#!/usr/bin/env python from string import ascii_letters, digits from argparse import ArgumentParser from pysftp import Connection from subprocess import call, check_output from collections import namedtuple from random import choices from datetime import date from PIL import Image import pyperclip import config import time import sys import os import re character_pool = ascii_letters + digits def parse_arguments(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m' '--mode', type=str, dest='mode', default=None, help='Sets the input mode. Allowed values are "screenshot" and "clipboard". Implicit it if file(s) are set.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--files', type=str, nargs='*', dest='files', help='List of files to be uploaded', default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--edit', type=bool, dest='edit', default=False, help='Open the screenshot in gimp to edit it before uploading') return parser.parse_args() def generate_filename(length: int, ext: str) -> str: filename = config.prefix + ''.join(choices(character_pool, k=length)) + '.' + ext return filename def get_local_full_path() -> str: if config.local_directory_nesting: folder = get_date_folder() return os.path.join(config.local_directory, folder) return config.local_directory def get_date_folder() -> str: return date.today().strftime(config.local_directory_nesting) def upload_local_file(path: str) -> None: if config.uploader in ['ftp', 'sftp']: filename = ftp_upload(path) if config.preserve_folders_on_remote: filename = os.path.join(get_date_folder(), filename) url = config.url_template.format(filename) else: url = curl_upload(path) notify_user(url, path) def prepare_file(ext: str) -> str: "Generate a file name according to the config and create folder structure if necessary" full_path = get_local_full_path() if not os.path.exists(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path) tempname = generate_filename(config.length, ext) return os.path.join(get_local_full_path(), tempname) def take_screenshot(edit=False) -> None: file = prepare_file('png') call(['maim', '-suk', file]) Image.open(file).convert('RGB').save(file) if edit: call(['gimp', file]) upload_local_file(file) if not config.keep_local_copies: os.remove(file) def get_extension(filename: str) -> str: """ Returns the extension of a file/full path as a string. Emtpy if the file has no extension. .tar.xx archives are handled accordingly. """ filename = os.path.basename(filename) if re.search('\.tar\.\w{1,4}', filename): num_exts = 2 else: num_exts = 1 extension = '.'.join(filename.split('.')[-num_exts:]) return extension def ftp_upload(sourcefile: str) -> str: def prepare_remote_folder(conn) -> None: "Create the necessary folder(s) on the remote server and change the directory accordingly" if config.preserve_folders_on_remote: full_remote_dir = os.path.join(config.remote_directory, get_date_folder()) else: full_remote_dir = config.remote_directory if not conn.exists(full_remote_dir): conn.makedirs(full_remote_dir) conn.chdir(full_remote_dir) extension = get_extension(sourcefile) with Connection(config.sftp_address, username=config.username, password=config.password, port=config.sftp_port, private_key=config.private_key, private_key_pass=config.private_key_pass) as conn: prepare_remote_folder(conn) extension = get_extension(sourcefile) dest_name = generate_filename(config.length, extension) while conn.exists(dest_name): dest_name = generate_filename(config.length, extension) conn.put(sourcefile, dest_name) return dest_name def curl_upload(filename: str) -> str: return check_output(config.curl_command.format(filename), shell=True).decode()[:-1] def notify_user(url:str, image=None) -> None: print(url) pyperclip.copy(url) if config.enable_thumbnails and image: img = Image.open(image) img.thumbnail((384, 384), Image.ANTIALIAS) thumbnail = os.path.join(config.local_directory, 'thumb.jpg') img.save(thumbnail) call(['notify-send', '-a', 'pyshare', url, '-i', thumbnail, '-t', '3000']) time.sleep(0.2) # delay slightly before deleting the file so notify-send can actually read it os.remove(thumbnail) else: call(['notify-send', '-a', 'pyshare', url, '-t', '3000']) def parse_text(text): if re.match(r'(https?|s?ftp)://', text): mirror_file(text) elif os.path.isfile(text): upload_local_file(text) else: upload_text(text) def mirror_file(text: str): os.chdir(config.local_directory) call(['wget', text]) filename = text.rsplit('/', 1)[1] url = upload_local_file(os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename)) os.remove(os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename)) def upload_text(text): filename = generate_filename(config.length, 'txt') with open(os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename), 'w') as file: file.write(text) url = upload_local_file(os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename)) os.remove(os.path.join(config.local_directory, filename)) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_arguments() if args.mode is None: if args.files is not None: args.mode = 'files' else: args.mode = 'screenshot' if args.mode == 'screenshot': take_screenshot(args.edit) elif args.mode in ('clipboard', 'text', 'b'): parse_text(pyperclip.paste()) else: for file in args.files: upload_local_file(file)