# pyshare A simple python script that aims to replace the most basic functionalities (TL Note: the ones I used) of ShareX. This wouldn't be necessary if ShareX had just been developed as a cross-platform project, but I digress. Needless to say, this is being developed for and tested on Linux. If you're on Windows, just use ShareX.\ ~~Only (s)ftp uploads for now~~ I added simple curl commands (like used by 0x0), as well as a small server that can receive them. I should add that the focus will be on a self-hosted server. If you don't care about that, just `curl` 0x0.st or something. #### What works: - Taking area screenshots - Uploading screenshots to (s)ftp - Generating a link from that and putting it into the clipboard #### What's planned - Local file upload - Mirroring url contents on the remote server ### Dependencies `pysftp` which can be installed via pip: ``` $ pip install pysftp ``` `escrotum` which should be available in your favorite package manager (or pre-installed, depending on your distribution and desktop environment). ### Usage Change all the relevant variables in `config.py` and execute ``` $ python3 pyshare ``` Depending on your window manager, you can bind this to a hotkey. To cancel the capture, simply right-click. The script will then, uh, terminate (which is fancy speak for crash because it really doesn't matter).