use super::timesheet::{TimePoint, TimeSheet}; use super::todolist::TodoList; use std::default::Default; use std::fmt; use std::io::{self, Write}; use termion::event::Key; use termion::input::TermRead; use tui::backend::TermionBackend; use tui::layout::*; use tui::style::{Color, Style}; use tui::widgets::*; type Terminal = tui::Terminal>>; const JSON_PATH_TIME: &str = "tracc_time.json"; const JSON_PATH_TODO: &str = "tracc_todo.json"; pub enum Mode { Insert, Normal, } #[derive(PartialEq)] enum Focus { Top, Bottom, } pub struct Tracc { todos: TodoList, times: TimeSheet, terminal: Terminal, input_mode: Mode, focus: Focus, } impl Tracc { pub fn new(terminal: Terminal) -> Self { Self { todos: TodoList::open_or_create(JSON_PATH_TODO), times: TimeSheet::open_or_create(JSON_PATH_TIME), terminal, input_mode: Mode::Normal, focus: Focus::Top, } } pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let mut inputs = io::stdin().keys(); loop { self.refresh()?; // I need to find a better way to handle inputs. This is awful. let input =; match self.input_mode { Mode::Normal => match input { Key::Char('q') => break, Key::Char('j') => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.selection_down(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.selection_down(), }, Key::Char('k') => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.selection_up(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.selection_up(), }, Key::Char('o') => { match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.insert(Default::default(), None), Focus::Bottom => self.times.insert(TimePoint::new(""), None), } self.set_mode(Mode::Insert)?; } Key::Char('a') | Key::Char('A') => self.set_mode(Mode::Insert)?, Key::Char(' ') => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.toggle_current(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.toggle_current(), }, // dd Key::Char('d') => { if let Key::Char('d') = { match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.remove_current(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.remove_current(), } } } Key::Char('p') => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.paste(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.paste(), }, Key::Char('\t') => { self.focus = match self.focus { Focus::Top => Focus::Bottom, Focus::Bottom => Focus::Top, } } _ => (), }, Mode::Insert => match input { Key::Char('\n') | Key::Esc => self.set_mode(Mode::Normal)?, Key::Backspace => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.backspace(), Focus::Bottom => self.times.backspace(), }, Key::Char(x) => match self.focus { Focus::Top => self.todos.append_to_current(x), Focus::Bottom => self.times.append_to_current(x), }, _ => (), }, }; } self.terminal.clear()?; persist_state(&self.todos, &self.times); Ok(()) } fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode) -> Result<(), io::Error> { match mode { Mode::Insert => self.terminal.show_cursor()?, Mode::Normal => { self.todos.normal_mode(); self.times.normal_mode(); self.terminal.hide_cursor()? } }; self.input_mode = mode; Ok(()) } fn refresh(&mut self) -> Result<(), io::Error> { fn selectable_list<'a, C: AsRef>( title: &'a str, content: &'a [C], selected: Option, ) -> SelectableList<'a> { SelectableList::default() .block( Block::default() .title(title) .borders(Borders::TOP | Borders::RIGHT | Borders::LEFT), ) .items(content) .select(selected.into()) .highlight_style(Style::default().fg(Color::LightGreen)) .highlight_symbol(">") } let printable_todos = self.todos.printable(); let top_focus = Some(self.todos.selected).filter(|_| self.focus == Focus::Top); let printable_times = self.times.printable(); let bottom_focus = Some(self.times.selected).filter(|_| self.focus == Focus::Bottom); let total_time = self.times.sum_as_str(); let times = self.times.time_by_tasks(); self.terminal.draw(|mut frame| { let size = frame.size(); let chunks = Layout::default() .direction(Direction::Vertical) .constraints( [ Constraint::Percentage(42), Constraint::Percentage(42), Constraint::Percentage(16), ] .as_ref(), ) .split(size); selectable_list(" t r a c c ", &printable_todos, top_focus) .render(&mut frame, chunks[0]); selectable_list(" 🕑 ", &printable_times, bottom_focus).render(&mut frame, chunks[1]); Paragraph::new( [Text::raw(format!( "Sum for today: {}\n{}", total_time, times ))] .iter(), ) .block(Block::default().borders(Borders::ALL)) .render(&mut frame, chunks[2]); })?; Ok(()) } } fn persist_state(todos: &TodoList, times: &TimeSheet) { fn write(path: &str, content: String) { std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(path) .ok() .or_else(|| panic!("Can’t save state to JSON. Dumping raw data:\n{}", content)) .map(|mut f| f.write(content.as_bytes())); } let todos = serde_json::to_string(&todos.todos).unwrap(); write(JSON_PATH_TODO, todos); let times = serde_json::to_string(×.times).unwrap(); write(JSON_PATH_TIME, times); } pub trait ListView { // get properties of implementations fn selection_pointer(&mut self) -> &mut usize; fn list(&mut self) -> &mut Vec; fn register(&mut self) -> &mut Option; // specific input handling fn backspace(&mut self); fn append_to_current(&mut self, chr: char); fn normal_mode(&mut self); fn toggle_current(&mut self); // selection manipulation fn selection_up(&mut self) { *self.selection_pointer() = self.selection_pointer().saturating_sub(1); } fn selection_down(&mut self) { *self.selection_pointer() = (*self.selection_pointer() + 1).min(self.list().len().saturating_sub(1)); } // adding/removing elements fn insert(&mut self, item: T, position: Option) { let pos = position.unwrap_or(*self.selection_pointer()); if pos == self.list().len().saturating_sub(1) { self.list().push(item); *self.selection_pointer() = self.list().len() - 1; } else { self.list().insert(pos + 1, item); *self.selection_pointer() = pos + 1; } } fn remove_current(&mut self) { if self.list().is_empty() { return; } let index = *self.selection_pointer(); *self.selection_pointer() = index.min(self.list().len().saturating_sub(2)); *self.register() = self.list().remove(index).into(); } fn paste(&mut self) { let register = self.register().clone(); match register { Some(item) => self.insert(item, None), None => (), } } // printing fn printable(&mut self) -> Vec { self.list().iter().map(T::to_string).collect() } }