687/how-do-i-copy-a-string-to-the-clipboard-on-windows-using-python#4203897 print(link) r = Tk() r.clipboard_clear() r.clipboard_append(link) r.after(2000, sys.exit) # also show a little button that does nothing. # Well, it informs you that your link is ready, so that's something, I guess rButton = Button(r, text=f"{link}", font=("Verdana", 12), bg="black", command=sys.exit) rButton.pack() r.geometry('400x50+700+500') r.mainloop()